another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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And those are just crazy people. (The bottom one percent of any group will be crazy assholes) I know Christians who are lining up to get those baby parts injected into their bodies... I myself am going to ask for a double dose of bad decision stem cells! (I am not a Christian)

It's been maybe 20 deaths by crazy Christian over the last 5 years with abortion clinic bombings and attacks.. Maybe a few more but not many more.. Now how many people have been killed because of Islam in that same time frame? I wouldn't even know where to begin but I'd wagers it's wayyyyyy north of 10,000... Those odds are a bit out of balance..

Not saying Christian extremeists don't need stamping out its just not a leading concern right now..
You seem pretty eager to overlook those 1.5 million dead in Iraq caused by invasion of Iraq under the leadership of the evangelist Christian, GWB. Let's not overlook the preponderance of Christian officers in the US Military. And lets not forget that Obama is a Christian who routinely orders the killing of civilians "by accident" in drone strikes. To millions of people, Obama and the US are agents of terror. More than 80% of the people in this country identify themselves as Christians.

Let's not forget that the KKK is a Christian organization and its still involved in missions of terror. A brief look at Wikipedia provides this example of recent Christian terrorist activity: In 2011, analyst Daryl Johnson of the United States Department of Homeland Security said that the Hutaree Christian militia movement possessed more weapons than the combined weapons holdings of all Islamic terror defendants charged in the US since the September 11 attacks. Does it matter that they were foiled before they could perform mass murder? I could go on but it would not further my point that you are pretty ignorant.

You seem to be a bit focused on what so-called Muslim extremists are doing. The Colorado Extremist Christian Terrorist's attack on the Planned parenthood clinic is in no way lessened in its menace by what happened in 9/11. It takes some pretty twisted logic to get there.

By the way, abortion is a teensy part of what Planned Parenthood does -- mostly they are trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
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You seem pretty eager to overlook those 1.5 million dead in Iraq caused by invasion of Iraq under the leadership of the evangelist Christian, GWB. Let's not overlook that nor the preponderance of Christian officers in the US Military. And lets not forget that Obama is a Christian who routinely orders the killing of civilians "by accident" in drone strikes. To millions of people, Obama and the US are agents of terror. More than 80% of the people in this country identify themselves as Christians.

Let's not forget that the KKK is a Christian organization and its still involved in missions of terror. A brief look at Wikipedia provides this example of recent Christian terrorist activity: In 2011, analyst Daryl Johnson of the United States Department of Homeland Security said that the Hutaree Christian militia movement possessed more weapons than the combined weapons holdings of all Islamic terror defendants charged in the US since the September 11 attacks. Does it matter that they were foiled before they could perform mass murder? I could go on but it would not further my point that you are pretty ignorant.

You seem to be a bit focused on what so-called Muslim extremists are doing. The Colorado Extremist Christian Terrorist's attack on the Planned parenthood clinic is in no way lessened in its menace by what happened in 9/11. It takes some pretty twisted logic to get there.

By the way, abortion is a teensy part of what Planned Parenthood does -- mostly they are trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Enter FogDog.
The bottom one percent of so of any group will have insane people. There's people who are married to school busses and sky scrapers. Crazy people very much exists in all walks of life. Just the apple plant suicides. It's no more then the national average it's just so many people crammed onto campus there(among a few other factors like age and ideology) it just looks like a ton of people are commiting suicide there.. It's no more then the average.

Islam on the other hand very much has more then the national average of crazy people. They float somewhere around 50% who believe violence is a good thing towards non believers and 20% who want a non Muslims head cut off... That's around 800 million
And which part of your ass did you pull these numbers from?
You seem pretty eager to overlook those 1.5 million dead in Iraq caused by invasion of Iraq under the leadership of the evangelist Christian, GWB. Let's not overlook that nor the preponderance of Christian officers in the US Military. And lets not forget that Obama is a Christian who routinely orders the killing of civilians "by accident" in drone strikes. To millions of people, Obama and the US are agents of terror. More than 80% of the people in this country identify themselves as Christians.

Let's not forget that the KKK is a Christian organization and its still involved in missions of terror. A brief look at Wikipedia provides this example of recent Christian terrorist activity: In 2011, analyst Daryl Johnson of the United States Department of Homeland Security said that the Hutaree Christian militia movement possessed more weapons than the combined weapons holdings of all Islamic terror defendants charged in the US since the September 11 attacks. Does it matter that they were foiled before they could perform mass murder? I could go on but it would not further my point that you are pretty ignorant.

