another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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Another left wing black male goes on rampage of terrorism in Louisiana
Where does it say anything about his political affiliation?

According to the police, "Police said two groups of people turned their guns on each other in the Nov. 22 shooting", so it sounds a lot more like this was gang violence than anything political

It's totally transparent of you though to label him "left wing". I'm assuming that's all projection because all of the crazy shit conservatives believe in is actually causing real death in America and Americans are more likely to be killed by a domestic right-wing terrorist than by any other kind of terrorist or political affiliation.
Where does it say anything about his political affiliation?

According to the police, "Police said two groups of people turned their guns on each other in the Nov. 22 shooting", so it sounds a lot more like this was gang violence than anything political

It's totally transparent of you though to label him "left wing". I'm assuming that's all projection because all of the crazy shit conservatives believe in is actually causing real death in America and Americans are more likely to be killed by a domestic right-wing terrorist than by any other kind of terrorist or political affiliation.
You caught the bait. I was expecting it to be bearkat, but you will do just fine.

How is it any different than the creator of this thread assuming the Colorado shooter was a right-winger?
Especially when now we know he wasn't. He was just some crazy loner living in a crap shack with no electricity, and no running water.

If I told you that by far more violent people are Democrats as oppose to Republican, would you believe me?
You caught the bait. I was expecting it to be bearkat, but you will do just fine.

How is it any different than the creator of this thread assuming the Colorado shooter was a right-winger?
Especially when now we know he wasn't. He was just some crazy loner living in a crap shack with no electricity, and no running water.

If I told you that by far more violent people are Democrats as oppose to Republican, would you believe me?
Except Dear is a right-wing terrorist. His neighbors reported he passed out anti-Obama propaganda and he shot up a Planned Parenthood and murdered three people because he believed the right-wing propaganda the GOP has been perpetuating.

There is nothing political about the example you posted

You don't want to admit right-wing terrorism is on the rise specifically because of the things they, as well as their party, believe

That'd be the difference...
Except Dear is a right-wing terrorist. His neighbors reported he passed out anti-Obama propaganda and he shot up a Planned Parenthood and murdered three people because he believed the right-wing propaganda the GOP has been perpetuating.

There is nothing political about the example you posted

You don't want to admit right-wing terrorism is on the rise specifically because of the things they, as well as their party, believe

That'd be the difference...
That's all hearsay. He had a long history of mental illness. It doesn't make an entire group of people responsible.
Many people speak out against what planned parenthood is doing, that doesn't mean they are a right winger. Hell, it doesn't even make them pro-life.
That's all hearsay. He had a long history of mental illness. It doesn't make an entire group of people responsible.
Many people speak out against what planned parenthood is doing, that doesn't mean they are a right winger. Hell, it doesn't even make them pro-life.
"No more baby parts!"

His motivations are crystal clear, whether he had a history of mental illness or not, he targetted Planned Parenthood because he believed they were selling baby parts, just like the republican party has been spouting since Spring

Furthermore, if he's mentally ill, why the fuck does he own a gun?

You assholes need to take some fuckin' responsibility for the crazy shit you believe in that leads people to murder innocent people in the name of it.
I wonder if Farooq Muhammad Saeed would have voted for Hillary or Bernie.

No, he voted for Hussein Obama in the landslide Kenyan election right after celebrating the successful Benghazi attacks that he and Hillary planned while communicating through her private emails on her government phone. All while being a board member on those pesky death panels.

Fucking moron.
"No more baby parts!"

His motivations are crystal clear, whether he had a history of mental illness or not, he targetted Planned Parenthood because he believed they were selling baby parts, just like the republican party has been spouting since Spring

Furthermore, if he's mentally ill, why the fuck does he own a gun?

You assholes need to take some fuckin' responsibility for the crazy shit you believe in that leads people to murder innocent people in the name of it.
Name one person on the right who believes mentally ill people should own a gun...
You're argument is ridiculous. The fact is, planned parenthood IS selling baby parts. Obviously people are upset about it. The difference is, mentally ill people exacerbate their anger in a different way. Which is often times violent. Much like felons, crazy people should not own guns.... And that it where the REAL problem lies. How do we find and identify these people without Democrats going overboard and unjustly confiscating weapons from people who are legally allowed to have them?
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Another left wing black male goes on rampage of terrorism in Louisiana

He'll no doubt be labeled as a terrorist.
Name one person on the right who believes mentally ill people should own a gun...
You're argument is ridiculous. The fact is, planned parenthood IS selling baby parts. Obviously people are upset about it. The difference is, mentally ill people exacerbate their anger in a different way. Which is often times violent. Much like felons, crazy people should not own guns.... And that it where the REAL problem lies. How do we find and identify these people without Democrats going overboard and unjustly confiscating weapons from people who are justly allowed to have them?

Name one person on the right actively doing something about it.. Straw man, meet.... straw man.
The fact is, planned parenthood IS selling baby parts.
No they're not, they donate fetal tissue from abortions to science to study diseases that saves lives. How the fuck many more investigations does your retarded ass need to prove it to you?

Perpetuating this lie has gotten 3 innocent people killed

How do we find and identify these people without Democrats going overboard and unjustly confiscating weapons from people who should be allowed to have them?
Here's what's going to happen.. If your party doesn't fix this problem, the American people will. You want to keep your guns, then fix the fucking problem or we'll fix it for you just like Australia did. With every mass shooting, more and more Americans are coming over to the common sense side of the issue and leaving your dumbass party behind. Now is your chance, double down and deny the shit you believe is the problem, blame it on "left-wing terrorists" or transgendered people, or the mentally ill and watch what happens.
Why would you assume it doesn't apply to Muslims?

That statement applies to any crazy fuck-knob who's fairy tale beliefs end up killing innocent people, including Muslims

Maybe I have missed it but I have never seen you speak out against Muslims. I always see you defend them over the fucktards, Christians.
No they're not, they donate fetal tissue from abortions to science to study diseases that saves lives. How the fuck many more investigations does your retarded ass need to prove it to you?

Perpetuating this lie has gotten 3 innocent people killed

Here's what's going to happen.. If your party doesn't fix this problem, the American people will. You want to keep your guns, then fix the fucking problem or we'll fix it for you just like Australia did. With every mass shooting, more and more Americans are coming over to the common sense side of the issue and leaving your dumbass party behind. Now is your chance, double down and deny the shit you believe is the problem, blame it on "left-wing terrorists" or transgendered people, or the mentally ill and watch what happens.
Let's be honest. You don't want a discussion, just name calling and finger pointing. Your emotioms have flown way off the handle, especially with you now citing transgenders.:?

fetal tissue = body parts ( i.e: full intact liver, heart, head, etc)
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