Well-Known Member
Lol, come on! Exagerating A bit?Coming from the guy who goes around the site fellating Uncle Ben...
Lol, come on! Exagerating A bit?Coming from the guy who goes around the site fellating Uncle Ben...
Seen some bad footage of american police,when i was growing up we used to get the odd beating but now our police force are very good really all though i still hate the fuckers
Jefferson having to go fight the Barbary Pirates was because they had been seizing American merchant ships and holding them and their crew for ransom. They demanded that the United States pay a tribute to prevent this from happening, and Jefferson said no. Had very little to do with Islam and more to do with plain old piracy. To make such an assumption like that is like for me to say because European privateers and pirates were Christian, Christianity was behind all the European pirate attacks.
TL;DRWhat stAtistics?
You brought up the subject of statistics, I just thought maybe you had something worthwhile to say.
YepYou're not that dumb, are you?
Ya idk who started this whole eye for an eye thing but for sure we all need to grow up about it.. And last I checked Christians weren't beheading Muslim journalists anywhere... Tho Christians have there own quirks we really need to prioritize the abolishing of whacky religions to the ones currently beheading people
That's really interesting what you say about the radiation and the suicide rates in ft Collins. Is it called ft Collins because it's a base? Like is there a modern day base there with a high military/veteran aspect to the comunity?
Oh, just crazy people. Got it.And those are just crazy people. (The bottom one percent of any group will be crazy assholes) I know Christians who are lining up to get those baby parts injected into their bodies... I myself am going to ask for a double dose of bad decision stem cells! (I am not a Christian)
It's been maybe 20 deaths by crazy Christian over the last 5 years with abortion clinic bombings and attacks.. Maybe a few more but not many more.. Now how many people have been killed because of Islam in that same time frame? I wouldn't even know where to begin but I'd wagers it's wayyyyyy north of 10,000... Those odds are a bit out of balance..
Not saying Christian extremeists don't need stamping out its just not a leading concern right now..
And those are just crazy people. (The bottom one percent of any group will be crazy assholes) I know Christians who are lining up to get those baby parts injected into their bodies... I myself am going to ask for a double dose of bad decision stem cells! (I am not a Christian)
It's been maybe 20 deaths by crazy Christian over the last 5 years with abortion clinic bombings and attacks.. Maybe a few more but not many more.. Now how many people have been killed because of Islam in that same time frame? I wouldn't even know where to begin but I'd wagers it's wayyyyyy north of 10,000... Those odds are a bit out of balance..
Not saying Christian extremeists don't need stamping out its just not a leading concern right now..
Who were those pirates? Who are the pirates off Africa right now doing the same thing? Who were the Pirates that effected mid evil europe? They all read the same book I hate to tell ya.. Or there communities to the very least and the economy was influenced enough to where piracy was the main and only way to survive because of a certain book...
It doesn't say in the bible to pillage and enslave either..
"The Tripoli Muslim ambassador was very straightforward. He said, basically, "That's what we do. We are commanded to do so by Allah." Jefferson later wrote that the Tripoli ambassador told him, "It was written in their Koran that all nations which had not acknowledged the Prophet were sinners, whom it was the right and duty of the faithful to plunder and enslave; and that every mussulman (Muslim) who was slain in this warfare was sure to go to Paradise."
If the bible said "go be a pirate" then I would agree with your comparison but it's not similar.
Oh, just crazy people. Got it.
You really want me to point out all the places in the Bible where none subservience to the Lord = death, disease and famine? Or where it's the duty of Christians to proselytize, or put to death people who don't believe in God?
"If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. "
The Crusades had very little to do with Islamic piracy and more about greed, power, wealth, and the Byzantines getting scared.
It was originally Camp Collins, named after the colonel who settled it.
Relatively small military presence here making the place feel fairly liberal for a town of its size.
Both the extremely clean (.05 EC) municipal water and the radioactive soil are naturally occurring here.
For a boatload of right wing nutjobs, just head south to Colorado Springs, where just the other day one of them shot up a Planned Parenthood.
Lets tally up them votes, shall we?
why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?
Damn Muslims!
white males have a natural propensity to violence, crime and terrorism
6 vote(s)
white males need to evolve from the neck up
3 vote(s)
it's the white male culture
2 vote(s)
3 vote(s)
14.3%- *
9 vote(s)
4 vote(s)
mainly just stomping it down the drain
2 vote(s)
I guess I disagree. If we're going to start holding religions accountable for what anyone might do in their name, I can think of none better to start with than Christians... specifically Baptists.
I mean, Good grief!
I guess I disagree. If we're going to start holding religions accountable for what anyone might do in their name, I can think of none better to start with than Christians... specifically Baptists.
I mean, Good grief!