Anybody else thinking about getting a 2nd vax?

Front line workers are at high risk,

How fucking dumb are you?
Your implication of who would be considered "high risk", inferred those with pre-existing underlying conditions, due to the high % of death due to Delta associated with the first vaxxed. You are just shooting all over the place aren't you, with no real counter-argument as why a higher % folks who were fully vaccinated died vs those who were vaccinated. I'm not real surprised, because you seem incapable of a fact-based debate.
you should ask the OP about his..sadly, he still listens to the GOPers based on questioning and lack of basic COVID vaccine knowledge.
Since you apparently know a lot about the covid vaccine, I wonder what your opinion is regarding the spiked protein moving away from the vaccine site, which was never intended and something that doesn't happen with traditional vaccines.
Are you sure it's not intended? Isn't it supposed to do that so it makes its way through the lymph nodes and assists in the process?
Your implication of who would be considered "high risk", inferred those with pre-existing underlying conditions, due to the high % of death due to Delta associated with the first vaxxed. You are just shooting all over the place aren't you, with no real counter-argument as why a higher % folks who were fully vaccinated died vs those who were vaccinated. I'm not real surprised, because you seem incapable of a fact-based debate.
Well, John, if we went by your cherry picked data, the least deaths occurred after one dose. Nice try tough, gfy
Your implication of who would be considered "high risk", inferred those with pre-existing underlying conditions, due to the high % of death due to Delta associated with the first vaxxed. You are just shooting all over the place aren't you, with no real counter-argument as why a higher % folks who were fully vaccinated died vs those who were vaccinated. I'm not real surprised, because you seem incapable of a fact-based debate.
no need to be so emotional peej
I'm sure everyone who took the vacine will be fine as long as that anchor keeps it in your arm cos if it moves to other places in your body could be a slight problem but I'm sure it will be fine and if this anchor talk is confusing you then maybe you should research something before you become a guinea pig
I'm sure everyone who took the vacine will be fine as long as that anchor keeps it in your arm cos if it moves to other places in your body could be a slight problem but I'm sure it will be fine and if this anchor talk is confusing you then maybe you should research something before you become a guinea pig
tell me about your medical degree
from the mouth of Qbert:

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) on Wednesday tweeted and then deleted a post mocking the threat of the delta variant of COVID-19.
“The easiest way to make the Delta variant go away is to turn off CNN,” wrote the QAnon-endorsing Republican, touting ignorance as a defense against the mutated strain of the coronavirus first discovered in India that is significantly more transmissible than other variants.
“And vote Republican,” she added, in a further attempt to politicize the issue.
Since you apparently know a lot about the covid vaccine, I wonder what your opinion is regarding the spiked protein moving away from the vaccine site, which was never intended and something that doesn't happen with traditional vaccines.

mine went to my brain and i got high..seems they just took the vial out of deep freeze. i felt the pocket sitting between my muscle..then it went to my brain HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! is all i can say. i went home was a little sleepy. 2nd shot nada. no side effects at all. Pfizer.
from the mouth of Qbert:

Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) on Wednesday tweeted and then deleted a post mocking the threat of the delta variant of COVID-19.
“The easiest way to make the Delta variant go away is to turn off CNN,” wrote the QAnon-endorsing Republican, touting ignorance as a defense against the mutated strain of the coronavirus first discovered in India that is significantly more transmissible than other variants.
“And vote Republican,” she added, in a further attempt to politicize the issue.

yeah well they're checking potty water and Grand Junction leads the pack that's how we know Colorado is #2 in the nation regarding deviant. next time you drive by a hospital down there know that they're close to capacity..i know you live there and hope you or your child doesn't need to go to the hospital for anything.
yeah well they're checking potty water and Grand Junction leads the pack that's how we know Colorado is #2 in the nation regarding deviant. next time you drive by a hospital down there know that they're close to capacity..i know you live there and hope you or your child doesn't need to go to the hospital for anything.
i'm about 5 hrs from GJ. i'm sure the massive country music fest they are having there will do wonders. just turn off CNN.