another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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Being against abortion is all about religion. The religious principal to not kill or take life.
Also "rights" dont start till you are a citizen of the United states. That don't happen till you have a birth certificate and social security number. So pipe down.
Whats really shameful is "where is the male" in all these abortions. I got a girl pregnant once. Or at least thats what she told me after she got an abortion. Where was my rights? Oh thats right i dont have have any. Not my body, not my choice.

Odd how you claim "religion" yet I cite scientific fact, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution.

Facts of biology cannot be altered simply because one finds the definition to be inconvenient.
So Woman is impregnated with child by a rapist and she should keep it? IF the child puts the life of the mother in danger, she should die so MAYBE the child can live? So a 14 year old was raped and molested by her uncle. She should be forced to keep it?

Here is the fifth amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

I dont see anywhere in there talking about abortion. WTF are you talking about?

And its all about religion. Science states save the mother before the child. Mothers can have more children. Children cant have more mothers. But due to the belief of the "soul" religious peoples need to save them all for jesus. Fucking dirt worshipers.

But I also have my own answer to all this. Universal Contraceptive in the water supply. Want to have a baby, you have to go buy an antidote to neutralize the contraceptive. Then there would be no more accidents.
"Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization(conception).
"Fertilization is a sequence of events that begins with the contact of a sperm (spermatozoon) with a secondary oocyte (ovum) and ends with the fusion of their pronuclei (the haploid nuclei of the sperm and ovum) and the mingling of their chromosomes to form a new cell. This fertilized ovum, known as a zygote, is a large diploid cell that is the beginning, or primordium, of a human being."
[Moore, Keith L. Essentials of Human Embryology. Toronto: B.C. Decker Inc, 1988, p.2]

You've obviously failed elementary biology and English. Perhaps you should stick with something your level. Perhaps arts and crafts would be a safe bet, so long as they don't involve scissors and the paste is nontoxic.

So what?
The issue isn't biology, it's about "whose rights trumps whose", the right of the parasite or that of the host.
It's a man made law and it's been decided that the host wins. You have the option to challenge the law if you don't like it.
Ha, lawyer speak me not good at. I was speaking about the US.

If @Lord Kanti wants to drivel on about this issue that's still burning in other countries, well then I'll just say he's wrong. His understanding of "science" of life is absurd too.

lol. No, I was just poking fun at the people who think that all Muslims are bad.

The Muslim religion does though infer, both directly and indirectly, that woman do not in fact have a right to choose.

I'm making more of a comment on the state of Islam.

So Woman is impregnated with child by a rapist and she should keep it? IF the child puts the life of the mother in danger, she should die so MAYBE the child can live? So a 14 year old was raped and molested by her uncle. She should be forced to keep it?

Here is the fifth amendment

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

I dont see anywhere in there talking about abortion. WTF are you talking about?

And its all about religion. Science states save the mother before the child. Mothers can have more children. Children cant have more mothers. But due to the belief of the "soul" religious peoples need to save them all for jesus. Fucking dirt worshipers.

But I also have my own answer to all this. Universal Contraceptive in the water supply. Want to have a baby, you have to go buy an antidote to neutralize the contraceptive. Then there would be no more accidents.

I see the emotional arguments you have made but....if the basis of a persons argument against an abortion is that the unborn should have some rights to live, it wouldn't matter how the unborn thing ( fetus / baby / person) acquired life to begin with.

The question then becomes does the unborn have any rights and if so does the unborn product of a consensual sex act have more right to live than an unborn of a nonconsensual sex act?

Also, it seems like your utilitarian idea to put chemicals in a public water supply might be a little controlling of others bodies. I sure hope you aren't a prohibitionist too.

Please, if you will, very concisely and briefly, describe the definition of "life". And before you parrot wikipedia, allow me to preempt.

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Life begins at conception. That's scientific fact.
If you want to argue that the capacity for organized cell division, intake of nutrients and so forth means the zygote is alive, you can quote a definition or two to support this assertion, and well then you've got me there. If you are taking this to mean that the zygote deserves protection under the US constitution then your comprehension of science and its limitations is simply wrong. To extrapolate from a rather narrow definition used in a scientific discussion to mean that the rights of a zygote exceed the rights of a woman is ridiculous. Thank goodness the legal system in the US thinks so too.
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No sir, bathroom stalls is where you were conceived. I never said you were defending religion, where did you learn to read? Most likely where you were conceived.
Ok, so you dove right into the sewer where you could think a bit, came up for air and replied with a juvenile jab. Pretty dumb but its your norm.

However this was a two part question. Not surprising that you couldn't remember the first part. I'm guessing you were pretty much baked last night when you wrote this and some other nonsensical stuff not that I wasn't at the same time too.

Lets go into the way back machine to remind you that the first part applied to some stupid idea of "Keeping me honest" by saying that Congress affirmed Bush's war. I replied with:

"What are you talking about? Keeping me honest? Regarding what? So you are saying that GW and his administration did not lead this country into war in Iraq and that Congress took the lead. Umm, no."

WTF ARE you talking about?
Being against abortion is all about religion. The religious principal to not kill or take life.
Also "rights" dont start till you are a citizen of the United states. That don't happen till you have a birth certificate and social security number. So pipe down.
Whats really shameful is "where is the male" in all these abortions. I got a girl pregnant once. Or at least thats what she told me after she got an abortion. Where was my rights? Oh thats right i dont have have any. Not my body, not my choice.
Except that until the 1900s the catholic church and other Christians believe that abortion was not a sin until after the quickening
Abortion is about religion. Because babies take on the religion of their parents, and with the pews becoming barren need some way to fill them up
Ok, so you dove right into the sewer where you could think a bit, came up for air and replied with a juvenile jab. Pretty dumb but its your norm.

However this was a two part question. Not surprising that you couldn't remember the first part. I'm guessing you were pretty much baked last night when you wrote this and some other nonsensical stuff not that I wasn't at the same time too.

Lets go into the way back machine to remind you that the first part applied to some stupid idea of "Keeping me honest" by saying that Congress affirmed Bush's war. I replied with:

"What are you talking about? Keeping me honest? Regarding what? So you are saying that GW and his administration did not lead this country into war in Iraq and that Congress took the lead. Umm, no."

WTF ARE you talking about?

Remember that time we stared into each others eyes as the sun was setting?
Except that until the 1900s the catholic church and other Christians believe that abortion was not a sin until after the quickening
Abortion is about religion. Because babies take on the religion of their parents, and with the pews becoming barren need some way to fill them up
.... are you suggesting that Christians are pro life so they can get more seats filled at church?

That's one of the weirdest things I've heard on RIU.

Congrats. Lol
Have you ever tried to polish a turd? I have. Shit ain't fun.

I have also made shit-chips. Those are fun. Ok, what you do is drop a deuce in plastic wrap and you freeze it. Preferably in something you hardly use. Once frozen you wait for a night you go out, to a bar or house party, or whatever. And you slice your frozen log into chip sized shit wafers. And when you are out and about you casually toss these chips in unsuspecting places. I did this to a couple girls at their house party a decade or two ago... they hired a cleaning company to clean their entire house, they had to stay with friends for a few days. Honestly the single greatest prank I've ever played on anyone.
You like playing with shit don't you donkey?