anybody ever seen gender in 5 weeks?


Active Member
I got two WW growing and one has one set of pistils growing out, so I don't know if it is 100% female. Though things seem to be going good for now. I've never in the past had the sex show up so early. It usually took 3 to 4 months.


Active Member
ive had a few ww do this on me, always grown female though, suppose it may be in the plants genetics?


Well-Known Member
Yes, it can happen in veg depending on the strain and conditions. If you really see pistils then you have a momma.


Well-Known Member
No seriously. He said it took 4 months to show sex before so I am assuming he had it on a veg cycle.


Active Member
My White Rhino, Blue Berry and Ice all show female pistols while in veg if i grow them large but once i turn the lights back they are def. showing sex by the end of week 1 of flowering


Well-Known Member
i have some rocklock that is on 12/12 rite now but i was seeing pistils (white hairs rite?) while it was still on 18/6. i noticed this on a few strains i've grown outdoor as well. little hairs on the base of the stem leaf once the plant gets about 8+ inches, i was under the impression all female plants did this???

sidenote; my uncle and many other people couldnt even see the hair when i pointed it out to them, i needed to get the magnifying glass i view trichromes for them to see it, the hairs are very small and practicaly translucent, i wonder if some people just dont see them because there so hard to see??? idk, im a newb so i dont know jack***t!


Active Member
Yes I have put a plant in 12/12. I vegged them for four months cause I wanted five foot tallers, but I was a being dumb for thinking I could do it under just a 400w. Now I have upgraded since thin and I hope am growing some badass mums for future SOG. My light schedule is 24/7. Now like I said I don't know if it is 100% female, but I can only hope.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have put a plant in 12/12. I vegged them for four months cause I wanted five foot tallers, but I was a being dumb for thinking I could do it under just a 400w. Now I have upgraded since thin and I hope am growing some badass mums for future SOG. My light schedule is 24/7. Now like I said I don't know if it is 100% female, but I can only hope.
I'd think after that many months you would have enough material for clones my friend, I can only imagine you are growing in soil by the sounds of it, why not chuck them into 12/12 and sex them then you will know what you are dealing with......either way I smell nooooob!


Active Member
I am, but I'm not really, and I think your confused either by the way I wrote it or the way you read it. I am always up for learning new things. I have had a little luck in the past but wasn't good enough so Im trying to find my nich. A couple grows back is when I was trying to grow the big plants(only three) under a 400w. That grow was the one where I first saw pre flower two weeks before I switch over to 12/12. Now I have my 400w in a tent on 24/7 with my future mums in soil. Those two mums about 7" to 8" tall and 5 weeks old. I am going to grow them out a little bit longer and start takeing clones from them to see if they are infact 100% female. This way I will focus all my attention to just vegging and not worry about flowering.


Well-Known Member
Save money on electricity by switching to 18/6 or even 14/10. You will in my opinion not see much more growth with the extra daylight hours. And a dark period allows the plant to deal with all that sugar it has produced. My experience of lighting schedules are that 14/10 gives me only slightly less growth for much more savings on electricity.

Whoever is confused is besides the point mate, you know what you are doing so good luck with it.


Active Member
nothing wrong with vegging 4months+ if thats what you want to do lol..its not about what you are suppose to do. if you want to try something or experiment theres nothing wrong with that. hell there are cannabis plants out there that are 2+years old. maybe alot older.