Any powdery mildew experts?

He didn't even spell it correctly till I pointed it out. What does that say?

I'm outa here......I'm ignoring too. It's just too ponderous man....
Yeah its had to be done cuz if I'd seen any more dribble I'd probably get a brain hemorrhage n drop on the spot..what pissed me off was it started with constructive criticism then he refused to listen to anyone's argument and is clearly the definition of ignorant
If he'd half a brain he'd get his evidence from Google scholar where these papers have been peer reviewed...if you've any links to torrent sites for Google scholar articles let me know Cuz they mearly give u a prick tease.

To quote zappa " There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life."
If you had read that I had plants tested for it and nothing showed, you would realize that that is science. Lab testing showing it was gone from teh plant showed that it was no longer in the plant and that plant was safe is showing that the way I used it was completely safe. Is there some other science I don't know about?
I realize that doesn't mean it would react the same in every garden for every strain under any conditions but it shows it's possible to spray it and tehn have it be gone from the plant before it's consumed which in my instance showed it can be used safely.
Show the lab reports.

Pics or it didn't happen basically. I don't believe it.
Pesticide Residues in Food, 1992 Evaluations: Residues, Part 1 life of myclobutanil&f=false

Look at the half life and assessment of translocation via spraying the leaves as opposed to soaking the roots in grapes and apples. Half life range is 7-30 days with the avg being 10-15 days.
We are poking in the dark on studies unless we have one with MJ. Other plants are not the same. But the avg gives a good reason why MJ wouldn't show any if you spray it by the first day of flowering and the study would show why it probably wouldn't even move into the buds. Xylem up, Phloem down. It doesn't get brought down to the roots to get redistributed. Read the study I posted about translocation when teh roots are soaked.

I was supposed to take pictures of the test results just in case I got into a debate with some people who won't believe me on the internet. Shit I forgot to do that. Correction, I forgot to care. Believe what you want it really doesn't matter to me, at all.

This has been fun but I have better things to do. Let me know if you find a study you understand and proves anything.

It does move into the buds. You can't say it doesn't.

All say myclobutanil is xylem mobile. What does xylem do? Moves water from root zone throughout the ant tissue.

Holy shit! No way you can say it only absorbed in the first layer of the plant.

I don't think you really know how systemic fungicides or plants work.
Yeah its had to be done cuz if I'd seen any more dribble I'd probably get a brain hemorrhage n drop on the spot..what pissed me off was it started with constructive criticism then he refused to listen to anyone's argument and is clearly the definition of ignorant
Ya, ignorant cunt is real constructive. :)
What's pissing you off is that I'm proving you wrong. I still haven't seen a correct interpretation or correlation of a study.
He didn't even spell it correctly till I pointed it out. What does that say?

I'm outa here......I'm ignoring too. It's just too ponderous man....
First off you didn't point anything out, I guess you just spelled it correctly(about the only thing you got correct). That's your last grasp, pointing out my spelling error?
And I don't think you used ponderous in the right sense.
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Pesticide Residues in Food, 1992 Evaluations: Residues, Part 1 life of myclobutanil&f=false

Look at the half life and assessment of translocation via spraying the leaves as opposed to soaking the roots in grapes and apples. Half life range is 7-30 days with the avg being 10-15 days.
We are poking in the dark on studies unless we have one with MJ. Other plants are not the same. But the avg gives a good reason why MJ wouldn't show any if you spray it by the first day of flowering and the study would show why it probably wouldn't even move into the buds. Xylem up, Phloem down. It doesn't get brought down to the roots to get redistributed. Read the study I posted about translocation when teh roots are soaked.

I was supposed to take pictures of the test results just in case I got into a debate with some people who won't believe me on the internet. Shit I forgot to do that. Correction, I forgot to care. Believe what you want it really doesn't matter to me, at all.

This has been fun but I have better things to do. Let me know if you find a study you understand and proves anything.
Doesn't matter.

