Any martial artists round here?

I worked a job that cleand my record since then so now I'm fully up-to-date on that silly modern equipment as well and now I really like my old school shit
Factory churned out by uncaring modern retards or designed by artisan craftsmen, blacksmiths pounding out magic at the height of the Industrial Revolution lol
All these shit talkin nerds here too much of bitches to even put what city they live in and certainly forgot the fucking end of Jay and silent Bob strike back as they talk shit
the only problem with the legit Chinese systems is their weakness to the ground game... if a jujitsu expert latches on, shaolin guy is in trouble. Not because the system is flawed, but because, by design, it focuses on mobility and maintaining distance, because being in striking/grappling range is bad, especially if your foe is stronger. The chinese systems actually do have some pretty effective grappling stuff, but self-preservation being a priority means focusing on avoiding the grapple entirely, and escaping it when you can't avoid it. In the Chinese systems, the last thing you want to do is remain connected to your enemy, or allow him to control your body with brute force. If he can't touch you he can't hurt you. Grappling is something you don't want to have to do unless it's necessary. In jujitsu, grappling is the priority, by design. I think both are very valuable, and it's just interesting to see the two contrasting approaches collide.
Hi guys, gotta say i love this kind of talk. un fortunately i have to disagree with this statement about the Chinese arts being weak on its ground game. there is much to consider in a statement like that. are you referring to kungfu as a whole? because the differences between northern and southern styles of old school shaolin kungfu are staggering alone and enough to base argument on.
Hi guys, gotta say i love this kind of talk. un fortunately i have to disagree with this statement about the Chinese arts being weak on its ground game. there is much to consider in a statement like that. are you referring to kungfu as a whole? because the differences between northern and southern styles of old school shaolin kungfu are staggering alone and enough to base argument on.
I know Doggie there's is like thousands of Chinese systems some of them very good on the ground
Couldn't have put it better inna milyun years is the exact reason I will always kick the crap out of my brother Jerry his study of various Chinese systems have ruind his potential ground game he just can't get on the ground
you do realize that Silat (any system of it) is of Chinese origin. as a practiotioner of KunTao Silat, under a direct disciple of Uncle Bill the Silat systems came out of the Indonesian (south east Asian) continents and are heavily if not entirely influenced by the Chinese arts.

you train in any kajukenbo? I know it is really big out there in cally. some real shit too. i got started on that loved it for its brutality. training is not over till there is blood on floor!
Is somebody knows his shit fuck yeah man nice to meet you I'm Joe
Muay Thai, Penjak Silat, Greco-Roman wrestling, Fudo Ryu system ninjutsu and Bondo cause I was Chillin with some Burmese motherfuckers
We get a lot of kids in here that like to talk shit exact kind motherfuckers don't even post what city they live in so I let em know i will come box I sent a conversation saying hey let's box they all like oh no I gotta family, motherfucker we all got families