Any love for vaping through water?

I while ago I had to stop smoking, unfortunately. Take it with a pinch of salt, but I also had a pretty hard-core trip on shrooms and I was told to stop. Let me tell you, at first, I was gutted. I thought about vaping, but I owned many electronic vaporizers in the past, and felt the same way as you.
Then I got my hands on a Dyna and a Sticky Brick.
At first, it was... ok. Now, after a couple of years, I tell you I don't regret quitting smoking at all. In fact, with 25+ years toking on my shoulders, I can pretty much say that I really learned what's a pure weed high just now.
As a European I was used to mixing with tobacco. Joints, but mostly chilums with live resin or bubble hash. So, probably, if I had been smoking pure weed, I would have a different view. Not sure if you smoke pure.
But, IMHO, the buzz you get from a vape is just as good or even better. Yes, you feel more "stoned" with combustion, but I wonder if that's due to carbon monoxide.
Plus, I'm now saving a lot of weed: If I vape the same amount I'd put in a bong bowl, I get pretty high. Then, I collect reclaim and dab it, and use the AVB for ethanol extractions, edibles, and so on.
I agree. I tried a bunch before I found the Silver Surfer vapes. Works awesome and saves my lungs a bit. It does still give a little different high than a bong though I think. But I haven't taken a bong hit in awhile.

I have a big box of ABV bud too.
Oh I loved my vapexhale and hydrotubes. It was just the thing to quit smoking bongs. The vapexhale broke down and I've been using a solo2 since. I did try it with a hydrotube which resulted in an intense, but short lived high. The vapour is cool enough using the straws that came with the solo2 so I don't really mind.
how expensive is shipping to the US? or do you have a US based warehouse you ship from?
We don't have a US-based warehouse yet, but let me ask Luc (company owner - he's been sending a lot of packages to the US) what are the prices for shipping to you guys. It's not going to be a lot, and we also have some nice deals for shipping. For example, across the EU, we ship for free any order above 75€. Not sure about the US though, but I'll definitely get back to you with some more precise info.
I agree. I tried a bunch before I found the Silver Surfer vapes. Works awesome and saves my lungs a bit. It does still give a little different high than a bong though I think. But I haven't taken a bong hit in awhile.

I have a big box of ABV bud too.
I heard many good things about the Surfer. I generally use butane vapes because I can push it a little bit further in terms of heat and gett a fuller extraction. You are totally right about the high being different; I find it different too, but not worse or weaker. I would call it a more "heady" and less "physical" high.
What are your plans for that big jar of AVB? I use it a lot; I even use it to make QWETO -> I get a dark, awful looking paste that doesn't taste very nice, but it's dabbable and gets me super baked. You can also use the paste to make capsules, name it.
Oh I loved my vapexhale and hydrotubes. It was just the thing to quit smoking bongs. The vapexhale broke down and I've been using a solo2 since. I did try it with a hydrotube which resulted in an intense, but short lived high. The vapour is cool enough using the straws that came with the solo2 so I don't really mind.
I like the Solo 2, it's a very nice product imo. I find it to be very smooth, very tasty, but it does lack a little bit of power. Anyway, for a wake and bake with a nice cup of something warm on a winter morning, the Solo 2 kicks ass.
I heard many good things about the Surfer. I generally use butane vapes because I can push it a little bit further in terms of heat and gett a fuller extraction. You are totally right about the high being different; I find it different too, but not worse or weaker. I would call it a more "heady" and less "physical" high.
What are your plans for that big jar of AVB? I use it a lot; I even use it to make QWETO -> I get a dark, awful looking paste that doesn't taste very nice, but it's dabbable and gets me super baked. You can also use the paste to make capsules, name it.
You describe the high difference perfectly. And you can adjust the vape temp to get more or less of a heady high too in a way. Hotter temps make the high deeper or more physical I think. But I leave mine on kinda medium. I leave the thing turned on 24/7 so it's always ready and warmed up.

I do direct draw with mine. I crush up a little nug with my finger into the wand. Hold the vape like a lighter. Take a hit as I turn it. Tap it on my closed hand and flip it back over, just to stir it up a bit. Take another hit while slightly rotating it. Then toss in the box. I could keep hitting it because it's not fully gone after 2 hits, but it's just my habit. I've always liked the green hits better anyways.

I've got like 2 shoebox's full I guess you'd say of ABV weed. I've made butter out of some. But I need to check out this Quato or QWETO, lol. Is it like quizo or whatever it's called? I've never done quizo though either.
You describe the high difference perfectly. And you can adjust the vape temp to get more or less of a heady high too in a way. Hotter temps make the high deeper or more physical I think. But I leave mine on kinda medium. I leave the thing turned on 24/7 so it's always ready and warmed up.

I do direct draw with mine. I crush up a little nug with my finger into the wand. Hold the vape like a lighter. Take a hit as I turn it. Tap it on my closed hand and flip it back over, just to stir it up a bit. Take another hit while slightly rotating it. Then toss in the box. I could keep hitting it because it's not fully gone after 2 hits, but it's just my habit. I've always liked the green hits better anyways.

I've got like 2 shoebox's full I guess you'd say of ABV weed. I've made butter out of some. But I need to check out this Quato or QWETO, lol. Is it like quizo or whatever it's called? I've never done quizo though either.
Mmm...yes, those green hits are absolutely wonderful!
I tend to vape until brown-dark brown! According to my observations, the vaping session progresses like so: first hit - lots of terpenes, some THC; second hit - fewer terps, high THC; third hit - no terps, medium THC but I get more of those "narcotic" cannabinoids (CBD and such); fourth hit (yes, sometimes I push it to the fourth) - zero terps, low THC and shit loads of CBD. By the fourth hit I tend to be quite high, so my sense of judgement could be affected somehow!

If your AVB is more on the greener side, you have a prime quality raw material for further extraction, with lots of cannabinoids in it! I'm not super into edibles but I generally make cannabutter (based on coconut oil) to then put in my morning tea/coffee, or QWETO . QWISO is 'quick wash isopropyl oil", whereas QWETO is 'quick wash ethanol oil'. Ethanol and Isopropyl are both alcohols, they have an amazing ability to extract goodies from cannabis. I prefer ethanol because it's..."food grade" (I think it is sold as 'Everclear' in the US); there's nothing wrong with QWISO (and it's actually cheaper) but you know...I wouldn't drink a shot of Isopropyl alcohol.

The idea behind QWETO and QWISO is to be quick enough in the extraction process not to have too much wax and chlorophyll in your oil. If youd don't plan on dabbing the end product, but plan to use it orally, then I'd recommend a FECO type of extraction (full-extract), that you get by leaving the plant matter in alcohol for longer.

Soon I'll write some articles for Bongify blog ( about extracting stuff from AVB. In the meantime, you can try this super easy QWETO recipe if you'd like:

1. AVB
2. high-proof ethanol
3. A metal strainer
4. A rosin bag or a coffee paper filter
5. Your fridge
6. Two jars
7. A plate (the ceramic ones, for eating)
8. A razor blade
9. Rosin or parchment paper

1. Put AVB in one jar and alcohol in the other. You can start with a small quantity of AVB (for example five or six spoonfuls). Alcohol should be enough to cover all the AVB and to be one inch above the AVB level when you mix
2. Put the two jars in the frieezer overnight
3. The next day, pour the alcohol in the AVB jar and shake for 30 seconds
4. Let sit for one minute, then shake again for 30 second
5. Repeat this process three to four times
6. Quickly strain the solution from the plant matter using a metal strainer (the kitchen ones work just fine) and pour it in a clean jar. The idea is to quickly filter most of the plant matter; you'll refine the product later
7. Squeeze the plant matter to squeeze out as much liquid as you can
8. Filter the obtained liquid (at this point you should have a greenish looking liquid) with a 30micron rosin bag, or with a coffee filter
9. Pour the filtered liquid on a ceramic plate, cover with another plate or something that keeps light and dust out but lets air in
10. Be patient for a couple of days, the alcohol evaporates completely
11. When everything that's left on the plate is a thin film of a sticky greenish-brown substance, you are ready to scrape
12. Use a razorblade (be careful here! be mindful) to scrape the sticky oil from the plate
13. Put what you collect on the piece of parchment paper

