Any runners who use Cannabis?

OK, gotta ask - how does the sour candy fit in? Cotton mouth prevention?

Just finished my personal fave - 1/2 cup coffee, 2 solid bong rips; 2 mile flat track (neighborhood). The reward comes while having my oatmeal and second cup of coffee --- tough to find a better start to the day!

Hope everyone else is having a good one too! :bigjoint:
crazy taste sensation for me anyway
i train everyday, bodybuilding/calistehnics and also run. dont run far mostly sprints but love hiking also and sports.

dont be a lazy couch potato stoner, be active and then mull up.

keep your body primed and use oil or vape majority of the time, i just swapped to eating oil most of the time and vape if i really am craving a rush, but smoko on weekends or every couple weeks.

keeping the best health you can will ensure you get more years of smoking the herb instead of dying, also being there for your loved ones for a potential extra 20 years.
Yeah try a few bong hits and some sour candy your mind will be blown

@KillaKane , the sour candy makes sense now!

I went surfing at my favorite point break yesterday. The surf was small (waist to chest high), so I took a couple rips while putting on my wetsuit.
Just before leaving the car, I noticed my daughter left some kind of chewy sour candy...........magic! :bigjoint:
Yeahh. I do it for several years. It doesn't matter if you smoke cannabis. I felt a result after smoking tabacco for 6 month and running was awful then
I do like how folks pointed out to get away from smoking it. I know I labeled this "runners" but surfing, body building and other sports like others have mentioned make so much sense.

I'v got Plantar Fasciitis now and taking a break from running. But went biking today and roasted one at the midpoint. Didnt get the cardio from running and the natural cannabinoid receptors going but it felt healthy.

Stay strong stoners in this time of virus and madness..
I get the surfing thing, look at towns like Santa Cruise the whole town smokes pot. Snowboarding you float on powder flying down a 70 degree pitch effortlessly. Balance controls everything, maybe herb make you more sensitive but I seem more connected.

Herb seems to be associated with a lot of adrenaline sports, and some believe it makes you more connected.
I have to agree, I also feel that it helps in managing adrenaline - When taking a late drop on a vertical wave I often experience time dilation - as if I have a minute the next split second. A little THC onboard seems to amplify this effect - 2 rips before a small wave session and a 1 second barrel can feel like this:

I increased my lung capacity about a year ago.
Taking in one breath slowly for 45seconds, exhale takes another 45 seconds. There are sooo many more techniques. I seriously get euphoria from breathing it is so fucking cool.

When I am training, I do NOT smoke anything. Edibles is the only way to go.

However, I often go too hard, too long and extend my recovery time when I'm exercising high.

(i like growing cannabis, not so much using it)
I increased my lung capacity about a year ago.
Taking in one breath slowly for 45seconds, exhale takes another 45 seconds. There are sooo many more techniques. I seriously get euphoria from breathing it is so fucking cool.

When I am training, I do NOT smoke anything. Edibles is the only way to go.

However, I often go too hard, too long and extend my recovery time when I'm exercising high.

(i like growing cannabis, not so much using it)

The euphoria can be great! "Overindulgence" can give you a nasty headache though.

I used to spear fish a lot between 30-60 feet, with excursions as deep as 90 feet for around 2 minutes. Capacity at max was around 7 liters.
Consistency is the key - I almost broke 5 minute resting breath holds using progressive tables.
That enabled me to safely get up to 3 minutes of air underwater.
--- Being single, surfing like a madman and diving at least once a week probably didn't hurt either...

(3 minutes = 2 min dive + 30% margin - entanglements or other issues on the way up are much easier to handle when you're not blacking out!)
Iv met only a handful of people who puff and run. Apparently Im supposed to watch TV and eat Chinese food.
Iv heard that the neurotransmitters for running are very similar to THC (every incarnation). Feel good brain chemistry to reward one from escaping from lion or running after a woolly mammoth.

Eatings gotta be the best Iv found but vaping or smoking (not ideal) is more practical. Just was curious about experiences other runners may have had.

I notice a distinct increase in cardiovascular endurance with indicas, call me crazy but cannabis is an extreme performance enhancer. Both physical and mental. If I burn before a run I actually look forward to it rather than having to force myself straight
Running no - cycling yes. About 8K miles a year. I am a little concerned about aerobic capacity with smoking every day, but doesn't seem to be noticeable. I don't partake before riding, but I do know some who like to do during mountain bike rides.
Running no - cycling yes. About 8K miles a year. I am a little concerned about aerobic capacity with smoking every day, but doesn't seem to be noticeable. I don't partake before riding, but I do know some who like to do during mountain bike rides.
vape genius or eat oil, i vape, its doesnt take a rocket scientest to figure it out
I have buddies who can vape or burn before and during rides and still dust me on the hills. CannaCoco oil works great. Just eat a piece and wash it down with coffee and get riding. I've done this before running too. Basically just make sure you don't over do it on the oil. :D
Yes. I exercise everyday, smoke weed, once in a while smoke cigs, dont drink, and run mudders and races. I do smoke and exercise, but i dont enjoy it as much.