Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

I start hobbies and go way over board. To make a long story short as a kid I loved Beta fish (Chinese fighting fish). So ive always had em all over the house. Theyre pretty hard to breed because they are super territorial and hate eachother. I'd buy the rarest pretty ones I could find. I started breeding them wich is such a cool process to watch. Well they spawn thousands of babies and many die but I ended up with hundreds of them of of so many different breeds and colors.
Coir is almost completely inert, the whole reason it’s used for this is the LACK of nutrition which makes it difficult for random spores to grow on it.

casing isn’t needed with cubensis, it may help With the surface while you’re learning but once you get tubs dialed in it makes no difference.
Casing is essential for a good, even, prolific pin set. I have done both ccountless times. You get more water, more irregularity, more beneficial microbes, more protection and less damage to the substrate.
If you inoculate pure coir you’ll get a couple weak fruits.

I’ve grown many psychedelic species and pans are the only ones that really need casing. If you have small flushes of cubes without casing then the tubs aren’t dialed in all the way.
I start hobbies and go way over board. To make a long story short as a kid I loved Beta fish (Chinese fighting fish). So ive always had em all over the house. Theyre pretty hard to breed because they are super territorial and hate eachother. I'd buy the rarest pretty ones I could find. I started breeding them wich is such a cool process to watch. Well they spawn thousands of babies and many die but I ended up with hundreds of them of of so many different breeds and colors.
A convenient trick with them is to not keep them in glass tanks but rather non-reflective containers, it calms them down a lot.
People depend on absolutism. "Light is not needed to trigger" as example. It's not aabsolutely necessary but it is important.

Casing is not essential as I said but it seriously increaseyields
A convenient trick with them is to not keep them in glass tanks but rather non-reflective containers, it calms them down a lot.
I've heard that. I actually had tanks that had a bunch of them in it and they all got along but they were all brothers and sisters and had been around each other for a while. The coolest thing is watching the male sit underneath the bubble nest he makes by spitting out bubbles and guards it. The tiny little babies stay in the bubbles and any stray babies the male goes around puts them in his mouth and then goes back up to the bubble nest and spits them back into the bubble nest. Cool as hell. My last ones I successfully bred some koi betas.
Again what causes a pin to die though? I seem to be having this issue on this tub. But again I inoculated a bunch of jars with a GT syringe and noticed a bunch of spores left over in the syringe. I had two WBS jars ready to go so I sucked up some distilled water in the empty syringe and opened up the jar lids inside a Sab and inoculated no ship. I don't know if something in that process is causing this because it could have easily been contaminated. Some seem to have turned dark and stop growing but more pins popped up 16599539344792732660638138673408.jpg
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Casing. The point of casing is several fold


1. The LACK of nutrition signals to the mycelium mass that it is running out of food, so it will begin to fruit in order to perpetuate its DNA through spors
OK even if thats so that wouldnt be that bad of thing because I want that top layer to colonize anyways. I know if there's any form of nutrition in something it can cause contams but when spawning to a shoe box the jars are fully colonized and then colonized that top layer very quickly and most likely will fight off most contams and the boxes sealed up anyways while waiting for it to colonize
I have some spores on the way. We'll test these theories on different ways to do these shoe boxes, but for now can you guys help me maintaining these ones I already have made up. Those are the ones that count right now. I have my guy helping me who really knows his shit but im open to and take in everything everyone says.
Sometimes you get a culture that just aborts a lot.

too much heat has caused problems for me too but only when it was above 80 constantly.

It’s hard to tell but those pins look like they might be stretching from lack of air. When there’s not enough FAE they start getting long and skinny trying to find oxygen.
I've heard that. I actually had tanks that had a bunch of them in it and they all got along but they were all brothers and sisters and had been around each other for a while. The coolest thing is watching the male sit underneath the bubble nest he makes by spitting out bubbles and guards it. The tiny little babies stay in the bubbles and any stray babies the male goes around puts them in his mouth and then goes back up to the bubble nest and spits them back into the bubble nest. Cool as hell. My last ones I successfully bred some koi betas.
I have done those as well as gouramis. Even the small dwarf gourami is a great nest builder and parent.
Sometimes you get a culture that just aborts a lot.

too much heat has caused problems for me too but only when it was above 80 constantly.

It’s hard to tell but those pins look like they might be stretching from lack of air. When there’s not enough FAE they start getting long and skinny trying to find oxygen.
Ya I don't have central air and its been atleast 85 everyday lately. I have a window unit in my grow room, a window unit in my living room, and a window unit in my bedroom, and they all run at 100% most of the time to keep my house cool. On top of 1500 watts of light running in my grow room. I've learned my lesson this summer. I will never start a grow that I'm going to start flowering in July LOL at least with my setup. And for these fun guys I have a 3x3x6 grow tent that I'm going to put some of those stacking plastic shelves in and put it in my bedroom and that will solve the heat issue with the air conditioner in there.