I've backed every claim I made on this site.

Think what you want. On some crops the half life is up to over 200 days.

You used it twice and thought better of it and now try to make your self feel better for using dangerous chemicals and can't even provide you lab results. If you were serious about growing you would still have those reports. Better yet, if it was a reputable lab they would still have it on file.

People like you using stuff that has not been tested on cannabis is shameful and dangerous.

Its the very reason I grow my own.

IMG_20170215_014655.jpg IMG_20170215_194338.jpg IMG_20170215_194241.jpg
I've never had pm. I know how to prevent it by controlling their environment.

So out of the ones debating this who had pm and used questionable chemicals? You.

Go ahead with putting coconut oil on the walls. That stuff spoils and turns rancid eventuallyo_O

Coconut oil is not antimicrobial and can grow mold.
It was used to catch any blowing spores. Then it was mopped up. It was on the floor dumbass not the walls.
Now go back to your hole troll. You are see thru. You have nothing so you just try and dig at everything. Repeatedly showing your failure.
MJ isn't "some crop" and I showed you the avg and general range and told you about my experience. You don't even know the way a plant works and how this systemic fungicide works. Wasted my time with your lack of understanding and pestering.

And futurederm isn't a google scholar paper. You haven't backed anything.

Doesn't matter.

I've backed every claim I made on this site.

Think what you want. On some crops the half life is up to over 200 days.

You used it twice and thought better of it and now try to make your self feel better for using dangerous chemicals and can't even provide you lab results. If you were serious about growing you would still have those reports. Better yet, if it was a reputable lab they would still have it on file.

People like you using stuff that has not been tested on cannabis is shameful and dangerous.

Its the very reason I grow my own.

View attachment 3930242 View attachment 3930244 View attachment 3930245
I've never had pm. I know how to prevent it by controlling their environment.

So out of the ones debating this who had pm and used questionable chemicals? You.

Go ahead with putting coconut oil on the walls. That stuff spoils and turns rancid eventuallyo_O

Coconut oil is not antimicrobial and can grow mold.
View attachment 3930248
It was used to catch any blowing spores. Then it was mopped up. It was on the floor dumbass not the walls.
Now go back to your hole troll. You are see thru. You have nothing so you just try and dig at everything. Repeatedly showing your failure.
MJ isn't "some crop" and I showed you the avg and general range and told you about my experience. You don't even know the way a plant works and how this systemic fungicide works. Wasted my time with your lack of understanding and pestering.

And futurederm isn't a google scholar paper. You haven't backed anything.
What ever dude.

You are a complete failure. Make a claim and refuse to back it up.

Worthless, lazy grower that has to use dangerous chemicals.

I am not a troll. I spend my time here helping in the grow sections.

It is the very reason I am so adamant about this. I don't want a new grower to take your stupid advice and use eagle 20 or any other dangerous chemicals.

Say what you want. At the end of the day you made the claim about it is safe and lab test yet make excuses why you can't back it up.
whitebb27liI3488248 said:
Doesn't matter.

I've backed every claim I made on this site.

Think what you want. On some crops the half life is up to over 200 days.

You used it twice and thought better of it and now try to make your self feel better for using dangerous chemicals and can't even provide you lab results. If you were serious about growing you would still have those reports. Better yet, if it was a reputable lab they would still have it on file.

People like you using stuff that has not been tested on cannabis is shameful and dangerous.

Its the very reason I grow my own.

View attachment 3930242 View attachment 3930244 View attachment 3930245
I've never had pm. I know how to prevent it by controlling their environment.

So out of the ones debating this who had pm and used questionable chemicals? You.

