another right wing white male goes on rampage of terrorism in colorado

why are white males so prone to terrorism and gun massacres of innocents?

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Ya idk who started this whole eye for an eye thing but for sure we all need to grow up about it.. And last I checked Christians weren't beheading Muslim journalists anywhere... Tho Christians have there own quirks we really need to prioritize the abolishing of whacky religions to the ones currently beheading people

That's really interesting what you say about the radiation and the suicide rates in ft Collins. Is it called ft Collins because it's a base? Like is there a modern day base there with a high military/veteran aspect to the comunity?
Ya idk who started this whole eye for an eye thing but for sure we all need to grow up about it.. And last I checked Christians weren't beheading Muslim journalists anywhere... Tho Christians have there own quirks we really need to prioritize the abolishing of whacky religions to the ones currently beheading people

That's really interesting what you say about the radiation and the suicide rates in ft Collins. Is it called ft Collins because it's a base? Like is there a modern day base there with a high military/veteran aspect to the comunity?

"Christians have their own quirks"? Is that how you describe pale face terrorists now?
"Christians have their own quirks"? Is that how you describe pale face terrorists now?

I dont see anyone beheading anyone in that picture... In fact they look just like anyone gathering to act like little fucking kids screaming and yelling til someone gives them there way... Like black lives matter... Like bundy ranch rednecks... Like most fucking stupid social justice warriors of the day... You all look the same... Like a buncha little kids that have no Idea what life responsibility is because you've been spoon fed some bullshit easy existence your whole life whether that be government assistance or rich parents or whatever pick your easy path that leads to bitchy little weaklings that have to cry when there "safe space is invaded".. Get over yourself..

Do you even know the history of slavery? That's the thing that's fueling all this right? Slavery? Take that away and black lives matter has no foundation... You know more white people have been slaves throughout history then black people? In ancient times rulers would take slaves BY THE FUCKING MILLIONS.

Entire cities became slaves or dead. Whites owning whites. Blacks owning blacks. Slavery is a dirty fucking gross industry that is still alive and well today. Check out the pygmies story... Blacks owning blacks.. It's rampant in Africa. So get off your fucking high horse about this recent blip in the slavery time line... It's no more terrible then any other period...

Nothing a colonial slave owner did to a slave even compares to the old days... Colosseum ring a bell? Pick cotton or fight lions with my bare hands....? Hmmmm....? I'm not trying to say colonial farming slavery wasn't terrible because it was... Just the amount of lion fighting was at a minimum in the history of slavery.. And that to me is a good thing IMO lol... For 5000+ years slaves have been the labor force of the rich... In fact it still is today with debt.... Soooo get over that whole "your from the south so your racists zomg I hate you" mentality cause it's short sighted and childish and here much larger and pressing matters to attend too..

Like turkey and Russia and the fact that if gas doesn't double in price in the next year Russia's economy will collapse so they are probably takings steps to drive the price of gas back up? A bit more pressing then a few loud rednecks..
You do know the crusades were an answer by the Byzantine government In response to Arab Muslim pirates off of North Africa and in the Mediterranean. The Islamic fundamentalist pirates used terrorism by sinking Roman and later Byzantine vessels without even looting them. They killed and beheaded the crews and sunk the boats full just to "strike a blow to the main artery of the beast" - that Muhamed guy...

Sooooo the crusades were for sure terror filled and insane but I wouldn't exactly call it terrorism per se.. It was more of an answer too terrorism by saying "whelp you've been poking us for 400 years... Time for payback"

The Byzantium rulers approached the Vatican and said "hey bro... These brown people be fucking up our banks and shit so we can't pay you guys good tithings... Sorry bro but unless you help us fight the Muslims... I can't pay no mo"

So the Vatican being the G's they are put on the dresses and the big hats and called up there Viking buddies and we're all like "so yo... You Varangians wanna go smash something?" And being of Viking decent they said "fuck ya bro lets roll!" And the rivers ran red with Arab blood....

Soooooo moral of the story.... Don't fuck with anyone who's got Vikings for security guards...

This isn't even close to true. You can also scroll all the way down for a TL;DR.

The Varangians are also known as the Varyags who founded the medieval state of Rus which would turn into Russia. The made their way down the Danube and Volga from the Baltic Sea and ended up in the Black Sea, where in the 800s - as I mentioned - they'd settle Novgorod and then later Kiev. They then would actually attack Constantinople and sail down the Dnieper into the Black Sea and raid around the Byzantine Empire. After the state of Kiev Rus was Christianized one of the Varyag Kings sent a large amount of men to the Byzantine Emperor to help him out, because the Byzantine Emperor didn't trust the Byzantine Guardsmen who would turn on the Emperor if paid enough.

