Any martial artists round here?

...learn something from youtube.

Didn't i just finish mentioning how learning stuff by watching videos almost never works? That's the only problem i have with what you linked: you won't become a real martial artist by watching videos and shadow boxing, you have to be properly instructed by a real human being who knows what they're doing, and can physically show you how it works, so that you can Feel it, and so that you can receive correction while attempting to perform it.

But from what i saw on that site in just a quick overview of that single page, i would think they almost certainly do have some legit stuff to teach; just doing it through videos isn't enough though.
I did get into sas and ranger stuff. not really hand to hand but tactical,diversion and cold weather survival. it covers a ton what you can eat and how to make shelter and traps.
That's all fine and good, but if you're close enough to touch me with any appendage, i'm already in position to defend my vital points, without looking like it. I love the "look natural, like you're just standing there" position, it's incredibly deceptive. When i had to leave the place i mentioned, i turned my focus to the art of Not fighting, and have not failed yet. I have not allowed myself to be put in a position that requires combat (though have been tempted and provoked a few times). It's just better that way, i think. I won't harm someone unless i have to. People talk shit, i don't care. I leave them an out, a chance to choose something other than combat, and it almost always works. What kind of person would i be, if i went around baiting people into combat, just so i could enjoy harming them? Not the kind i want to be.
What are you talking about? I did say spontaneous reaction right? I can down you 500yds from my position.
Didn't i just finish mentioning how learning stuff by watching videos almost never works? That's the only problem i have with what you linked: you won't become a real martial artist by watching videos and shadow boxing, you have to be properly instructed by a real human being who knows what they're doing, and can physically show you how it works, so that you can Feel it, and so that you can receive correction while attempting to perform it.

But from what i saw on that site in just a quick overview of that single page, i would think they almost certainly do have some legit stuff to teach; just doing it through videos isn't enough though.
I never said I learned from a video did I?
Didn't i just finish mentioning how learning stuff by watching videos almost never works? That's the only problem i have with what you linked: you won't become a real martial artist by watching videos and shadow boxing, you have to be properly instructed by a real human being who knows what they're doing, and can physically show you how it works, so that you can Feel it, and so that you can receive correction while attempting to perform it.

But from what i saw on that site in just a quick overview of that single page, i would think they almost certainly do have some legit stuff to teach; just doing it through videos isn't enough though.
I said if you chill I would post some videos.
That's all fine and good, but if you're close enough to touch me with any appendage, i'm already in position to defend my vital points, without looking like it. I love the "look natural, like you're just standing there" position, it's incredibly deceptive. When i had to leave the place i mentioned, i turned my focus to the art of Not fighting, and have not failed yet. I have not allowed myself to be put in a position that requires combat (though have been tempted and provoked a few times). It's just better that way, i think. I won't harm someone unless i have to. People talk shit, i don't care. I leave them an out, a chance to choose something other than combat, and it almost always works. What kind of person would i be, if i went around baiting people into combat, just so i could enjoy harming them? Not the kind i want to be.
I understand that. I had to subdue a few friends without hurting them. Its a challenge for sure, especially if you expect to remain friends.
What are you talking about? I did say spontaneous reaction right? I can down you 500yds from my position.
Good point; another reason i think it's a good idea not to fight unless i have to. ^^

If you embarrass the wrong person without weapons, they might just grab a weapon and escalate the issue in a way that nullifies martial arts.
I learned all about chained punches and kicks but the trinity punch I know, came from one arm but this is a good example.
I'm familiar with this one.

Actually, a lot of the stuff you've posted so far, looks like refined kung fu, and even the way that site we discussed describes its teachings, seems similar.

I have this hypothesis that the valid and useful fundamentals are the same everywhere, originated in the same place, but are differently distilled or curated or refined or applied, etc., by different people from different cultures, using them in different situations, and discovering useful additions/modifications, separately (but sometimes similarly or identically) along the way, which becomes the various named styles you find all over the world. The human body works pretty much the same, no matter which region a person comes from, or which name is worn by their training. Bruce Lee was going the right direction with "human style" JKD (i just don't think it's necessary to eliminate the more artistically expressive dance-stuff... that stuff is interesting and has value in and of itself). Maybe at some point there will be only one type of all-inclusive martial arts training, which has taken all the best parts from every available source, and discarded anything redundant or inferior...