Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

it's been a long thread, i'm running out of fresh adjectives
Always maintain “emergency capacity” adverbs. They’re like a bike helmet, almost always a drag but those other times, boy howdy. I’ve stayed out of the gravel pits more than once with a pissed-off adverb thrown right. If you’re new, start with intensifiers. They’re easy. But begin to cultivate more selective and refined adverbs. The benefits are slow but considerable.
Nothing is perfect but the foundation is solid. Do you think labeling someone as racist without proof helps or hurts our society?
Showing up with guns at a BLM protest that you don't support is pretty damning evidence.

So is partying with a bunch of white supremacists flashing their gang signs.

But hey, the kid is just trying to be famous right.
Nothing is perfect but the foundation is solid. Do you think labeling someone as racist without proof helps or hurts our society?
Does nothing, impact is measured in what is real. If you are not rascist then nothing to worry about.

Only an actual rascist of someone acutley aware of their prejeduces narrisisitically says i dont want to feel like a rascist when someone calls me out.

This is a shoe fits scenerio.
Nothing is perfect but the foundation is solid. Do you think labeling someone as racist without proof helps or hurts our society?
I would say probably people generally are not racism ,I mean what’s the Beni fit
Just something to fight about.
I believe if race is still a problem with ya in today’s society. Maybe it’s not race maybe it’s you.
I agree white supremacists are scum. Interesting how you label me a white supremacist for defending someone who isn't a white supremacist. Watching your brain function in this way is fascinating.
"They were defending their honor, name dragged in the mud". Cry me a river. Klanman

Far Right Proud Boys Attempt to Menace Critic With Late-Night Threat

Members of the far-right Proud Boys men’s group allegedly made a threatening late-night visit recently to the home of one of their critics, the latest in the group’s escalating actions against its detractors.

Gwen Snyder, an amateur researcher in Philadelphia who tracks the group’s movements, wasn’t at home when a group of men visited her residence around 11 p.m. on June 29. Instead, the men talked to her neighbor, according to Snyder, and warned that Snyder needed to stop posting the names of Proud Boys members and other information on Twitter.

“You tell that fat bitch she better stop,” one of the Proud Boys allegedly said, according to Snyder.
"They were defending their honor, name dragged in the mud". Cry me a river. Klanman

Far Right Proud Boys Attempt to Menace Critic With Late-Night Threat

Members of the far-right Proud Boys men’s group allegedly made a threatening late-night visit recently to the home of one of their critics, the latest in the group’s escalating actions against its detractors.

Gwen Snyder, an amateur researcher in Philadelphia who tracks the group’s movements, wasn’t at home when a group of men visited her residence around 11 p.m. on June 29. Instead, the men talked to her neighbor, according to Snyder, and warned that Snyder needed to stop posting the names of Proud Boys members and other information on Twitter.
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One thing not so much with Rittenhouse but other cases like Aubrey is I don’t think people realize the group of vultures like Benjamin Crump and Al Sharpton that act like they care and are there to help but are actually getting rich off the misfortune of others and always have. There is a lot of people out there that are profiting off unrest and division
I know what you mean......
If being called a racist is hurtfull then you are probaly a racist... and your feelings on the subject dont matter cuase you are human garbage

Sorry but not sorry. Suck it bigot

Interesting logic but I think many people who are labeled things that aren't true can be bothered by the connotation. Do you have any research that determined a correlation between having your feelings hurt by labeling and it being an indicator of the accuracy of the labeling? If so, I'd love to see it.

If I stood in the public square and blindly called you a pedophile, and you reacted negatively, I could ascertain you are indeed a pedophile. That doesn't seem dangerous at all. The social implications of my false labeling shouldn't concern you, anger you, or bother you at all.

I would say probably people generally are not racism ,I mean what’s the Beni fit
Just something to fight about.
I believe if race is still a problem with ya in today’s society. Maybe it’s not race maybe it’s you.
wow, just when i thought you couldn't get more full of swell up like Violet Beauregard....we live in one of the most racist cultures on the fucking planet, with systemic racism that has been in place since the FOUNDING of the nation....and people like you continue to deny it, while the police murder black people with practically no repercussion, when magat vermin like rittenhouse can murder people and get a free pass, when the republican party gerrymanders districts to steal the votes of minorities...maybe it's YOU
Interesting logic but I think many people who are labeled things that aren't true can be bothered by the connotation. Do you have any research that determined a correlation between having your feelings hurt by labeling and it being an indicator of the accuracy of the labeling? If so, I'd love to see it.

ask me for help if you get stuck on the big words....