another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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You may want to take into consideration mental health care has gone to shit since about 2000.
I'm thinking it's probably whitey that seeks mental health issues more than say any other race.
Now research from the 80s prompted discontinuing "affective" medications and more and more ssri and such were written.
I know you're 100 percent right ALL THE TIME so maybe you can put this puzzle together for me.
Is it the white male or is it mental health care and health care in general that has caused the surge in shootings (since around 2000).

Mental Health care has gone to shit since deinstitutionalisation.
All of this is a product of media induced fear. Not that i dont blame Christianity for it as well. I hate religion. I look at religious people kinda as dirt worshipers.

I spoke with a lady that was in the planned parenthood last night. I work for a bad credit auto company. She was calling in because she was scared we were going to shut off her car due to late payment. But this was a woman that was mentally distraught. Very sad.

But religion in my government is something i will always be against. I dont need people beliefs of magic men in the sky deciding weather a scientist is right or not. This countries media and government is fueled by bigotry, fear, and money. and not just race. The whole system needs a version 2.0. From term limits to all federal seats, to a more accurate and fair voting system, bringing back Glass Steagall to overturning Citizens united. When Walmart employess collect 6.2 billion in welfare due to the greed of few people we have a problem. When a person can walk into a movie theater and shoot the crowd we have an issue.
A lot of these things can be fixed with education. First we have to fix that and this stupid standardized testing.

But the biggest thing that has to change is the mentality of only fighting for one issue. Dont miss the forest for the trees. The younger generations have this issue imo.

Being against abortion has nothing to do with religion. SCIENCE states that life begins at conception, the Declaration of Independence defines it as tyranny that impedes upon inalienable rights, and it clearly violates the 5th amendment.
Just keeping you honest. A shame that anyone with any amount of education would defend any religion. :shock:
What are you talking about? Keeping me honest? Regarding what? So you are saying that GW and his administration did not lead this country into war in Iraq and that Congress took the lead. Umm, no.

Defend religion? Huh? Jeez, where did you learn to read? Let me guess. In bathroom stalls.
Being against abortion has nothing to do with religion. SCIENCE states that life begins at conception, the Declaration of Independence defines it as tyranny that impedes upon inalienable rights, and it clearly violates the 5th amendment.
Well, I guess if you would be willing to carry all those babies to term, you might find some takers. Those little lives that you care so deeply for are not going to make it on their own. Women have the right to not carry it.
Well, I guess if you would be willing to carry all those babies to term, you might find some takers. Those little lives that you care so deeply for are not going to make it on their own. Women have the right to not carry it.

You can say the same thing about an infant, child, terminally ill, disabled, or elderly person dependant on others. Dependency doesn't invalidate one's right to life.
Mental Health care has gone to shit since deinstitutionalisation.

Are you antidisinstitutionalarianism? Not to be confused with antidisestablishmentarianism.

Pow, right in the kisser. Pow, right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Pow, right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Pow, right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser. Pow, right in the kisser. Pow right in the kisser.

Not according to ~1.2 billion people.
Ha, lawyer speak me not good at. I was speaking about the US.

If @Lord Kanti wants to drivel on about this issue that's still burning in other countries, well then I'll just say he's wrong. His understanding of "science" of life is absurd too.
Ha, lawyer speak me not good at. I was speaking about the US.

If @Lord Kanti wants to drivel on about this issue that's still burning in other countries, well then I'll just say he's wrong. His understanding of "science" of life is absurd too.

Life begins at conception. That's scientific fact.
Humans dont
"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization(conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2]

You've obviously failed elementary biology and English. Perhaps you should stick with something your level. Perhaps arts and crafts would be a safe bet, so long as they don't involve scissors and the paste is nontoxic.
Being against abortion has nothing to do with religion. SCIENCE states that life begins at conception, the Declaration of Independence defines it as tyranny that impedes upon inalienable rights, and it clearly violates the 5th amendment.
Being against abortion is all about religion. The religious principal to not kill or take life.
Also "rights" dont start till you are a citizen of the United states. That don't happen till you have a birth certificate and social security number. So pipe down.
Whats really shameful is "where is the male" in all these abortions. I got a girl pregnant once. Or at least thats what she told me after she got an abortion. Where was my rights? Oh thats right i dont have have any. Not my body, not my choice.