The First Crusade had a myriad of reasons that it happened and it was very complex. Mostly what a lot of Historians point to is that when the Saxons, Hungarians, and Vikings were Christianized it was suppose to bring stability to Europe, but after the collapse of the Carolingian Empire, you had an entire class that was based around warfare (the nobility) who had little to do but fuck each other up. Another factor is that the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches have been in a schism since 1054, and Pope Urban II might have wanted to impose Catholicism on Byzantium.

The Byzantine Empire was also in decline having lost North Africa, Syria, Egypt, and was losing the fight against the Seljuq Turks and other Turkish tribes in Anatolia. After one of the most famous battles in history, the Battle of Manzikert, the Byzantines lost all power in Anatolia to the Seljuq Turks and the Empire nearly collapsed. After Manzikert the Pope called for soldiers of Christ to assist the Byzantines, but he was largely opposed by the Europeans. Then in the Middle East you had the Shi'ite Fatimid Caliphate which was also in conflict with the Seljuq Turks and other Turkish tribes, and the resulting warfare and Jerusalem falling to the Turks, then being recaptured by the Fatimids made pilgrimages a very dangerous thing for Christians from Europe.

What triggered the First Crusade was also another incredibly famous event, the Council of Clermont. Alexius Komnenos the Byzantine Emperor sent envoys to Europe requesting military aid because the Seljuqs had pushed all the way to Nicaea, which is close to Constantinople, and also the site of Christianity's first ecumenical council (hence the prayer the Nicene Creed). The envoys were received by Pope Urban II who - as aforementioned - might have wanted to do this to bring the Eastern Orthodox Church under Papal Primacy by giving military aid, thus mending the schism. He traveled to France, and went all over calling for peace among Christians to go fight the infidel Muslims, and famously called for three things: orthodoxy, reform, and complete submission to the Catholic Church. The Council of Clermont imposed a lot of things on the European nobility, such as they could only fight on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and King Philip's excommunication was elongated. This was also where the famous Crusading phrase "Deus vult" (God Wills It) came from. He asked for Christians, rich and poor, to fight the Muslims and retake the Holy Land literally because "Deus vult." He then went a step further and said that any Christian who fought in the Crusades and killed in the name of Christ would be granted a remission of sins (thus we also have the first indulgences).

You then have a bunch of minor nobles, and second sons of Kings and other major nobles who get told: You've been sinning, and we the Church know this. You've been adulterous and murderous, but if you go East, help the Byzantines, kill Muslims and Jews, retake the Holy Land in the name of Christ all that will be forgotten and you'll get to keep land and everything you loot. To them, this was a miracle because they were already fighting, raping, and pillaging each other for things so sample as: You refused to marry my sister, so now I have to destroy your countryside.

TL;DR Varangians = Vikings who settled in Russia, attacked the Byzantine Empire, became Christian, then sent men to fight for the Byzantines because the Byzantine Emperor didn't trust his own people.

Crusades happened because European Christians were too busy fighting each other, the Pope wanted unity and more power, the Byzantines didn't want to lose anymore territory to the Turks or Arabs, and European Christians wanted lots of money and land.
No wonder so many more white people than black people are victims of police brutality... Wait...

I've seen white people get killed by cops. A kid all of 19 got over 100 rounds fired into his truck 20 years ago because he wouldn't stop for a pull over because his girlfriends mom was concerned her daughter was with him. Mind you small town gossip could be adding to all this nonsense but moral of the story a kid got shot at over 100 times and killed by police gunfire when he never did a damn thing but fail to pull over and run from the cops...

In fact I can think of a few occasions of police brutality against white people just In small rural community when they might not exactly of had it coming... Another kid ran all drunk and crashed into field and the cops pulled him out of his truck and beat him out cold.

Police brutality has nothing to do with race except that the black community is more galvanized in their ability to scream louder. You know how many young white gets get shot by cops too? There was a 14 year old in nyc recently trying to flush a dime of weed that got shot and killed.

Statistically police brutality is barely a problem. In 2014 only 600ish people were shot and killed by police. The numbers aren't back but yet but it's gonna be around 32,000 died of car accidents that same year. There was more then 13,000 homicides in 2013 Alone... 13000 violent deaths at the hand of a criminal...

