Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

What I'm gonna do is stock up on a shit ton of spores and supplies and try everything Lol. No better way to learn than trial and error. Gonna fuck with skeleton crew spores. Great strains, prices, and customer support, and got here in days.
I'm gonna go ahead and try inoculating like 10-12 bags of uncle bens rice (with one 10ml syringe). I'm thinking lazy.. more than poor boy style tek, lol. Then pasteurize some coco and mix up a substrate (not sure if I should include any additives, as the rice seems to be enough?), and spawn it all to bulk in shoe box tubs.

Try to push it a bit, and go for 5-6 shoe tubs from the 10+ bags. Or maybe one or 2 bigger plastic mono tub style totes?

Seems way to easy!

The only thing i'm gonna get off etsy for now is the unicorn style bags for later, and maybe an agar dish (free dish from some suppliers), so I can clone to it, and not have to replace so many syringes, or much of anything yet.

I just can't justify buying pre made bags, even though I know the effort that go's into them, and that they are probably worth it. Rather make them myself after watching the above vid now. Rye grains are just over a dollar or so a pound at the food co op nearby. I'm sure i'll come up with my own new teks someday too, and new ways to do everything.

Probably build my own 55 gallon drum substrate steamer, and all that jazz. Sounds dangerous ;)

Also, I'm gonna start collecting parts now to build a decent sized laminar hepa flow hood, out of a filter and fan, before I really start investing much time or effort into mycology.
Hey can u guys give me some advice on a pressure cooker? I want a smaller one but big enough to hold quart jars.
I just dropped 200 at nectar for the gods on nutrients to finish my plants off so I'm on a budget this week. So I'm looking for the cheapest option for a pc, but it has to fit quart jars and reach 15 psi. I was gonna just go ahead and buy one new on Amazon but found a variety on marketplace for cheaper
I just dropped 200 at nectar for the gods on nutrients to finish my plants off so I'm on a budget this week. So I'm looking for the cheapest option for a pc, but it has to fit quart jars and reach 15 psi. I was gonna just go ahead and buy one new on Amazon but found a variety on marketplace for cheaper
How many quarts do you want to pc at a time? I use a instapot. I know yours doesn't fit quarts, but mine fits 3 at a time. That might be your cheapest option.
How many quarts do you want to pc at a time? I use a instapot. I know yours doesn't fit quarts, but mine fits 3 at a time. That might be your cheapest option.
Doesn't really matter just has to be tall enough. I'd if it only fit a couple. I'm spawnig to bulk in shoeboxes so I wonder if I can just do pints after I make up the lids with those ports and filters. Maybe just fill up pint jars 3/4 to the top, put whatever sub I'm using in, then attach my pre made jar lids, cover in foil, then use the instapot for now.
Man I swear these same old 2 shoeboxes keep popping out some big ones outta nowhere. Got about an oz(wet) last night and today from 1 box and a whole bunch of pins coming in on the other. I swearbtheyve been sitting here for it seems like a couple
Man I swear these same old 2 shoeboxes keep popping out some big ones outta nowhere. Got about an oz(wet) last night and today from 1 box and a whole bunch of pins coming in on the other. I swear theyve been sitting here for it seems like a couple
I did some shrooms a couple of nights ago for the first time in like 20 years. I only ate a gram, but I was full blown tripping for a bunch of hours. Now I want to grow them. I'm going to have to read this entire thread.