You seem to be a bit focused on what so-called Muslim extremists are doing. The Colorado Extremist Christian Terrorist's attack on the Planned parenthood clinic is in no way lessened in its menace by what happened in 9/11. It takes some pretty twisted logic to get there.

By the way, abortion is a teensy part of what Planned Parenthood does -- mostly they are trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies.
Don't forget to point out that the U.S. does zero killings in the name of (insert any deity).
You seem pretty eager to overlook those 1.5 million dead in Iraq caused by invasion of Iraq under the leadership of the evangelist Christian, GWB. Let's not overlook that nor the preponderance of Christian officers in the US Military. And lets not forget that Obama is a Christian who routinely orders the killing of civilians "by accident" in drone strikes. To millions of people, Obama and the US are agents of terror. More than 80% of the people in this country identify themselves as Christians.

Let's not forget that the KKK is a Christian organization and its still involved in missions of terror. A brief look at Wikipedia provides this example of recent Christian terrorist activity: In 2011, analyst Daryl Johnson of the United States Department of Homeland Security said that the Hutaree Christian militia movement possessed more weapons than the combined weapons holdings of all Islamic terror defendants charged in the US since the September 11 attacks. Does it matter that they were foiled before they could perform mass murder? I could go on but it would not further my point that you are pretty ignorant.

You seem to be a bit focused on what so-called Muslim extremists are doing. The Colorado Extremist Christian Terrorist's attack on the Planned parenthood clinic is in no way lessened in its menace by what happened in 9/11. It takes some pretty twisted logic to get there.

By the way, abortion is a teensy part of what Planned Parenthood does -- mostly they are trying to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

That pile of numbers is the biggest pool of WTF I've ever swam in. Did you know Muslims have killed their own daughters and wives in order to try and strategically put off attacking American forces? In the bodies in the one example I can recall from recent memory they found ak47 bullets in the bodies and they tried to say they were killed by mortar fire so the attacking force would slow down and people could escape..

Iraq and Afghanistan is the biggest clusterfuck in recent history but a lot of what's been going on over there is justified. Have you seen the terrible Chris Kyle movie? That guy that kills kids with drills existed for real... There was meat factories with non Islamic people hanging like cattle... Not saying this deserved the full invasion it got because that probBly did more harm then good... But heindsight being 20/20 and all we probably should of just went in with special forces(the actual green berets) and other units trained in similar fShions to work with the local populace to kick Wahhabi and Iranian Islam out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Every one acts like EVERYONE in the Middle East is a poor little goat fucker but that's far from the truth. The Iranian kuds force for example is on par with most of our pipe hitters ...

The Iranian kuds force is a perfect Segway to my next point. Misinformation is insane in that area. You hear about this new "Angel of death" killing Isis with a Battle axe for Christianity? He's all over face book. Abu azreal is his name.... Welllll this guy is very much not a Christian... He's a Sunni Islamist working for the Iranian kuds force and he's been responsible for hundreds of coalition casualties during the Iraq and Afghanistan invasion.... He is satans fury incarnant. He's an evil evil man and he's being touted as the Savior of Christianity and the killer of Isis... Which he is... But not for Christianity for Iran.... That place is a fucking mess... And we didn't help but we learned... Hence why we are sending I'm the big dogs now and no more kids fresh outa school..
That pile of numbers is the biggest pool of WTF I've ever swam in. Did you know Muslims have killed their own daughters and wives in order to try and strategically put off attacking American forces? In the bodies in the one example I can recall from recent memory they found ak47 bullets in the bodies and they tried to say they were killed by mortar fire so the attacking force would slow down and people could escape..

You mean Achmed is planning for the next day's homicides and not taking little Aida to ballerina practice tonight? No little league practice for Azim tonight either? What a good dad.......

Not true. I'd be willing to wager that mental illness plays a big role in Islam and the black community.

It's just in the Christian cases of recent fame it's a very small and minor event that wasn't perpetuated by a greater group of people pushing for the same terrible goals... It was just one person who was crazy and got religion in his head so it went bad.

And black people are thugs when they commit thug like crime... Arabs are terrorist when they commit fucking terror...

If an Arab was running around the south side of Chicago throwin up colors And robbing rival drug dealers he would be a thug..

When black people commit terrible atrocities in the name of Islam in africa or anywhere for that matter they are terrorists...

Just because an improportionate amount of blacks commit thuggery and Arabs commit terror doesn't make it racists to comment on that.

