Anyone ever blackout or faint while being high? Or any of these similar issues?

sounds like a panic attack to me. heppen to me once a long time ago when there was about 20 of us in a room bonging it out. i basically got up and hit my head proper hard on a low cealing. i thought i had really cracked my head open bad. had to go in the bathroom to look and just collapsed and i was shaking (panic attack) was well to paranoid about my head lol. after a bit i calmed down and realised i was being paranoid. hasnt happen since. this was like 3 years ago, easy.

Something very similar happened to me a couple years ago. Over a period of a few months, there were actually 3-4 occurrences. Dizzy, pass out for several min, then really felt overheated and out of it for a few hours. I remember sitting outside, winter and really cold outside, and I was sweating. They called EMTs once, but I checked out fine. idk if it was mj related, but I was toking every time it happened. I've been really baked many times since, and have not had anything close to that happen in quite some time.
Are your hands going yellow? any brown spots or curling in the edges?
i would say typical Zn or Fe deficiency.. Go see a doctor to measure your blood's ppm and don't forget adding nutrients to your body as well as to your plants
I get this when I snort a few lines of coke, then smoke a blunt. The best thing you can do is drink a few cans of Red Bull. That should help.
PLEASE LAWD dont take him OH LAWD I beg you to give the young feller chance....LAWD LAWD LAWD have mercy on his soul.............he gonna die...he is vary vary sick.....
Jigga, i had the same problem when i was around 17. After i smoked, whatever i had (only weed), i felt super sick and my face went straight white. Unfortunately i spent my high time in the bathroom puking. That happened every time so i decided to quit. I aint smoke for 7 years or something like that then i lighted up a blunt wit a friend. Everything is straight since the second time i start to smoke. I cant tell u what was the reason of my sickness but the "break" helped me out. I gotta add before that sickness thing i had couple of good times smoking weed being high and jokin around wit ppl.
My take on is if u got a good doctor around u live go and tell him what happened wit u.Im pretty sure he ll have an explanation....
Ha I had something happen like this in subway, I smoked some really good coli-shop herb before going in to eat, and I straight passed out and fell on some people. It turns out I was all kinds of dehydrated, so now I carry water when ever I burn and I've been good since. I do agree you should get checked out sober. I sort of get the same feelings when I smoke sometimes especially around other people, or in other peoples houses around night-time, like nervousness because I'm worried about having it happen again, but I just tell myself I'm fine, and to stop spazing ;-)
I had this happen once before when i smoked some of the strongest sativa ive ever smoked. I took a bong rip like it was some doo doo random mids that i was smoking at the time, cashing the whole bowl in one hit without second thought. Well a good five minutes later i stand up to get a drink and i instantly go dizzy, then my visions starting fading from the edges toward the middle of my eyes(kinda like if you press your palms into your eyes and you see colors like when your a little kid haha). Then i started having trouble breathing and thinking straight due to the dizziness. after my vision was gone i felt that i was seconds away from passing out so i went towards the direction my bed was in and then my legs just gave out. I ended up making it to the bed and i just layed there with my heart beating thru my chest thinking i was gonna pass out and never get back up haha. Well after about 30 minutes of laying there i managed to get up and get that drink and splash some water on my face. After that never had a problem again, i even finished smoking the rest of that bag that had just made me trip the fuck out without incident.

To this day still have no clue why the fuck it happend. Like somebody said im sure it had something to do with my blood pressure being out of whack.
Smoking weed leads to anxiety, anxiety can lead to panic attacks. Panic attacks are when you "OMG I think i'm gonna die" but you are likely okay, you just BELIEVE you are gonna die. If you believe it strongly enough, you'll usually hyperventilate, causing you to get a bit dizzy. Feedback says i feel dizzy, I should breathe faster, boom you pass out.

There are many other mechanisms at play, lowered blood pressure is one. Notice when you get up too fast sometimes you get a bit of a head rush? that's low blood pressure, when you got up so fast, some blood got taken away from your brain depriving it of oxygen for a moment, made you dizzy. So that's what causes it but how do you cope?

Well easy one is lay off weed, but we're not gonna expect that so next best thing.....

When you feel the dizzy/ringing/light headed, GET DOWN! lie down, get on your knees, basically get your head on the same level as if not lower than your heart. then TENSE UP your legs as much as you can bear. This will force the blood pressure to remain mostly up and in the brain area, you'll then not pass out and soon should get to feeling better.

