Any California Growers?

central coast california!!! pismo beach
hopefully i can get these winter plants to grow ok. its startin to get really cold at night here :(
LA, you need to show up tomorrow. Things are getting out of control. The LA City Council voted today to cap the dispensaries in LA today to 70 but they were going to grandfather/give preferential treatment to the original 186. What? It will be more like 139 or maybe below 70. OK, that sounds good.

They also decided that they would not be able to "abut" a residential area. Oh, wait, let's make that 1000 feet. No that's crazy. There would be no dispensaries that would qualify. You're right. That is crazy. But.... It has to be "abut". No we don't like that word. What would you like to call it? I don't know. Let's debate it for 2 hours. Ok, let's make it 500. What happened to "abut". Oh that's right. Let's do "abut". Ok, so what's a residential area? I know this sounds crazy, but could that be where a homeless person decided to make their home. Oh, why, you're correct. It could. It could also be a motor home. Ok, that makes sense. So, let's make it 1000 feet from any residential area. Ok. Passed.

This is a sample of the 7 hour craziness that we endured today. We need your help tomorrow at city hall at 10PM. PM me if you can make it.
hah have you joined NORML yet canibuz? ;) you'd be perfect.

I haven't decided which group to join or do my own thing. Some stuff is coming together. Thank you though.

Today was a short day but an important one. The City Council went home last night and apparently slept off their confusion from yesterday. At least some of it. We showed up in force with some of the major players and they continue the vote until January 12, 2010. That will give them enough time to hopefully think this through a bit more. I was prepared with a speech that would have embarrassed the council and entertained the audience and cameras. I was so ready to give it. :( But it's all good since we got some breathing room!
Hi folks,

I am a Card Carrying California grower.

Struggling to get a handle on indoor growing.

Peace - :peace:
Hey Golddog, just keep up your work and it will come together for you. Study everything you can and then just try things out. I started out growing vegetables under lights in a DWC. Learned a lot on things that came from cheap seeds. I would recommend keeping a personal journal. Record everything.
Has anyone personally used Sensizym ?

I am interested in what happens when you use it.

Like does it raise you pH then drop or is there other maint that needs to be done?

Peace :peace: