Another x-NBOMe Death


Active Member

Pull quote:

...offered Otwell a free dose of 25-I, a new synthetic hallucinogenic drug. As Newell watched, her friend knelt and the stranger plopped a single drop from a vial into Otwell's nose.

Dude went into seizure and died after three days on life support.

Ladies and germs, while on a ship in international waters in a dream I've enjoyed the NBOMe experience with doses from a trusted source. But this stuff is not LSD which is literally impossible to OD on. You can OD on this stuff. And some dipshit mixes the stuff wrong or it's not dissolved right and your eye-dropper drop has a big chunk of material floating in it so your dose is way off and then you seizure and die.

Let's all agree that accepting an eye drop of something up your nose from a stranger is probably a bad idea.

R.I.P. Clayton Otwell

Yeah man. Last time I let a stranger dose me like that I got a spray of liquid and got lost in a strange city.
And that was with acid. I'd have at least ended up in the hospital and most likely the morgue if it was a highly potent PEA derivative. People need to be careful. I feel bad the carefree days are over but really they ended with STP in the 60s and they've just gotten less care free as we've known more. Knowledge is power and power can be very dangerous.
I also had a seizure and was hospitalized for 2 days following a 25C-NBOMe overdose. And I dosed myself, and had a responsible friend present. I almost died. Be careful guys.
I knew this guy slightly, friend of friends, overlapping cliques. Fucked up shit. Get a single drop of crap and die at a festi. :sad:
the more i hear about this nbome the less i want to try it sounds like some shit to me poor guy rip dude
That's enough for me to not do this stuff again. I already tried 25i, and 25c... they are actually pretty fun... not worth dying over though.

When I made my liquid solutions..... used basic math... luckily I don't think anyone died. 500ug doses, some people were eating enough to worry me.
It bothers me that people are even interested. What part of recreational should involve making sure you don't die. Don't take that wrong, care is important. I'm sure I could get fucked up and dance around in traffic for a while, having fun. But why? I can think of hundred of potentially fun things than I don't even want to try..... a lot of them are RC's. The fucked up part is how many are mimicing drugs that are otherwise "safe". I've doses myself so thouroughly I thought I was dead but I only did that because I know LSD is "safe". Fucked up shit. I know of a lot of kids that have been fed random stuff at festivals, usually makes for a good story but in the back of my head I'm thinking these people (the ones slinging fucked up shit) need to be punched. Do you think the dealer flushed his stash? Did he even know the risks, probably. I've seen some shady characters ran out of Rainbow Gatherings and other events, I think the same approach should be taken to people bringing this bullshit around.

RIP dude
bigtacofarmer i second that shit bro its like these people sellin bullshit ex man my buddy sold me some bad beans one time and i had a fucked up roll i almost went to the hospital the next day i told him bro that was some shitty ex somthing wasnt right with it and he said yeah i forgot to tell you three people went to the hospital over that batch i was like wtf bro and you didnt even bother to tell me yeah i was pissed and i stopped takin ex all together
bigtacofarmer i second that shit bro its like these people sellin bullshit ex man my buddy sold me some bad beans one time and i had a fucked up roll i almost went to the hospital the next day i told him bro that was some shitty ex somthing wasnt right with it and he said yeah i forgot to tell you three people went to the hospital over that batch i was like wtf bro and you didnt even bother to tell me yeah i was pissed and i stopped takin ex all together
That's fucking ridiculous, I hope you spread the word about that shit-stain of a human being.
It's a sad situation, but the fuck RCs sentiment is a bit misplaced in my opinion. Fuck people who misrepresent what they're selling. Generally the RCs sold are among the safer ones. The fact that people are dumb enough to take unknown substances and mix them in the name of fun greatly saddens me. Know what you're taking and what it does. Do a little research before dosing. And test your shit. Mind altering drugs need to be treated with respect.
I've dosed 25i-NMoMe at 1mg three times on a blotter cuz I don't snort unless I have to usually, and it was really enjoyable. I don't see why someone would fuck with really high amounts unless their tolerance was ridiculous, and that in itself is kind of irresponsible. In my opinion, it's the people dealing with the drugs to blame and not the drugs themselves that are to blame. I hate hearing people be completely against a drug simply because they hear that an idiot OD'd somebody.