Go ahead with putting coconut oil on the walls. That stuff spoils and turns rancid eventuallyo_O

Coconut oil is not antimicrobial and can grow mold.
View attachment 3930248
Dude look at the Google scholar papers I linked him n yet he refuses to believe n the title suggests experts but ur average grower isn't as thick as this lad like I said he's literally the definition of ignorant.
And its only Google scholar papers I link not shitty convoluted posts with noobs giving advice like milk,really? If I knew the guy I'd take on all his patients. Yes I use chemical ferts straight to the end but a nice cure she's banging. He provides one published peer reviewed paper on his argument every1 will apologise n grovel in yor greatness n Al made a good point about u using it only twice..then to inhail it n most probably vape it so it gets right into the bronchioli so yeah ur slowly poisoning already sick ppl with weak immune systems...I hear foliar spraying rat poison does much the same,maybe save a few bucks n buy that instead
Doesn't matter.

I've backed every claim I made on this site.

Think what you want. On some crops the half life is up to over 200 days.

You used it twice and thought better of it and now try to make your self feel better for using dangerous chemicals and can't even provide you lab results. If you were serious about growing you would still have those reports. Better yet, if it was a reputable lab they would still have it on file.

People like you using stuff that has not been tested on cannabis is shameful and dangerous.

Its the very reason I grow my own.

View attachment 3930242 View attachment 3930244 View attachment 3930245
I've never had pm. I know how to prevent it by controlling their environment.

So out of the ones debating this who had pm and used questionable chemicals? You.

Go ahead with putting coconut oil on the walls. That stuff spoils and turns rancid eventuallyo_O

Coconut oil is not antimicrobial and can grow mold.
View attachment 3930248
Coconut oil binds very well with thc for tinchers so it would have a very hight fat content so increase in mold. But it's cool guys he's a pro.

Note to op; change ur title to noobs wanted for powdery mildew cuz u just about pissed off every knowledgeable grower on here and you've no idea what ur at this site u earn ppls respect n trust, you don't throw their CONSYRUCTIVE CRITICISM in their face. I've had problems and took advice but always researched for myself cuz some bullshit in cannabis scene but ppl like Drwho who's been here since my old profile has given me great advice,not directly but from spotting random threads like most pks need more potassium (think I may get the canna mono range , I already have mono N,mag, and trace elements n the N has been amazing n I got the Mag cuz one plant always showed mag defs so I'd to buy a bottle cuz I'd seen no signs of cal Def n sorted so @DrWho or even Al have any suggestions on a nicely dosed pker as I use canna pk n it does work but the extra potassium or special K as the cool cats call it
If this is how you act you aren't helping anyone. You are perpetuating people spreading PM. You even said you never had it, you are talking about something you have NO experience with.
I've proven everything I've said is probable. You just don't understand it.
Some pic of a test isn't going to convince you. You'd say I faked it. There is no way for me to prove anything to you, you are biased and close minded.

What ever dude.

You are a complete failure. Make a claim and refuse to back it up.

Worthless, lazy grower that has to use dangerous chemicals.

I am not a troll. I spend my time here helping in the grow sections.

It is the very reason I am so adamant about this. I don't want a new grower to take your stupid advice and use eagle 20 or any other dangerous chemicals.

Say what you want. At the end of the day you made the claim about it is safe and lab test yet make excuses why you can't back it up.
None of those links you provided proved anything. Not one paper had anything to do with MJ. Plants are different, you can't jut use a paper from any type of plant to represent how MJ plants work.

And what the hell is it with the milk? You can't even keep strait what people said. This is the ? time you have accused me of saying something I didn't even mention. You have a habit of not paying attention and then accusing me of something I never said. Try and focus.

And I don't really care if you use chemical ferts. And I'm literally the definition of ignorant? You should look up the definition of literally. :)
The rest I can't even understand. Please try to form full sentences when you are ranting on.