1. let the oil folded in the parchment paper at room temperature for one or two days
2. Then, put it in the fridge

Ethanol residues in the oil? They should be minimal, but don't worry too much about having a super-pure final product (you'd need vacuum pumps etc.). If you are dabbing your oil, as the oil hits the banger the first thing that will evaporate is whatever is left from the alcohol. So, just wait a couple of seconds before inhaling from the moment you see bubbles in your concentrate.
It was a long post, but I hope it will help you give a new life to your AVB!
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how expensive is shipping to the US? or do you have a US based warehouse you ship from?
Just wanted to update you on the shipping costs:
You get free shipping on every order above 75€ (that's $85). This includes shipping insurance. Anything below this amount, you pay approximately $10. There's some more info about shipping policies here:
Feel free to play around with a cart and the checkout procedure, you'll be able to see various shipping options.
And, have no doubt in giving us a shout anytime you need some more info.
You young lungs will be grateful one day that people figured out how to make vape awesome and AS STRONG as smoke. LOL.

I smoked for over 20 years before I started trying to vape and yea it takes a LOT more finesse to get right but it’s every bit as strong. Then because your lungs aren’t fucked you can toke more. I’ve gone back to combust to check plenty of times. I don’t get as high smoking. I can’t. Way more side effect for nothing.

I only need water for my Elev8r tho. I like the DV dry and toke that all day.
Mmm...yes, those green hits are absolutely wonderful!
I tend to vape until brown-dark brown! According to my observations, the vaping session progresses like so: first hit - lots of terpenes, some THC; second hit - fewer terps, high THC; third hit - no terps, medium THC but I get more of those "narcotic" cannabinoids (CBD and such); fourth hit (yes, sometimes I push it to the fourth) - zero terps, low THC and shit loads of CBD. By the fourth hit I tend to be quite high, so my sense of judgement could be affected somehow!

If your AVB is more on the greener side, you have a prime quality raw material for further extraction, with lots of cannabinoids in it! I'm not super into edibles but I generally make cannabutter (based on coconut oil) to then put in my morning tea/coffee, or QWETO . QWISO is 'quick wash isopropyl oil", whereas QWETO is 'quick wash ethanol oil'. Ethanol and Isopropyl are both alcohols, they have an amazing ability to extract goodies from cannabis. I prefer ethanol because it's..."food grade" (I think it is sold as 'Everclear' in the US); there's nothing wrong with QWISO (and it's actually cheaper) but you know...I wouldn't drink a shot of Isopropyl alcohol.

The idea behind QWETO and QWISO is to be quick enough in the extraction process not to have too much wax and chlorophyll in your oil. If youd don't plan on dabbing the end product, but plan to use it orally, then I'd recommend a FECO type of extraction (full-extract), that you get by leaving the plant matter in alcohol for longer.

Soon I'll write some articles for Bongify blog ( about extracting stuff from AVB. In the meantime, you can try this super easy QWETO recipe if you'd like:

1. AVB
2. high-proof ethanol
3. A metal strainer
4. A rosin bag or a coffee paper filter
5. Your fridge
6. Two jars
7. A plate (the ceramic ones, for eating)
8. A razor blade
9. Rosin or parchment paper

1. Put AVB in one jar and alcohol in the other. You can start with a small quantity of AVB (for example five or six spoonfuls). Alcohol should be enough to cover all the AVB and to be one inch above the AVB level when you mix
2. Put the two jars in the frieezer overnight
3. The next day, pour the alcohol in the AVB jar and shake for 30 seconds
4. Let sit for one minute, then shake again for 30 second
5. Repeat this process three to four times
6. Quickly strain the solution from the plant matter using a metal strainer (the kitchen ones work just fine) and pour it in a clean jar. The idea is to quickly filter most of the plant matter; you'll refine the product later
7. Squeeze the plant matter to squeeze out as much liquid as you can
8. Filter the obtained liquid (at this point you should have a greenish looking liquid) with a 30micron rosin bag, or with a coffee filter
9. Pour the filtered liquid on a ceramic plate, cover with another plate or something that keeps light and dust out but lets air in
10. Be patient for a couple of days, the alcohol evaporates completely
11. When everything that's left on the plate is a thin film of a sticky greenish-brown substance, you are ready to scrape
12. Use a razorblade (be careful here! be mindful) to scrape the sticky oil from the plate
13. Put what you collect on the piece of parchment paper

