Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

Just so you are aware. Your grow is a keeper. One rarely sees such rhizomorphic growth in substrate.

I highly recommend you isolate and preserve that, not the spores but the actual genetic expression of what ever you have there.

Odds are it will yield spectacularly.

Buy some pre-made:peach tree dishes" and get a tissue sample from the first fruit you get.
Been looking into it for a couple days now. Really wanna start working with agar. Is this easy to do without a flow hood. Will an sab do?
So when I spawn to a shoebox, put a little layer of coco on top, and snap the lid on, theres still fae from imperfect seal. So even though im waiting for it to colonize, isnt that still inititiating fruiting right away? also when the surface colonizes should i make sure to see those tiny little water drops all over, and if I dont maybe a light mist?
Got about 8 strains going and all look like photo below. 5 more boxes colonizing in the closet.Lol just fuckin arpund getting a feel for it. I like this guys spores though. Huge variety and all colonized fast with no noticable contams. His strains I started a week after the sporeworks ones and they passed the sporeworks tubs up. Imma stick with this company!!!
managed to get some cubensis to grow outdoors 44N latitude ..buried 10 spent cakes in cow manure/hay about a month ago..They just started fruiting View attachment 5175384
I lived up north in michigan in the middle of nowhere and white morel mushrooms used to grow like wildfire in the woods. We'd go on a hunt and come home with garbage bags full. I like em sauteed in butter they taste like lobster and look like coral.
I lived up north in michigan in the middle of nowhere and white morel mushrooms used to grow like wildfire in the woods. We'd go on a hunt and come home with garbage bags full. I like em sauteed in butter they taste like lobster and look like coral.
Mmm that sounds good right about now, that’s awesome, you just reminded me Amanita Muscaria & Gymnopilus season is right around the corner, I gotta go out hunting ! I found this laughing gym cluster 2 years ago by my place, gotta go check up on it
I didn't even expect this to work at all. I took an empty Spore syringe sucked up some distilled water and just opened two pint jars of WBS and squirted it in. So this box was just literally 2 pint jars of WBS that were really only 2/3 full. So like a pint of WBS total. I saw some spores left over in the empty syringe and I decided to try this didn't expect to get anything out of it
What a shame, 7l. Your yield could have been gigantic had you cased properly.
What is properly casing to you. You seem to disagree with absolutely everything I really don't understand. I literally will do what everybody else growing mushrooms does but for some reason you always tell me that's wrong