Anybody growing mushrooms willing to talk???

Most of us arent growing 10lbs at a time lol.
So a dehydrator is a good buy. I sure af would rather run a dehydrator that draws close to zero for power compared to a dehumidifier that is an absolute energy suck.

Nice work, Dude. Great set-up.
well wortht the 40 bucks or whatever. i felt like i was lucky to have any fruits and didn't want to mess up what i got by not drying them correctly.
I've been looking at the Transkei and PE x Transkei on Skeleton Crew. It's in my head that I'd read somewhere that Transkei tended to have a more visual experience. Can you confirm or deny that? How about the ones crossed with PE, any good? Either one offer decent growth rates and yields without being too touchy?
Kinda looks like a nightmare to harvest though.
I’ve switched to bags. xlsa bags. You try for 1/4 lb from 3 flushes which you will get because less chance of contams. Anyways. I’m on my way out from tubs. Last tubs of the jack frost they hardly had any stems. In the bags they’re beasts. Pic below is from those tubs. Second flush should be bomb.
View attachment 5334775 Very full first flush pinset but took forever to harvest because they were shorties. Just under 1/2 lb average 66qt
I love the blue gills on those. I've had Jack frost come in Really dense like that with Short stems But as the flushes go on, they get bigger.
I love the blue gills on those. I've had Jack frost come in Really dense like that with Short stems But as the flushes go on, they get bigger.
It’s crazy short sometimes in the tubs first flush. That pic was of the longer ones lol. And yup everytime the 2nd flush comes in def lengthier.
In the bags, must be from the lower FAE, they come up taller the first flush.
I've been looking at the Transkei and PE x Transkei on Skeleton Crew. It's in my head that I'd read somewhere that Transkei tended to have a more visual experience. Can you confirm or deny that? How about the ones crossed with PE, any good? Either one offer decent growth rates and yields without being too touchy?
Pretty much all cubes feel the same. Straight PE and Ape are 3x stronger. Then regular cubes when crossed with pe will usually raise the potency a little. Pe grows slower and yields a little Less but are stronger. Regular cubes grow faster but aren't as potent. Crosses come somewhere in between with speed, yield, and potency. So IMO a cube is a cube. Now different species that I've grown have
It’s crazy short sometimes in the tubs first flush. That pic was of the longer ones lol. And yup everytime the 2nd flush comes in def lengthier.
In the bags, must be from the lower FAE, they come up taller the first flush.
Small or short alot of times they weigh the same. When theyre small they're usually really dense and the bigger ones more hollow
Pretty much all cubes feel the same. Straight PE and Ape are 3x stronger. Then regular cubes when crossed with pe will usually raise the potency a little. Pe grows slower and yields a little Less but are stronger. Regular cubes grow faster but aren't as potent. Crosses come somewhere in between with speed, yield, and potency. So IMO a cube is a cube. Now different species that I've grown have

Small or short alot of times they weigh the same. When theyre small they're usually really dense and the bigger ones more hollow
I’m still yet to see if i’ll get that 1/4 from a 3 flush bag grow. On the third flush right now in some bags with that one. . Isn’t looking like i will though. Close though.
Dudes i know that blow shit up, they grow in bags like i have finally submitted to. They also told me that the jack frost isn’t that great of a yielder. But that’s from dudes growing in bags and they also don’t have the isolate i got.
In the tubs, i haven’t lost one tub before the second flush with the JF. Where as tubs and me have some really bad luck. In bags the other strains that were failing in tubs, with beautiful grain spawn. Are all good.

tubs are pissing me off. Can’t figure out why i suck. I’ve done 180f water into bucket tek to try and be more pasteurized. Didn’t help. Same results as boiling water into coolers. Load them up in front of the flow hood. Only thing that kinda helped most strains was only 3.5 qts water per cvg batch. 650g coco. 2 qts verm and the gypsum. 3.5 qts when testing field capacity is allot less drops coming out when you squeeze really hard. One of my buddies who kills it says you don’t need to squeeze harder than you would your nuts. Lol
I really fought the advice from my friends who had a good 1 year on me doing this. I really wanted the tubs to work as the whole bag tek is so wasteful

i do three bags from that cvg batch. With 1/2 of my 1800g grain bags of milo doing up 2 of them. I’m currently babysitting som pc’s with millet grain bags :-)
20 bucks a bag. Little cheaper than the red sorghum. Same 2:1 no soak no simmer recipe tooIMG_8893.jpeg
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It might be the room. I didn’t clean my grow room for over a year and it has carpet. Started losing like 50% of my tubs to mold before the first flush and I knew it wasn’t the spawn.

