another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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Christianity has by far the most violent history of all religions. It may have originated from a Jewish messiah or what ever, but as an organization, it is the remnant of the Roman empire. Its leader is the inheritor of the of the power of Ceasar. All future denominations and sects thereof are likewise governed by the very same biblical cannon set forth by the council of Nicea.

Christendom is the religion of war. At no time in its history has it ever been a force for good or reduced conflict in the world. Maybe "domestic terrorists" are rare (not as rare as domestic terrorists of other faiths) but there are no shortage of crusaders, even now.

That's all we need. Everyone has to do it. And we can change the world by changing ourselves and teach our young ones how to believe in those two words. Don't matter what race, what religion, how rich or poor you are, social economics. None of that matters if EVERYONE could start to live by those two words.

Peace and love to all.

That's all we need. Everyone has to do it. And we can change the world by changing ourselves and teach our young ones how to believe in those two words. Don't matter what race, what religion, how rich or poor you are, social economics. None of that matters if EVERYONE could start to live by those two words.

Peace and love to all.

That's all well and good but what do you do when a raiding force shows up to your door because your prime for the pickin? Offer them flowers? Worked great for the Mayans...
Christians weren't beheading Muslim journalists anywhere...

yeah, we were too busy bulldozing them into piles and burying them in shallow graves since we killed a whopping 500,000 innocent men, women, and children in iraq alone.

beheading would have just been inefficient next to bulldozing.
... black lives matter... ...stupid social justice warriors...more white people have been slaves...get off your fucking high horse about this recent blip in the slavery time line......Nothing a colonial slave owner did to a slave even compares to the old days... ...

where do you get your klan outfit laundered?
Because it is a minimal attack.. I'm very much trying to minimize it.. There's much bigger pressing matters at hand... Those few people who died in ft Collins will be forgotten real quick when China wants war.... If Russia decides to truly see how big of balls the world has it could get super dicey too.. Modern warfare can only go 2 ways... Long and drawn out with rules and a full occupation or TERRIBLE TERRIBLE destruction that's over quick... Either way the people lose

Christians freaking out and killing people from their own country is an internal issue we can handle.. Dealing with outside forces influencing our future through various ways is something that can't be handled with the current set up.

Look at the recent article about the Americans helping Isis on Twitter, there's thousands of people fitting a war on the psyche of the weak all around the world. Whether it be in prison with the Muslim brotherhood or on Twitter with there planned assaults on hashtags Nd recruiting through finding the downtrodden and confused... No different then Christianity really but they are being recruited to commit violence and destruction... Christians just want 10% of your paycheck so they can fight against gay marriage lol..

Speaking of... How come no ones bringing up the Mormons... And all their crazy Islam like tendancies.... If I wanted to point out how crazy Christians were compared to Islam I would use the Mormons for my example... Buncha special underwear kinda nuts...

You have no argument from me regarding apprehension from having a Christian religious cult with a violent past and nutty ideas owning the State of Utah in the US.

Otherwise, you seem desensitized to murder.
when confronted with violence while people Beta up more times then not. Minorities don't.... there's a point that everything escalates and whether the police started the encounter down that road or what it just seems to go full retard in cases with minorities much more then with non minority's.

i'm sure there is some really convincing science to go with this assertion. please show it.
It's been maybe 20 deaths by crazy Christian over the last 5 years with abortion clinic bombings and attacks.. Maybe a few more but not many more.. Now how many people have been killed because of Islam in that same time frame?

right wing extremists: 34

jihadists: 23

(as of april 2014)

don't worry, right wing extremists like you and your KKK ilk are still way ahead in the count.
You seem pretty eager to overlook those 1.5 million dead in Iraq caused by invasion of Iraq under the leadership of the evangelist Christian, GWB.

i only count the 500,000 or so direct deaths, not those million extra 'incidental' deaths caused by things like us cutting off their electric, sanitation, access to medicine, food, hospitals, clean water and the like.

but i do believe in the validity of the 1.5 million number just the same.
Fighting over what piece of shit religion is better is like fighting over a polished and non polished turd.

Have you ever tried to polish a turd? I have. Shit ain't fun.

I have also made shit-chips. Those are fun. Ok, what you do is drop a deuce in plastic wrap and you freeze it. Preferably in something you hardly use. Once frozen you wait for a night you go out, to a bar or house party, or whatever. And you slice your frozen log into chip sized shit wafers. And when you are out and about you casually toss these chips in unsuspecting places. I did this to a couple girls at their house party a decade or two ago... they hired a cleaning company to clean their entire house, they had to stay with friends for a few days. Honestly the single greatest prank I've ever played on anyone.
Have you ever tried to polish a turd? I have. Shit ain't fun.

I have also made shit-chips. Those are fun. Ok, what you do is drop a deuce in plastic wrap and you freeze it. Preferably in something you hardly use. Once frozen you wait for a night you go out, to a bar or house party, or whatever. And you slice your frozen log into chip sized shit wafers. And when you are out and about you casually toss these chips in unsuspecting places. I did this to a couple girls at their house party a decade or two ago... they hired a cleaning company to clean their entire house, they had to stay with friends for a few days. Honestly the single greatest prank I've ever played on anyone.

You could defrost it a bit and use an egg slicer to speed up the process.

egg slicer.jpg
are white people really so lazy and stupid that they cannot figure out how to slice an egg without a specialized piece of machinery?
Have you ever tried to polish a turd? I have. Shit ain't fun.

I have also made shit-chips. Those are fun. Ok, what you do is drop a deuce in plastic wrap and you freeze it. Preferably in something you hardly use. Once frozen you wait for a night you go out, to a bar or house party, or whatever. And you slice your frozen log into chip sized shit wafers. And when you are out and about you casually toss these chips in unsuspecting places. I did this to a couple girls at their house party a decade or two ago... they hired a cleaning company to clean their entire house, they had to stay with friends for a few days. Honestly the single greatest prank I've ever played on anyone.

I think you were raised on shit-chips.