Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

I did some shrooms a couple of nights ago for the first time in like 20 years. I only ate a gram, but I was full blown tripping for a bunch of hours. Now I want to grow them. I'm going to have to read this entire thread.
Yeah there's some guys on this thread who know what they're doing
Skittish is why I immediately moved on to birdseed. So when I inoculated my brf jars I could still see a whole bunch of spores in the syringe, so I hurried it up opened up a new bottle of distilled water and sucked up 10 cc's and it looked like a brand new spores syringe full of spores still. I hurried up and pc'd a couple jars of bird seed then took the syringe with the leftovers in it and just opened up the jar lid squirted it in and closed it up. Poked a little circle of holes in the lid with a thumbtack and put micropore tape over it for a filter. Now I'm not saying that this is going to work out because it could very well get contaminated but I definitely saw how much faster bird seed colonizes than brf.
I did some shrooms a couple of nights ago for the first time in like 20 years. I only ate a gram, but I was full blown tripping for a bunch of hours. Now I want to grow them. I'm going to have to read this entire thread.
Go for it it's fun and much easier than growing cannabis. A little bit of work in the beginning and then just a lot of patience.
I did some shrooms a couple of nights ago for the first time in like 20 years. I only ate a gram, but I was full blown tripping for a bunch of hours. Now I want to grow them. I'm going to have to read this entire thread.
Check out the Lets Grow Mushrooms videos with roger rabbit.
If you google and find the page i thinck its like 5 bucks for a couple of informative videos that are well worth the price.
It teaches you about everything you need to know in a couple of videos.
Check out the Lets Grow Mushrooms videos with roger rabbit.
If you google and find the page i thinck its like 5 bucks for a couple of informative videos that are well worth the price.
It teaches you about everything you need to know in a couple of videos.
RR knows his shit fasho. Don't over complicate it. I did and I think most people do at 1st. To all about sterilization and inoculation at 1st and once that's done right its just patience.
I did some shrooms a couple of nights ago for the first time in like 20 years. I only ate a gram, but I was full blown tripping for a bunch of hours. Now I want to grow them. I'm going to have to read this entire thread.
If you're thinking about trying it out check out Skeleton crew spores. They have a nice variety for a nice price and great customer service. Also I wouldn't try pf tek. I see no point.
Thanks I was thinking that same exact thing about the tinfoil. I just made it like that because I saw someone do it online with the lids from the jars. I also don't trip. I tried a few times times probably a decade ago and it really wasn't my thing I don't know if it was the environment but I didn't have many good experiences on it honestly. So if I was to even try psilocybin again it would be in extreme moderation.
set em on a cake cooling rack,(would allow air to the bottom of the cake in chamber) from the wifes stockpile of cookin'toys
I wonder if you could just go thrift store shopping, and buy up every old stove top pressure cooker you could find (like 20 of them, for a few dollars a piece), and then hook them all up to one steam boiler. I'm sure that could be reverse engineered from something, or made on a budget too.

Like, tap into the lids and add a line going to each one, to pump in the steam to all of them at the same time.

Sounds more reasonable to me, instead of paying 1000's of dollars for a large commercial unit with a single huge pressure tank, or trying to engineer one that won't blow up.

Then you could cook 20 times the amount you could with just one regular sized PC, without breaking the bank to do it, granted you have space to hook it all up.
I'm just gonna buy a pc. Been having to spend money on some other things. I just spent almost 800 on lights for this grow also I have 5 plants in flower that I'm heavily feeding and I'm using nectar for the gods whole line along with all the microbes and teas and its been a money pit I spent 200$ to replenish some bottles this week. So I'm hoping I can afford a pc this week. I'm using this power pressure cooker xl, I guess it gets to 15 psi but doesn't hold it, which if you wanna be technical, no it's not 100% sterilization. I don't know I just set it on canning/preserving and set it on well/wild and it heats up for 30 min then sets for 2 hours and runs for 2 hours. Right when it's done I let all the steam out so the jars don't get condensation on them and either put them in a sealed tub to cool or just leave them in the pc. So far I've had success with the jars colonizing. I failed at pf tek. But I successfully have been pulling a shit ton of funguys out of these shoeboxes. I started the shoe boxes on May 25th and they're still growing. They alternate back and forth I just picked one shoe box and now another one's pinning16580012614892371418834637481804.jpg
I bought a used cooker somewhere. I never really inspected it or refurbished it. Six months or so after I had been using it, my wife was on her way into the kitchen when it blew up. Specifically, the emergency release plug gave way. It could have seriously scalded her
There was a layer of water all over the ceiling and floor. I swear it looked like far more water than I put in it.

Point is... maintain your pot
Switch out the gaskets and such every year or two. Given that one can weaken a unit by running it dry or dropping it, I would never again get a used one where I don't know what has happened to it.

I have five of them of various sizes and uses. Pressire cooking is the ONLY way one should cook artichokes

There's all kinds of 55 gallon barrel steamer kits out there to put together. Companies that carry all the parts too.

They aren't using real pressure though, which is why i was thinking about using multiple pressure pots instead, the ones with the weights that sit on the lid. I could rig something up where I put in heating coils into each one, instead of trying to pump in steam.. Anyway..

Apparently you can steam the substrate without pressure, in huge bulk quantities, and many farms are doing it?