When a Christian person starts scream praise god when they commit the atrocities that were suggested to them by higher ups on a large scale.. Then we got an issue.. This abortion pastor telling his people to commit violence is one small case that can be handled by local authorities... Until local authorities can't handle it then it's not even remotely bad of an issues as extremeists Islam running a much out of control of any authority. That's an issue that warrants attention.
That pile of numbers is the biggest pool of WTF I've ever swam in. Did you know Muslims have killed their own daughters and wives in order to try and strategically put off attacking American forces? In the bodies in the one example I can recall from recent memory they found ak47 bullets in the bodies and they tried to say they were killed by mortar fire so the attacking force would slow down and people could escape..

Iraq and Afghanistan is the biggest clusterfuck in recent history but a lot of what's been going on over there is justified. Have you seen the terrible Chris Kyle movie? That guy that kills kids with drills existed for real... There was meat factories with non Islamic people hanging like cattle... Not saying this deserved the full invasion it got because that probBly did more harm then good... But heindsight being 20/20 and all we probably should of just went in with special forces(the actual green berets) and other units trained in similar fShions to work with the local populace to kick Wahhabi and Iranian Islam out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Every one acts like EVERYONE in the Middle East is a poor little goat fucker but that's far from the truth. The Iranian kuds force for example is on par with most of our pipe hitters ...

The Iranian kuds force is a perfect Segway to my next point. Misinformation is insane in that area. You hear about this new "Angel of death" killing Isis with a Battle axe for Christianity? He's all over face book. Abu azreal is his name.... Welllll this guy is very much not a Christian... He's a Sunni Islamist working for the Iranian kuds force and he's been responsible for hundreds of coalition casualties during the Iraq and Afghanistan invasion.... He is satans fury incarnant. He's an evil evil man and he's being touted as the Savior of Christianity and the killer of Isis... Which he is... But not for Christianity for Iran.... That place is a fucking mess... And we didn't help but we learned... Hence why we are sending I'm the big dogs now and no more kids fresh outa school..
Wow, now you are starting to rave. OK, let's talk about horrible acts. I see your rave about Moslem killing of women and childrean and raise you Hitler's slaughter of the Jews. Do you want to go into the mass murder of Christians by Turks during WW1? Well we could get more riculous if you want. My point is that you seem to want to minimize the menace of the Christian Terrorist attack by pointing out other horrific acts. I'm saying that you are trying to trade-off one for the other. It doesn't work that way.
You seem pretty eager to overlook those 1.5 million dead in Iraq caused by invasion of Iraq under the leadership of the evangelist Christian, GWB.
Let me point out that a congress full of Democrats and Republicans, authorized the use of military force.
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You mean Achmed is planning for the next day's homicides and not taking little Aida to ballerina practice tonight? No little league practice for Azim tonight either? What a good dad.......

Tariq azim started a women's boxing league and a women's soccer league in Afghanistan recently.. This is jakes shields and many other people's mma coach from Cali. His story is so fucking cool but what you say rings tru... If they had little league and shit maybe they wouldn't be so quick to follow their crazy uncle into battle...
Wow, now you are starting to rave. OK, let's talk about horrible acts. I see your rave about Moslem killing of women and childrean and raise you Hitler's slaughter of the Jews. Do you want to go into the mass murder of Christians by Turks during WW1? Well we could get more riculous if you want. My point is that you seem to want to minimize the menace of the Christian Terrorist attack by pointing out other horrific acts. I'm saying that you are trying to trade-off one for the other. It doesn't work that way.

Because it is a minimal attack.. I'm very much trying to minimize it.. There's much bigger pressing matters at hand... Those few people who died in ft Collins will be forgotten real quick when China wants war.... If Russia decides to truly see how big of balls the world has it could get super dicey too.. Modern warfare can only go 2 ways... Long and drawn out with rules and a full occupation or TERRIBLE TERRIBLE destruction that's over quick... Either way the people lose

Christians freaking out and killing people from their own country is an internal issue we can handle.. Dealing with outside forces influencing our future through various ways is something that can't be handled with the current set up.

Look at the recent article about the Americans helping Isis on Twitter, there's thousands of people fitting a war on the psyche of the weak all around the world. Whether it be in prison with the Muslim brotherhood or on Twitter with there planned assaults on hashtags Nd recruiting through finding the downtrodden and confused... No different then Christianity really but they are being recruited to commit violence and destruction... Christians just want 10% of your paycheck so they can fight against gay marriage lol..

Speaking of... How come no ones bringing up the Mormons... And all their crazy Islam like tendancies.... If I wanted to point out how crazy Christians were compared to Islam I would use the Mormons for my example... Buncha special underwear kinda nuts...