I finally pulled the carpet up and disinfected the room and have had zero issues since.

prob gave myself some respiratory problems working in there so long though, I had no idea how heavy the spore load could get.
It might be the room. I didn’t clean my grow room for over a year and it has carpet. Started losing like 50% of my tubs to mold before the first flush and I knew it wasn’t the spawn.

I finally pulled the carpet up and disinfected the room and have had zero issues since.

prob gave myself some respiratory problems working in there so long though, I had no idea how heavy the spore load could get.
You know. I’m pretty convinced it has to be that. These were also in Pasty whyte tubs. Small holes but un taped thrown right into fruiting conditions after mixing spawn with bulk into tubs. Probabaly not too smart throwing them into a repurposed bloom room. But i also have hepa filtration in there. I give up. But it was also a sealed growroom and i didn’t have any bad stuff going on in there when i had shut it down.
I've been looking at the Transkei and PE x Transkei on Skeleton Crew. It's in my head that I'd read somewhere that Transkei tended to have a more visual experience. Can you confirm or deny that? How about the ones crossed with PE, any good? Either one offer decent growth rates and yields without being too touchy?

First off, crosses between "strains" are next to impossible. It is highly likely that who ever is claiming a cross is bullshitting you.

And second, the jury is still out as to whether different phenotypes offer different experiences.
Hell if I know. If I had any real intentions of getting that deep into mycology, I probably wouldn't still be buying all-in-one grow bags from eBay. Considering that it seems a fairly common thing for ostensibly reputable spore sellers to sell "crosses", I just found your blanket statement pretty noteworthy. That ad I linked to is bullshit? That business does/should know that it's bullshit? Is there some sorta gray area there?
First off, crosses between "strains" are next to impossible. It is highly likely that whoever is claiming a cross is bullshitting you.

And second, the jury is still out as to whether different phenotypes offer different experiences.

We accomplished a cross of Penis envy and Blue magnolias at the farm I used to work at for the last 3 years, it's called "Steel Magnolia" and it's been fairly well documented on various social media by many different growers we sent the spores out to. It clearly grows in a unique manner that is not Penis Envy or Blue Mag, but an absolute combo of them both. Cubes are cubes so there is no reason you can't combine 2 different ones from what I've seen, no different than an African person and a caucasian person having a child.

It was done by combining the spores from both mushrooms on several agar plates. The spores found a mate from the opposite strain and grew. When we fruited out those plates it was very obvious that there were combined traits on some of the batches. Not all the plates produced results that show this, but a couple did. So then we took clones of specific fruits that showed those shared traits and grew those out again. When the shared traits persisted we took spores from those specific fruits and did MS runs with those to again look for fruits with shared traits from the original parents. That generation produced mostly mushrooms with those shared traits and we ended up gradually selecting 14 slightly different phenos. We ran those for over a year and eventually widdled them down to about 4 that were the overall best for our growing environment.

We did other experiments and had obvious combinations of parent genetics in the offspring, the Steel Magnolia was just the most potent and prolific grower we had. It tested more potent than either of the Parents and was stronger than anything in our lineup other than "Pearl Harbour" which was also right up there with the PE and Steel Mag. We actually did a cross of the Steel Magnolia and that Pearl Harbour which turned out looking awesome. It grew with wide chocolate brown caps, and the stems all grew with brownish "veins" running up them from the bottom to just below the cap. It was a very distinctive appearance. We never released that one, but there are still spores that I think would be fun to play with someday.