any home brewers in this forum?

Buck I have tried a stab at grafting and its a motherfucker. I have about a dozen attempts and 0 successes and that's from on side of a plant to the other, not mixing strains or close sister plant yet. I have my sister bring me buzz beer from Canada when she comes but its getting sparse. not always available in every town province WTF ever they have there. its nice. let me read these links. I enjoy your links every time

i prefer the 'unpasteurized' version.....I'll take a keg if you figure it out-:-P
Also, I have never done an infusion. But, my guess is if you wanted the ganja flavor then I would mash with the flowers to get the essentials from them for flavor.

If you wanted the weed buzz. I would go the green dragon extract and add at bottleing.

Hmmm I will research this more.
Also, I have never done an infusion. But, my guess is if you wanted the ganja flavor then I would mash with the flowers to get the essentials from them for flavor.

If you wanted the weed buzz. I would go the green dragon extract and add at bottleing.

Hmmm I will research this more.

Mashing is for the starch conversion, 'flavor' would be a 20 minute addition or so in the boil.
Mashing is for the starch conversion, 'flavor' would be a 20 minute addition or so in the boil.

Yes the starch conversion is primary reason for the mash.

I have been getting dual purpose from my mash for some time now. I will "steep" adjuncts like pumpkins, ghrahm cracker(yeap), to name a few.. in the mash to get their flavors into the beer.
Yes the starch conversion is primary reason for the mash.

I have been getting dual purpose from my mash for some time now. I will "steep" adjuncts like pumpkins, ghrahm cracker(yeap), to name a few.. in the mash to get their flavors into the beer.

Were you making a Pumpking clone by chance? ;)
Ive been brewing for 10 years, and have made bud beer mutiple times. I have found steeping the bud at 150 for 15 min. and then using that as a dry hop in a high alcohol IPA works the best.
Actually yep that was the most recent beer I have done that with. But also tea, spruce and rose mary. So it is a versatile technique.
I have a buddy that brews at home,he makes enough to take up north for laborday and forth of july,never have to buy beer when were up there (thats a friend).He makes a oatmeal/honey brew that I love,it will give you mad farts tho lol.
Sorry if I missed this, but even if the THC were infused, it would still be Carboxylated. I'd think (?) you'd have to still heat the THC molecule at some point during the process to De-Carboxylate and make psychoactive?
I practice the craft art myself, A little higher on the % though. I normally only do one Run and get 82% (164 proof) which is cut with some other flavors to get apple pie shine, honey, peach, blueberry, strawberry, strawberry apple, apple cinnimon, and the pineapple was kinda a fail so won't try that one again. End result is 38% - 45% ABV or 76 - 90 proof.
I get about 3 gallons worth for no more then $40 depending on ingrediants.

still.jpgstill still.jpg
Actually yep that was the most recent beer I have done that with. But also tea, spruce and rose mary. So it is a versatile technique.

Adding stuff (outside of hops) to the mash for flavor is not a real common technique though. A lot of aromatic compounds are 'boiled off' during the boil (think about your bittering addition) so if one is adding spices to the beer, typically it's done late in the boil OR in the secondary fermenter. If one is adding fruit to their beer, the fruit needs to be pasteurized in one of two ways. One could add the fruit to the boil which of course could release the pectins in the fruit which results in a hazy beer and a messy ferment. The other way is to add it to the secondary. Canned fruit purees have already been pasteurized and are your best bet here, IMO.

In regards to your Pumpking clone, pumpkin itself doesn't have a lot of flavor so instead of actually adding pumpkin to your mash, wort or beer, I think a better route is adding pumpkin pie spices late in the boil to give the impression of pumpkin. I'm not a fan of spiced beers and hate when I have to judge the Spice/Herb/Vegetable category in competitions but I have done it a number of times and have a pretty good grasp on how the award winners are infusing these flavors into their beers.
Sorry if I missed this, but even if the THC were infused, it would still be Carboxylated. I'd think (?) you'd have to still heat the THC molecule at some point during the process to De-Carboxylate and make psychoactive?

What if you used RSO? It is De-carbed so would that work?
I practice the craft art myself, A little higher on the % though. I normally only do one Run and get 82% (164 proof) which is cut with some other flavors to get apple pie shine, honey, peach, blueberry, strawberry, strawberry apple, apple cinnimon, and the pineapple was kinda a fail so won't try that one again. End result is 38% - 45% ABV or 76 - 90 proof.
I get about 3 gallons worth for no more then $40 depending on ingrediants.

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Nice kitchen set up. I recently got into watching Tim Smith's show, and always thought "people must be making small batches of shine in their kitchen, just like extract homebrewers take over the stove to make small batches of beer."

I've still never tasted authentic moonshine, but we don't tend to see a lot of it in Rhode Island.
Uhm thanks for the dissertation. I have been doing this long enough to know what I am going for and why I am doing what I do.

Nice kitchen set up. I recently got into watching Tim Smith's show, and always thought "people must be making small batches of shine in their kitchen, just like extract homebrewers take over the stove to make small batches of beer."

I've still never tasted authentic moonshine, but we don't tend to see a lot of it in Rhode Island.

Thank you !
Whoa, you're not far away from me. Guess it all gets drank on the way up north, lol
I was going to do it outside/in a garage but didn't want to wait for the propane burner in the mail, I did a test fit on the stove and it worked ! I kinda cheat at the moment and make "sugar shine" which is quick, cheap, and easy (just the way I like my dates lol)

I got the still off Ebay and went with a Pot Still as the catalyst of the copper gives it a more authentic taste, almost apple when its plain. My next one will be a Reflux still used for almost tasteless high proof spirts.
I did it so I don't have to buy likker anymore, I guess the same reason I grow and produce what I be Self Sufficient !