Well-Known Member
Ah when he was defending his life. Yea... ok. The court said he wasn't guilty by the way!ooh nice caps. As if Shootenhouse knew any of the back story when he was busy pew pew pew.
Ah when he was defending his life. Yea... ok. The court said he wasn't guilty by the way!ooh nice caps. As if Shootenhouse knew any of the back story when he was busy pew pew pew.
Oh of course, it's always different this time!Please show where I said that otherwise it is just another verbal meme
So nothingOh of course, it's always different this time!
LOL coming from one of the biggest trolls on thie site.... yea ok gramps! Carry on I'm going to eat supper.So nothing
Nada zip
So typical troll on
And you still have no reply when called out for your liesLOL coming from one of the biggest trolls on thie site.... yea ok gramps! Carry on I'm going to eat supper.
Worked well in amercia on the Native Americans. French used slaughter to great effectiveness on the oligarchy that was controlling them. You just dont like the idea of violence. And thats ok. I lived in a world where gun violence was a daily occurrence. Where i watched friend being gunned down all the time. So maybe our viewpoints are more based on our experiences. Mine say, never fucking leave the house with out being strapped. Period. You live in America."slaughter works very well" good heavens.
How did that work out for Hitler? Or the Soviet Union? What you describe is nonsense. As if the US were some sort of isolated place where we can't compare our lot with others. Compare the US with other similar countries. Their democracies are are not in crisis. They aren't dealing with right wing vigilantes murdering people who oppose police brutality. What you are saying is exactly what white supremacists advocate. They want civil war and the destruction of this country's government.
No thanks, I'm not happy with the results of this trial but I'm not about to endorse street war as a corrective action. That would play right into the radical right's hands. I advocate that we put our justice system under bright lights and deal with the fascist threat that is growing there.
Worked well in amercia on the Native Americans. French used slaughter to great effectiveness on the oligarchy that was controlling them. You just dont like the idea of violence. And thats ok. I lived in a world where gun violence was a daily occurrence. Where i watched friend being gunned down all the time. So maybe our viewpoints are more based on our experiences. Mine say, never fucking leave the house with out being strapped. Period. You live in America.
And they arent dealing with it anymore. American history is short. Do we really want to start looking at all the slaughter over the centuries. Rome, Mongols ect. We are a toddler country in comparison.
I agree I also advocate that we put our justice system under bright lights and deal with fascist threats growing here. I just think violence is more effective then being passive.
I love the Tea guy. So much.
Wow you keep trying to paint me as some racist person that wants to wipe out all nonwhites? WTF bro? Turner Diaries? really? Are your eyes that closed that we live in a violent world? We do. Thousands of violent acts happen everyday. Humanity is violent. Always has been, always will be. And those that choose to ignore this fact typically end up fodder.You sound like you took your words directly from the Turner diaries.
Wow you keep trying to paint me as some racist person that wants to wipe out all nonwhites? WTF bro? Turner Diaries? really? Are your eyes that closed that we live in a violent world? We do. Thousands of violent acts happen everyday. Humanity is violent. Always has been, always will be. And those that choose to ignore this fact typically end up fodder.
Oh look a Q tardYour shit is weak, don't you have some pedos to defend?
Thats fine. The people in my life know im not racist. Kinda hard to be racist when you kept bring home girls from every nationality. Hard to hate people for their skin color when half of your family is black. When you yourself are 1/4 native american. Im also Irish. and African. And Italian. Shit, I'm a collective of the most oppresed groups of people in American History! Whos got my check?That’s the leftist tactic to try and shout people down by always accusing them of racism. It’s worn out it’s effectiveness because most of us aren’t taking the race bait anymore.