Anybody gotten clones from 420patients or emarijuanaclones?

BITCH YOU PUT HIS FIRST FUCKING NAME IN A POST........ You halfwit moron...... dont you even read your own posts?
People like you is why i have NO friends that grow, that I stay here in Tucson in my own bubble.....bitches like you are dangerous. You get a wild hare up your ass and think the world should stop and cater to your every need, then go breaking rule one of growing and being on forums... PERSONAL CONTACT INFO IS A SECRET! and should always remain that way regardless of how pussy hurt you get about things.

Go suck on an exhaust pipe in rush hour traffic you dumb broad.

you make me chuckle too :)
You don't sell meds, I never said that, you give them away.nobody would ever give you anything besides a glad trashbag for your meds. I have never claimed any master grower skills, but I have occasionally said I'm better then some. I guess HB DC is right about you being senile. I would deny giving out clones too if they came out as terrible as Yours had. But honestly if someone called me out that has evidence of it happening then why lie? If I fucked up I'd rather admit it and own up to it then completely deny it and look like a fool to the public. I'm not going to get personal like you and tell everyone your name. Hope you feel better lying :) p.s. so do I...but I would never publicly display them like you.

feel free to bash me all you and i both know the's okay...i've been chuckling all day.