AND LET ME REMIND YOU that 600ish number includes people that were actively shooting at police trying to kill them.. It's not 600 innocent people. I don't know the number of innocents killed but I will bet my life savings of 13 dollars it's less then 50.

Again police brutality is an issue that I believe can be fixed but it's not something we need to focus on with all our medias attention. There's much larger issues at hand.

Wahabi Saudi Arabia for example.... That's an issue I don't even like to ponder because 99% of the thought paths I take lead to serious warfare.... Throw Pakistan in the mix and the radiation levels of ft Collins will be nothing compared to a few spots that get the real deal.. This is just one serious issue we need to begin looking at as a whole or we are going to run into a serious problem someday soon...
@HGK420 In all my reading of the Crusades I've never once heard of "Islamic fundamentalist pirates" that were "beheading" Byzantine crews. That's some real revisionist history. Almost every historian points to the Battle of Manzikert, the Byzantine Empire losing all power in Asia Minor, and then sending a plea for help to the Pope.
This isn't even close to true. You can also scroll all the way down for a TL;DR.

The Varangians are also known as the Varyags who founded the medieval state of Rus which would turn into Russia. The made their way down the Danube and Volga from the Baltic Sea and ended up in the Black Sea, where in the 800s - as I mentioned - they'd settle Novgorod and then later Kiev. They then would actually attack Constantinople and sail down the Dnieper into the Black Sea and raid around the Byzantine Empire. After the state of Kiev Rus was Christianized one of the Varyag Kings sent a large amount of men to the Byzantine Emperor to help him out, because the Byzantine Emperor didn't trust the Byzantine Guardsmen who would turn on the Emperor if paid enough.

The First Crusade had a myriad of reasons that it happened and it was very complex. Mostly what a lot of Historians point to is that when the Saxons, Hungarians, and Vikings were Christianized it was suppose to bring stability to Europe, but after the collapse of the Carolingian Empire, you had an entire class that was based around warfare (the nobility) who had little to do but fuck each other up. Another factor is that the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches have been in a schism since 1054, and Pope Urban II might have wanted to impose Catholicism on Byzantium.

The Byzantine Empire was also in decline having lost North Africa, Syria, Egypt, and was losing the fight against the Seljuq Turks and other Turkish tribes in Anatolia. After one of the most famous battles in history, the Battle of Manzikert, the Byzantines lost all power in Anatolia to the Seljuq Turks and the Empire nearly collapsed. After Manzikert the Pope called for soldiers of Christ to assist the Byzantines, but he was largely opposed by the Europeans. Then in the Middle East you had the Shi'ite Fatimid Caliphate which was also in conflict with the Seljuq Turks and other Turkish tribes, and the resulting warfare and Jerusalem falling to the Turks, then being recaptured by the Fatimids made pilgrimages a very dangerous thing for Christians from Europe.

What triggered the First Crusade was also another incredibly famous event, the Council of Clermont. Alexius Komnenos the Byzantine Emperor sent envoys to Europe requesting military aid because the Seljuqs had pushed all the way to Nicaea, which is close to Constantinople, and also the site of Christianity's first ecumenical council (hence the prayer the Nicene Creed). The envoys were received by Pope Urban II who - as aforementioned - might have wanted to do this to bring the Eastern Orthodox Church under Papal Primacy by giving military aid, thus mending the schism. He traveled to France, and went all over calling for peace among Christians to go fight the infidel Muslims, and famously called for three things: orthodoxy, reform, and complete submission to the Catholic Church. The Council of Clermont imposed a lot of things on the European nobility, such as they could only fight on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and King Philip's excommunication was elongated. This was also where the famous Crusading phrase "Deus vult" (God Wills It) came from. He asked for Christians, rich and poor, to fight the Muslims and retake the Holy Land literally because "Deus vult." He then went a step further and said that any Christian who fought in the Crusades and killed in the name of Christ would be granted a remission of sins (thus we also have the first indulgences).

You then have a bunch of minor nobles, and second sons of Kings and other major nobles who get told: You've been sinning, and we the Church know this. You've been adulterous and murderous, but if you go East, help the Byzantines, kill Muslims and Jews, retake the Holy Land in the name of Christ all that will be forgotten and you'll get to keep land and everything you loot. To them, this was a miracle because they were already fighting, raping, and pillaging each other for things so sample as: You refused to marry my sister, so now I have to destroy your countryside.

TL;DR Varangians = Vikings who settled in Russia, attacked the Byzantine Empire, became Christian, then sent men to fight for the Byzantines because the Byzantine Emperor didn't trust his own people.

