another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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Let's be honest. You don't want a discussion, just name calling and finger pointing. Your emotioms have flown way off the handle, especially now citing transgenders.

fetal tissue = body parts ( i.e: intact liver, heart, head, etc)
"Sale" = money being exchanged

What don't you understand about this? PP DONATES the tissues, they do not receive ANY MONEY for it. GOP talking points have implied PP sells the tissues so the people at PP can make money. The GOP LED investigation that wasted millions of taxpayers dollars didn't find what you are claiming, PP didn't do anything wrong, there were no convictions, nothing
"Sale" = money being exchanged

What don't you understand about this? PP DONATES the tissues, they do not receive ANY MONEY for it. GOP talking points have implied PP sells the tissues so the people at PP can make money. The GOP LED investigation that wasted millions of taxpayers dollars didn't find what you are claiming, PP didn't do anything wrong, there were no convictions, nothing

One would think the object of planned parenthood would be to have as few customers as possible making it effective and positive.
One would think the object of planned parenthood would be to have as few customers as possible making it effective and positive.
Sure, if abortion was the only thing PP does, which is obviously false

"Planned Parenthood is one of the nation's leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation's largest provider of sex education."
"Sale" = money being exchanged

What don't you understand about this? PP DONATES the tissues, they do not receive ANY MONEY for it. GOP talking points have implied PP sells the tissues so the people at PP can make money. The GOP LED investigation that wasted millions of taxpayers dollars didn't find what you are claiming, PP didn't do anything wrong, there were no convictions, nothing
Haven't we been over this before? Are you sure you want to go down the profit for planned parenthood road? Cecile Richards is the synthesis of Cruella De Vil.


Sure, if abortion was the only thing PP does, which is obviously false

"Planned Parenthood is one of the nation's leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation's largest provider of sex education."

Wouldn`t it then be Unplanned Parenthood ?
Haven't we been over this before? Are you sure you want to go down the profit for planned parenthood road? Cecile Richards is the synthesis of Cruella De Vil.
Then why didn't the GOP-led investigation convict her for any wrongdoing or criminal action?

I'm pretty sure gaining profit for selling aborted fetus' is illegal
I see the emotional arguments you have made but....if the basis of a persons argument against an abortion is that the unborn should have some rights to live, it wouldn't matter how the unborn thing ( fetus / baby / person) acquired life to begin with.

The question then becomes does the unborn have any rights and if so does the unborn product of a consensual sex act have more right to live than an unborn of a nonconsensual sex act?

Also, it seems like your utilitarian idea to put chemicals in a public water supply might be a little controlling of others bodies. I sure hope you aren't a prohibitionist too.

And you make a very valid argument. In either case I guess im of the opinion that your life starts when you start crying. I could even see an argument for a heartbeat.
And yes it does seem like a very utilitarian idea. And it is controlling of other bodies. But not anymore controlling then telling a woman what to do with her body.

.... are you suggesting that Christians are pro life so they can get more seats filled at church?

That's one of the weirdest things I've heard on RIU.

Congrats. Lol

I can totally believe this. Just like some desperate dirt worshipers to increase their coffers.

Also, there was another mass shooting today. By crazy white people. But we need more guns.
And you make a very valid argument. In either case I guess im of the opinion that your life starts when you start crying. I could even see an argument for a heartbeat.
And yes it does seem like a very utilitarian idea. And it is controlling of other bodies. But not anymore controlling then telling a woman what to do with her body.

I can totally believe this. Just like some desperate dirt worshipers to increase their coffers.

Also, there was another mass shooting today. By crazy white people. But we need more guns.

Thanks for your polite response. I think we agree that nobody should tell anybody what to do with their OWN body.

As far as the gun discussion, I think we hold different view points.

Since nobody should tell anybody what to do with their OWN body, what if a larger stronger man is trying to assault a woman ? If the woman were armed or thought by the assailant to possibly be armed, wouldn't that ability to defend herself be a good thing ? Wouldn't the possibility of her being armed serve to deter would be assailants ?
Really? How much more affordable would Planned Parenthood’s services be were not its corporate bosses and affiliate CEOs making big bucks? For that 2012 reporting period, PPFA’s 12-member executive team tallied a combined income of $3.87 million.

When questioned by The Daily Caller in October 2012 about what was thought at the time to be an “almost $400,000 salary,” Richards responded, “None of my salary is paid for by the federal government.”

But if “[n]early half of Planned Parenthood patients rely on Medicaid coverage,” as Planned Parenthood states, does Richards really think she’d be making the same coin were government funding – to the tune of $540.6 million in FY 2012-13 – removed from Planned Parenthood’s total revenue of $1.210 billion?