1. let the oil folded in the parchment paper at room temperature for one or two days
2. Then, put it in the fridge

Ethanol residues in the oil? They should be minimal, but don't worry too much about having a super-pure final product (you'd need vacuum pumps etc.). If you are dabbing your oil, as the oil hits the banger the first thing that will evaporate is whatever is left from the alcohol. So, just wait a couple of seconds before inhaling from the moment you see bubbles in your concentrate.
It was a long post, but I hope it will help you give a new life to your AVB!
That was an awesome, super informative post. I've got the Everclear already. I'm gonna have to try this really soon. My box of it is overflowing onto my floor, lol. Thanks a lot man.
I’m a savage. I coffee grinder my after vape to just about espresso dust. Then mix as much as I can into the strongest garlic hummus I can buy. You can get this pretty insanely strongly packed in there. I barely need a half a spoonful I take like medicine. Shrug

It’ll ruin your tolerance so fast though so only when needed.

And hey I thought it sounded insane too but I had so much and hate coconut oil so I tried it. I was wrong. You might have trouble if you don’t like hummus though haha
You young lungs will be grateful one day that people figured out how to make vape awesome and AS STRONG as smoke. LOL.

I smoked for over 20 years before I started trying to vape and yea it takes a LOT more finesse to get right but it’s every bit as strong. Then because your lungs aren’t fucked you can toke more. I’ve gone back to combust to check plenty of times. I don’t get as high smoking. I can’t. Way more side effect for nothing.

I only need water for my Elev8r tho. I like the DV dry and toke that all day.
i don't know about it being as strong though. i got some like 80% thc oil last time i was up in Denver and i still get higher ripping some bong hits with the stuff that i grow that is nowhere near 80%. lol.
You young lungs will be grateful one day that people figured out how to make vape awesome and AS STRONG as smoke. LOL.

I smoked for over 20 years before I started trying to vape and yea it takes a LOT more finesse to get right but it’s every bit as strong. Then because your lungs aren’t fucked you can toke more. I’ve gone back to combust to check plenty of times. I don’t get as high smoking. I can’t. Way more side effect for nothing.

I only need water for my Elev8r tho. I like the DV dry and toke that all day.
I've thought about getting one of those. That's the company that makes the SSV. Here in CO.
silver surfer? how do you like that?

have you ever hit a volcano bag?
I love em. I have 4 here now. Regular and spherical designs.

Never hit a bag, but the idea just sounds odd to me. I'd expect it to get stale. The vapor can't all stay in vapor form forever I wouldn't think. It would be cool to be able to fill a bag and have a bag of vapor though.

The Super Surfer can do bags too.
I love em. I have 4 here now. Regular and spherical designs.

Never hit a bag, but the idea just sounds odd to me. I'd expect it to get stale. The vapor can't all stay in vapor form forever I wouldn't think. It would be cool to be able to fill a bag and have a bag of vapor though.

The Super Surfer can do bags too.
that's kinda what i thought about the bags too. the sucker that gets that last hit must be kinda shitty.

i want vaping to be as good as combustion but i just can't get there yet.
that's kinda what i thought about the bags too. the sucker that gets that last hit must be kinda shitty.

i want vaping to be as good as combustion but i just can't get there yet.
Ya, I kept trying shit until I got a desktop one. I tried the Magic Flight Box first since people said it works great. I thought it was a piece of shit. It works better as firewood.
Ya, I kept trying shit until I got a desktop one. I tried the Magic Flight Box first since people said it works great. I thought it was a piece of shit. It works better as firewood.
i had a desktop one called Vapolution. it was decent: was glass on glass and very smooth. but still nothing like a joint, bowl or bong though.