Crusades happened because European Christians were too busy fighting each other, the Pope wanted unity and more power, the Byzantines didn't want to lose anymore territory to the Turks or Arabs, and European Christians wanted lots of money and land.

I was obviously being silly and paraphrasing but for sure there was Varangian mercenaries in the crusades.. I wish I remember the source but one of the more pivotal moments and more bloody moments in the crusades was made possible by the veracity of the Varangian mercenaries..

And it's been argued by more then a few people that Islamic piracy was the deciding factor. It turned the heat up on all financially much like we are seeing in Russia today... Nothing cures financial woes like conquering someone..
But back then people was fucking animals full stop they was not has intelligent has us,any one that thinks that there is some man sat in a cloud some where waiting for you when you die is a idiot,i hear casper the friendly ghost is real to
@HGK420 In all my reading of the Crusades I've never once heard of "Islamic fundamentalist pirates" that were "beheading" Byzantine crews. That's some real revisionist history. Almost every historian points to the Battle of Manzikert, the Byzantine Empire losing all power in Asia Minor, and then sending a plea for help to the Pope.

There's a loony Christian guy out there that spouts a ton of nonsense that gets parroted a lot and I've tried very hard to stay away from anything he's spouted out but for sure there's people that have wrote at length about Islams connection to piracy and its effect on the Middle Ages..

It's spelled right out in the Quran. Something about "take to the seas" and whatnot... It's no different then Jefferson having to go over there and fight the Barbary pirate wars..
Time to move on and live and let live did you see the program last night on president bush,and his business dealing with the saudi family on discovery ,faranheit 911.

I have read the koran,i did not see nothing about strap a bomb to your chest and kill people watching a rock concert,or gun down people sun bathing
TL;DR poor oppressed white guy.

Nobody ever said that doesn't happen.

So then what's the problem? Why are we seeing riots over this shit? statistically it's barely a blip on the "shit to worry about scale" but people are going nuts over it.. Let's get more mad at prescription pill deaths maybe? Prolly over 100,000 a year now a days.. Whether they be accident or purposeful why don't we maybe riot on the merc pharmaceutical campus until they quit fucking with laws that allow so many drugs to get prescribed to our communities?
Seen some bad footage of american police,when i was growing up we used to get the odd beating but now our police force are very good really all though i still hate the fuckers
There's a loony Christian guy out there that spouts a ton of nonsense that gets parroted a lot and I've tried very hard to stay away from anything he's spouted out but for sure there's people that have wrote at length about Islams connection to piracy and its effect on the Middle Ages..

It's spelled right out in the Quran. Something about "take to the seas" and whatnot... It's no different then Jefferson having to go over there and fight the Barbary pirate wars..

Jefferson having to go fight the Barbary Pirates was because they had been seizing American merchant ships and holding them and their crew for ransom. They demanded that the United States pay a tribute to prevent this from happening, and Jefferson said no. Had very little to do with Islam and more to do with plain old piracy. To make such an assumption like that is like for me to say because European privateers and pirates were Christian, Christianity was behind all the European pirate attacks.

Edited to add: Oh and slavery, the Barbary Pirates did - and this is where you're somewhat correct - say that it was their duty in the Koran to attack non Muslim nations and enslave them. However the system of slavery in Barbary was vastly different from the system of slavery in the US. Slaves in North Africa could own land, accumulate wealth, and status. For example, James Leander Cathcart who was Irish, emigrated to the colonies when he was 8, became a privateer for the US at the age of 12 during the Revolution, and then was captured off the Barbary Coast would later become an advisor to the governor of Algiers. Although really, it all depended on who owned you in both systems, because from what I've read both systems can be really shitty (it is slavery after all lol).
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Oh yeah, show the statistics on police brutality by ethnicity. Then show me the statistics on those cops getting punished.

What stAtistics? I could show you stats and links that go either way it's a crazy issues. I should of used the word "anecdotally" seeing how theres no way to pin that down.

One aspect I've heard argued by police and prosecutors alike is that when confronted with violence while people Beta up more times then not. Minorities don't.. For whatever reason there's a point that everything escalates and whether the police started the encounter down that road or what it just seems to go full retard in cases with minorities much more then with non minority's. But that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Look at the stats from rural communities on police violence.. It happens all the time. If an area is statistically largely minority it would make sense that more brutality happens to minorities.

Moral to the story it's not a race thing.. Police gonna be police until we fix a few things... What those things are I havvveeee noooo idea that's all way over my pay grade... I'd probably start with no more sanctioned armed robbery and body cams myself.... Probably help a lot.