And actually, The Daily Caller was well over $100,000 off on Richards’ salary.

Turns out Richards made $583,323 during Fiscal Year 2011 (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). This represented a whopping 39% pay increase from the year before that, when she “only” made $420,153.

So, actually, Richards’ 2012 salary of $523,616 represented a 10% pay cut.

But this was because she took time off from Planned Parenthood to campaign for President Obama’s reelection – which paid off for Planned Parenthood handsomely via windfall income via Obamacare and other government funding streams, only kept flowing by Obama and other pro-abortion politicians.

"Planned Parenthood is one of the nation's leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation's largest provider of sex education." <---you really believe that shit?
Thanks for your polite response. I think we agree that nobody should tell anybody what to do with their OWN body.
Especially 13 year old children you want to have sex with.

Direct question to you rob roy.
Can a 13 year old consent to sex with an adult?
Yes or no?
So, actually, Richards’ 2012 salary of $523,616 represented a 10% pay cut.

"Planned Parenthood is one of the nation's leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care for women, men, and young people, and the nation's largest provider of sex education." <---you really believe that shit?

Combined revenue of 1.3 billion operating over 700 facilities here and abroad.
how much is the CEO making?

And yes planned parenthood is the largest provider of sex education in the USA. Maybe the Evangelical Christians can make a dent in that number by teaching it.
Combined revenue of 1.3 billion operating over 700 facilities here and abroad.
how much is the CEO making?

And yes planned parenthood is the largest provider of sex education in the USA. Maybe the Evangelical Christians can make a dent in that number by teaching it.

They teach sex ed in school by teachers (not planned parenthood).
Where is all this planned parenthood sex ed going on at?

The CEO and her entire top staff are making way more than the taxpayers should have to contribute (I know we don't pay all of it so don't start on with the stupid right wing person shit). How is her making that much contributing to our social welfare? You people act like the planned parenthood "saints" are helping so many "parenthood planners", however their prices are higher than many other places that don't receive as much aid from the government.
They teach sex ed in school by teachers (not planned parenthood).
Where is all this planned parenthood sex ed going on at?

The CEO and her entire top staff are making way more than the taxpayers should have to contribute (I know we don't pay all of it so don't start on with the stupid right wing person shit). How is her making that much contributing to our social welfare? You people act like the planned parenthood "saints" are helping so many "parenthood planners", however their prices are higher than many other places that don't receive as much aid from the government.
Oh I see, when it's liberals saying CEO's make too much (325 times the average employee), they're jealous, but when conservatives do it, hey, they're just looking out for the taxpayers...

OK buddy, OK...
Oh I see, when it's liberals saying CEO's make too much (325 times the average employee), they're jealous, but when conservatives do it, hey, they're just looking out for the taxpayers...

OK buddy, OK...
These people receive tax money for being non-profit. That's why I am disturbed.
Especially 13 year old children you want to have sex with.

Direct question to you rob roy.
Can a 13 year old consent to sex with an adult?
Yes or no?

Now see? You're a little confused here, Prohibitionist. When I WAS 13, I wanted to have sex with an 18 year old chick (an "adult").

I would have consented to it with her, but alas it didn't happen. Does that answer your question?

Now, it's your turn...If a person advocates laws that prohibit something, oh I don't know like jailing people for cannabis related activity, like you have...are they a prohibitionist ? Yes or no, Prohibitionist.
Does it disturb you that Walmart employees utilize $6.2 billion annually in social safety net programs funded by American taxpayers because their employer doesn't pay them a high enough salary to survive?

Does it disturb you to know that situation only exists because a corporation like Walmart is a government construct and is provided protection by government ?

That's an example of one coercion based monopoly (your beloved government) creating the template for and enabling a problem which you then expect them to solve. More gasoline for your fire extinguishing efforts sir?
Now see? You're a little confused here, Prohibitionist. When I WAS 13, I wanted to have sex with an 18 year old chick (an "adult").

I would have consented to it with her, but alas it didn't happen. Does that answer your question?

Now, it's your turn...If a person advocates laws that prohibit something, oh I don't know like jailing people for cannabis related activity, like you have...are they a prohibitionist ? Yes or no, Prohibitionist.
My idea would let people grow and possess in States where it is not permitted.
You still think a 13 year old child can consent to sex with an adult and fantasize that that is what children want.

You are a sick racist bastard. You should be put down
My idea would let people grow and possess in States where it is not permitted.
You still think a 13 year old child can consent to sex with an adult and fantasize that that is what children want.

You are a sick racist bastard. You should be put down

You seem a little more dickish than normal today, did you get caught petting your german shepherds in their private areas again ?

Your repertoire of insults is a little stale too, could you please get a little more creative ? Thanks.
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