Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

So pot should only be in qualified hands too right? Everyone that wants to smoke should have to have a medical card? Or can you let people do what they want
so you're saying that growing weed is an equivalent crime to murder?
someone with a few plants in their closet is the same as killing two people and crippling a third because they scared you when you shouldn't have been where you were to begin with? when you only went there to look for trouble, and when you found it, you murdered two people, and crippled a third for life while trying to murder him as well? sus to me....
Still trolling on about race bullshit huh.

Hatemongers love when people attack the few people who have always looked out for people who otherwise would have nobody.

That is why they spend so much time trying to paint them as opportunists to their cult.

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Oh you mean the people that got filthy rich off race baiting and taking advantage of others situations to advance themselves?
Yes, we know all about the menacing and threats that angry white supremacists make on people who oppose them. If you say anything they disagree with you have to be careful and keep your identity secret or the rabid swastika types will make your life hell. White supremacist terrorists are the number one terrorist threat in the US. Not ISIS or Taliban but here at home. The same old white men who claim to love the flag dishonor it.

You seem to be manifesting things out of thin air. If someone attempts to run your good name through the mud, potentially influencing a trial that could cost you this life, repercussions via bleeding money are one of the only legal remedies. This goes for White, Black, and Purple people. I understand you have a hatred of white supremacy, that is understandable. However, falsely labeling individuals by media corps is wrong. The boy who cried wolf comes to mind.
Same to you! Hilarious you're on a site that is all about an individual freedom, like growing pot, but you're all against the freedom of having a gun. So typical...
well, first of all, we're not all against owning guns, i have several, and have for a long time. i've carried one on a daily basis for a long time, and managed to avoid having to shoot anyone yet. matter of fact, i've never even had to draw it on anyone. rittenhouse gets a rifle and in a few months he's murdered two people and tried to murder a third...something seems wrong there...almost like he was just waiting to get a weapon so he could act out his sick little fantasy...
and again, draw an equivalency between growing weed and murdering people is kind of horseshit...we're not talking about owning a gun, we're talking about using one to kill two people and cripple a third who you were also trying to're just saying it's about owning a gun, because you don't want to call killer kyle a murderer, when we both know that's exactly what he is, and that's exactly what this is about
Because far right hate mongers said so?

Over the years I have seen him in action. I have never seen him do anything positive for the community other than trying to incite or profit off upheaval. There are some really good pastors in the black community but he is NOT one.
You seem to be manifesting things out of thin air. If someone attempts to run your good name through the mud, potentially influencing a trial that could cost you this life, repercussions via bleeding money are one of the only legal remedies. This goes for White, Black, and Purple people. I understand you have a hatred of white supremacy, that is understandable. However, falsely labeling individuals by media corps is wrong. The boy who cried wolf comes to mind.
It didn't take long for you to show the robe and hood you are wearing.

Lulz at your claim that they are defending their honor. A letter to the editor brings goons out for blood. White supremacists are scum.
Over the years I have seen him in action. I have never seen him do anything positive for the community other than trying to incite or profit off upheaval. There are some really good pastors in the black community but he is NOT one.
Really how much money have you seen be exchanged? Have you looked at his tax returns or something to say this is the case?

You are a radicalized idiot who thinks they know, because your feels told you so, because over those decades you have been told over and over that this is the case by right wing hate mongers, and it stuck.
court have been wrong in the past, courts will be wrong in the future, and this court was wrong today...kyle is a fucking murderer, we both know it, admit it, the truth will set you one knows who you are, we can't follow you out of the bar and stomp on you...tell the truth for once in your miserable life, kyle is a fucking white supremacist cunt, the judge is a geriatric racist fuck who should have been removed from the bench decades ago, and the only reason you're here in this forum is to "own libs" racist hateful murderer worshipping fuck
I gotta say, middling grade. Fine use of cunt and fuck. However evidence is scant for bitch or shit or, more exotically, cum. And zero credit for a prime category, Insulting Puns.
It didn't take long for you to show the robe and hood you are wearing.

Lulz at your claim that they are defending their honor. A letter to the editor brings goons out for blood. White supremacists are scum.

I agree white supremacists are scum. Interesting how you label me a white supremacist for defending someone who isn't a white supremacist. Watching your brain function in this way is fascinating.
Bookmark this thread and come back if Mr. Rittenhouse is nailed by any federal charges. I think propagandists have tricked you into parroting "crossing state lines" with no understanding of the law. I don't think you understand the facts of the case. Mr. Rittenhouse did not violate any weapons law.

I'd be sweating bullets if I was one of the many parties that libeled Mr. Rittenhouse in falsely declaring him a white supremacist. The Covington Kid settled libel lawsuits with CNN and WAPO. The Kenosha Kid is likely going to get paid a lot of money, as he should.
Mr. Rittenhouse? Mr. ?....fuck that murdering fucking murderer....if i was Mr. Murderer, i'd be sweating bullets right now with Mr. Merrick investigating me for "possible" federal charges
Mr. Rittenhouse? Mr. ?....fuck that murdering fucking murderer....if i was Mr. Murderer, i'd be sweating bullets right now with Mr. Merrick investigating me for "possible" federal charges

Mr. Roger A. Shrubber inhales the copium. Get back to me when Mr. Rittenhouse is convicted of federal charges. Fortunately, our legal system sits on a solid foundation.