Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

With syringes, you get millions of spores, all with potentially slightly different genetic makeups. That's why flushes tend to be fairly uneven when dealing with syringes; a lot of genetic diversity all growing at different paces. Presumably, a culture is taken from one specific fruit and just creates clones of the original. Should be much more uniform. At least, that's my understanding.
Basically like watered down agar, kinda like the hydroponic equivalent of mushroom petri dishes. 3 dimensional area for it to grow in, instead of 2. The spores have already germinated and established a colony of mycelium, and so the process is considerably sped up. There is less time for anything to contaminate as well. Not to mention you'll probably get more uniform flushes, because its more like a clone, whereas with spores you will have mutliple phenotypes coming in at different stages.
There are cons though. I'm pretty sure it's harder to tell you have contamination in the liquid broth, and the only real way is to test it on agar anyway. It's not really legal either, because there is liklely some psilicybin content, unlike with spores.
There are cons though. I'm pretty sure it's harder to tell you have contamination in the liquid broth, and the only real way is to test it on agar anyway. It's not really legal either, because there is liklely some psilicybin content, unlike with spores.
i haven't had a chance to look at the site i got my syringes from but i don't remember seeing culture as an option.

we are legal to grow here so i'm thinking i'm covered with either option but soemthing i'll double check for sure.
There are cons though. I'm pretty sure it's harder to tell you have contamination in the liquid broth, and the only real way is to test it on agar anyway. It's not really legal either, because there is liklely some psilicybin content, unlike with spores.
You can tell if you have bacteria contamination in liquid culture jars if it gets cloudy and pretty much the mycelium stops growing.
Test on agar for everything else. Test on agar regardless. Because agar won’t always show bacteria contam. At least not that easy from my limited experience. But I also didn’t just jump into all this without knowing heads that were already blowing up the shrooms.
Yeah LC is definitely a legal grey area. It was completely banned even in spore/cultivation trade forums until maybe 6 months ago a lot of places have seemed to ease up as shrooms ger more popular.

the main advantage to LC is that you can get clone cultures that (assuming the vendor actually did the work) will grow the same high yielding high potency tubs over and over.
i haven't had a chance to look at the site i got my syringes from but i don't remember seeing culture as an option.

we are legal to grow here so i'm thinking i'm covered with either option but soemthing i'll double check for sure.
Are they selling them? If so, where? Lol. I'm headed out soon.

LC sounds great. Something always on hand, a little quicker and maybe a little more forgiving. I'm already kind of dreading the whole sterilization process. Anything that takes a little pain out of that I'm interested in.
Plenty of places online and in Colorado stores from what I’ve heard.

lc won’t make things any easier though, it’s the exact same process as using a spore syringe except with mycelium in place of spores.

Don’t be intimidated by growing, it’s VERY simple, way way easier than weed. I know it sounds like a lot but once you get started you’ll see. Also people insist on making the process much harder than it needs to be which is why they have issues. As long as you have a syringe from a solid source and can follow basic directions you’ll be fine. I was so worried about contamination and soaking the grain an exact amount of time, using a precise amount of coir hydrated to a specific level, and turns out none of that really matters. As long as you’re anywhere near the target you’ll get shrooms.
Plenty of places online and in Colorado stores from what I’ve heard.

lc won’t make things any easier though, it’s the exact same process as using a spore syringe except with mycelium in place of spores.

Don’t be intimidated by growing, it’s VERY simple, way way easier than weed. I know it sounds like a lot but once you get started you’ll see. Also people insist on making the process much harder than it needs to be which is why they have issues. As long as you have a syringe from a solid source and can follow basic directions you’ll be fine. I was so worried about contamination and soaking the grain an exact amount of time, using a precise amount of coir hydrated to a specific level, and turns out none of that really matters. As long as you’re anywhere near the target you’ll get shrooms.
Right, I pretty much eyeball everything
Haven't decided on which spores I want yet, but I just ordered a couple of 3lb all-in-one bags from eBay. For $28 shipped, seems like a good deal for the casual grower.

back in the day, that's kinda what we did. at least an 1/8 per person. and lots of nitrous. lol.

any idea what the strain would be that grows in cow shit down in south Georgia? they used to bring them in by the garbage bag

That's how much I took on my first trip. First time doing drugs, ever, actually. I ate them fresh off the PF cakes. Tripped all by myself.

No clue where I ended up at the end. Still trying to figure out this crazy fucking timeline of events, lol.
Haven't decided on which spores I want yet, but I just ordered a couple of 3lb all-in-one bags from eBay. For $28 shipped, seems like a good deal for the casual grower.

that's similar to what i got: 4 of the one pound rye bags for $27.

do you like the bigger 3 pound bags better?
I've only used 2 pound bags so far. Each 2 pounder seemed about the perfect amount for a 12qt tub. Haven't decided exactly what I'm doing this time around. Might end up getting a couple more bags. Thinking I may do a few of the 12qt dubtubs again, and maybe 1 larger tub. I'm indecisive.
another site i saw said 55C is better.

but yeah, the bigger ones are still flexing but the smaller ones seem to be brittle. getting there!
It is possible that the larger, fibrous or Hollow fruit will be flexible, like a rope...kind of... even when fully dry.