Dude look at the Google scholar papers I linked him n yet he refuses to believe n the title suggests experts but ur average grower isn't as thick as this lad like I said he's literally the definition of ignorant.
And its only Google scholar papers I link not shitty convoluted posts with noobs giving advice like milk,really? If I knew the guy I'd take on all his patients. Yes I use chemical ferts straight to the end but a nice cure she's banging. He provides one published peer reviewed paper on his argument every1 will apologise n grovel in yor greatness n Al made a good point about u using it only twice..then to inhail it n most probably vape it so it gets right into the bronchioli so yeah ur slowly poisoning already sick ppl with weak immune systems...I hear foliar spraying rat poison does much the same,maybe save a few bucks n buy that instead
First off, wholly shit dude, focus, what the hell are you talking about. And easy with the run on sentences.

AS for the coconut oil, it has antifungal properties and lasts a long time without molding but if you mop it up(pay attention here), it isn't there anymore so it doesn't mold. Just like Myclobutanil can't harm you if there is none left in the plant. You seem to have a hard time with things being gone, but it'll be ok. Coconut oil gets moped up and myclobutanil breaks down. It's just what happens.

Coconut oil binds very well with thc for tinchers so it would have a very hight fat content so increase in mold. But it's cool guys he's a pro.

Note to op; change ur title to noobs wanted for powdery mildew cuz u just about pissed off every knowledgeable grower on here and you've no idea what ur at this site u earn ppls respect n trust, you don't throw their CONSYRUCTIVE CRITICISM in their face. I've had problems and took advice but always researched for myself cuz some bullshit in cannabis scene but ppl like Drwho who's been here since my old profile has given me great advice,not directly but from spotting random threads like most pks need more potassium (think I may get the canna mono range , I already have mono N,mag, and trace elements n the N has been amazing n I got the Mag cuz one plant always showed mag defs so I'd to buy a bottle cuz I'd seen no signs of cal Def n sorted so @DrWho or even Al have any suggestions on a nicely dosed pker as I use canna pk n it does work but the extra potassium or special K as the cool cats call it
If this is how you act you aren't helping anyone. You are perpetuating people spreading PM. You even said you never had it, you are talking about something you have NO experience with.
I've proven everything I've said is probable. You just don't understand it.
Some pic of a test isn't going to convince you. You'd say I faked it. There is no way for me to prove anything to you, you are biased and close minded.
I'm not closed minded at all.

Just calling you a liar and fake is all.

Why don't you throw some pics of your garden up?
Hi all
Quick question
How long can powdery mildew exist in grow space without any living plant material. ?
For example, growroom cleared and left unused.?
My cleaning between grows has obviously not been up to scratch
PM is an obligate biotroph, meaning it needs a host (plant) to extract nutrients from for survival. Even on an agar plate it will not grow, it needs plant material as source medium to colonize. Some pm are also host specific, a pm species that is novel on cannabis and able to germinate will not be able to survive on other plants and vice versa. If your grow room does has spores a bleach cleaning throughout will do the trick before you introduce any plant material back into the grow space. I would clear away any plant material (broom sweep), 10% bleach for decontamination throughout the room, IPA wipe down, and you can check back after a day to make sure you gotten rid of all the spores. This is also good practice to eliminate any other harmful microbial.
It was used to catch any blowing spores. Then it was mopped up. It was on the floor dumbass not the walls.
Now go back to your hole troll. You are see thru. You have nothing so you just try and dig at everything. Repeatedly showing your failure.
MJ isn't "some crop" and I showed you the avg and general range and told you about my experience. You don't even know the way a plant works and how this systemic fungicide works. Wasted my time with your lack of understanding and pestering.

And futurederm isn't a google scholar paper. You haven't backed anything.
I provided a few papers even a link to all the papers but no response u nonce
Ya, ignorant cunt is real constructive. :)
What's pissing you off is that I'm proving you wrong. I still haven't seen a correct interpretation or correlation of a study.
Bit u are ignorant and the very definition of it Google ignorance.basically it's expressing an opinion u know nothing about so ur thick,stupid,touched...probably from smoking ur shit crops if any have survivex