another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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Yes, true.

Not at all. I know plenty of white thugs.. Ever been to flint Michigan? I'd wager there's just as many hood whites as blacks. Lol Lansing Michigan.... Not even gonna get started there.... Wigger culture is very strong there...

It's not a race thing it's a behavior thing... Use the brown case for example... Dude was a thug plain and simple and the black community would have you believe he never did a bad thing in his life. Him being a thug bad nothi to do with him being black either it's more about his gang relations and his activitys prior to the shooting..

Look at the shoe bomber in Detroit Michigan... Black guy recruited into Islam... He's a terrorist not a thug...

Life is much more nuanced then you might think... Stereotypes generally exist for a reason.... Ever been to Detroit? Il show you some real fuckin thugs my man... They will eat you alive and have your car scrapped before your dead.. Dudes from Chicago and atl and everyother major city hold a kernel of fear for the real crazies in Detroit... There's nothing left to lose down there. The cops are in on it, the locals don't fight it because it's the only influx of money the community has, and the people in charge just keep getting richer... That's where you get the stereotype of "the black thug" they for real exist.. And there's plenty of white thugs floating around in there too don't forget.. Thuggery is confusing cause it's not even alwYs location based... Sometimes kids in rural America go all thug for whatever reason...

Here's a good example of a white thug..

That is irrelevant because they invaded Iraq because of fraudulent intel and not in the name of a deity.

Maybe not so fraudulent. There was a chemical weapons facility that was hit by the 75th regimen and they are bound by classified laws that keeps them from revealing what THEY found that day.. The vibe I get was it was for sure chemical weapons...

Now why would they hid that? It probably had "made in America" stamped on it from when we supplied sadam vs Iran.... How else do you think they were so sure?

If Intel came out like that with the conspiracy filled internet that would be a wrap lol... You'd have occupy all over again.

IMO we had reason to go... but probably not enough... So I'd have to guess Saudi and Pakistan played a big part in dangling the carrot so to say... They were for sure behind the Arab portion of the 9/11 theatrics..

Edit to change WE to THEY in no way shape or form am I connected to the 75th.. My source is a book by the Rangers themselves and Marty skovlund junior called "violence of action"
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Maybe not so fraudulent. There was a chemical weapons facility that was hit by the 75th regimen and they are bound by classified laws that keeps them from revealing what we found that day.. The vibe I get was it was for sure chemical weapons...

Now why would they hid that? It probably had "made in America" stamped on it from when we supplied sadam vs Iran.... How else do you think they were so sure?

If Intel came out like that with the conspiracy filled internet that would be a wrap lol... You'd have occupy all over again.

IMO we had reason to go... but probably not enough... So I'd have to guess Saudi and Pakistan played a big part in dangling the carrot so to say... They were for sure behind the Arab portion of the 9/11 theatrics..


There was all kinds of fuckery surrounding 9/11 and the GWOT but the backbone was real. Wahhabi and Sunni Islamist were running wild over there... Bin Ladin very much was an asshole even his own family has said so.

In my opinion it was a learning experience the world had to go through in order to finally combat radical Islam at its heart... Namely Saudi Arabia and Pakistan with a dash of Iran.. Let Russia duke it out in Iraq and Afghanistan and we can follow the Intel back home and strike at the heads... I hope anyway.. Saudi is about out of oil so I'd be willing to wager their usefulness is about up and their shit will be put up with for about 8 seconds after they run out of oil..
OK then, this guy who shot up the Planned Parenthood; Terrorist, Thug, or mentally ill lone wolf?

Did he get orders I'm not totally familiar with it all yet?

But even if he's all 3 it's a situation that can be handled by local aithorities.. It's barely a papercut in the big picture.

Have you see pictures from inside the bataclan theatre right after the attacks before it was cleaned up? Those guys go orders from guys who got orders from guys who got orders from guys who read a book that gives them advice on what orders to give from a dude that died almost 1400 years ago... That's the kinda shit that needs a wave of social justice warriors to go after but for whatever reason everyone wants to bitch about safe spaces and cutting off penises it's ridiculous!
Christianity has been producing terrorists for millennia. It is one of the most barbaric traditions in history.

Idk about all that... It's definitely up there but I'm pretty sure the ancient Romans were worse and they weren't Christian yet.. Ghengis khan is another one.. Hitler the good atheist... Xerxes and his pop dharius were some super nice Zoroastrians... The Germanic tribes weren't brutal at all.. Pretty much all of South America and Africa are pretty horrendous without any Christianity... Pretty much people suck