Maybe a nice indica to get you mellowed out, the sativas are just causing you to rush a bit too much.

Funny thing about passing out is that when you wake up even though you were only out for a moment, it felt like you slept all night. Weird eh?
Funny thing about passing out is that when you wake up even though you were only out for a moment, it felt like you slept all night. Weird eh?

Exactly! I felt like I was out for days and forgot just about everything that happened 5 minutes prior to blacking out. It felt like a dream. It's so weird to wake up and just see your friend hovering over your face, slapping you around telling you to get the fuck up. I never expected anything like that to happen to me. I mean, I'm 23 and I guess I'm in good health but now I guess not. Maybe I put my heart through a beating by partying too much. ha, we'll see what the doc has to say. If I have to stop smoking weed for blood tests and future check ups, then well.. That's just a sad story no one needs to hear about... (self explanatory)...

So it looks like a few others had similar experiences. I wonder if anxiety would play a role in this. My mom also has that and takes lexapro for it.. She's on a lot of junk. Idk I doubt it. I don't have anxiety unless I'm real high around people I don't know and they're trying to have a conversation with me. I do sometimes freak out (to my self-internal dialogue) about blacking out when I'm normally high just because my breathing get's shortened and there's this weird pressure in my chest.

This has to be something related to blood pressure. Cheers to gettin' old quick. Time to vape.
I still say he gonna die.

Haha, ass. Let's hope not cause we wouldn't want the first marijuana related death in history right? Couldn't do that to you guys. Then again... I couldn't care less cause I'd be 6 feet under.. loljk
That'd be downright cruel.
Are your hands going yellow? any brown spots or curling in the edges?
i would say typical Zn or Fe deficiency.. Go see a doctor to measure your blood's ppm and don't forget adding nutrients to your body as well as to your plants

Nah, yellowing or brown spots. I'm guessing that it could be a B, D vitamin and iron deficiency but that'll take too long to tell on my own. I'll check it out through a doc and get a blood test. Speaking of plants.. I need to get a journal log up cause my babies just sprouted this week. 420 harvest! ..I hope
Loosing control over your muscles, falling to the floor or passing out, and going into convulsions has FUCK ALL to do with panic attacks.

Not even close to related.

I have had the same thing happen to me many many many times except not once ever fully passing out. I'm aware I've fallen, lost control, and aware I'm in convulsions when it happens and it takes a minute to pass then I'm fine. I can make it happen any time I want if I take one too many knife hits of chronic. Ringing in the ears started to become constant, because I smoked constantly. Eventually I started to itch all the time when I smoked and would get a rash all over my body wherever I sweat the most.

Turns out I developed an allergy to weed, (I am allergic to other plants like hay fever, so not really that suprising in my case) and it bothers me any time I smoke now. I can no longer smoke all the time or I live with a rash constantly and crazy itching even if I smoke too little to go into convulsions.

You can become allergic to anything at any time. Just because you never had a problem before doesn't mean you won't have it in the future.

I have since quit and that's that. I can't even smoke just hash without the plant material.

It sucks dude, but such is life.

If you want to test yourself for allergies, scratch your arm so it leaves a good raw spot and rub weed in the near bleeding scratch. If you get a bad itching reaction, swelling, lots of redness, then there you go, you confirmed your allergy. Do a control scratch also that you don't rub weed in, so you can see the difference between normal swelling and redness and the one you rub weed in.

Scratch tests are how doctors test for allergies.

There's nothing you can do but find another hobby.
Loosing control over your muscles, falling to the floor or passing out, and going into convulsions has FUCK ALL to do with panic attacks.

Not even close to related.

I have had the same thing happen to me many many many times except not once ever fully passing out. I'm aware I've fallen, lost control, and aware I'm in convulsions when it happens and it takes a minute to pass then I'm fine. I can make it happen any time I want if I take one too many knife hits of chronic. Ringing in the ears started to become constant, because I smoked constantly. Eventually I started to itch all the time when I smoked and would get a rash all over my body wherever I sweat the most.

Turns out I developed an allergy to weed, (I am allergic to other plants like hay fever, so not really that suprising in my case) and it bothers me any time I smoke now. I can no longer smoke all the time or I live with a rash constantly and crazy itching even if I smoke too little to go into convulsions.

You can become allergic to anything at any time. Just because you never had a problem before doesn't mean you won't have it in the future.

I have since quit and that's that. I can't even smoke just hash without the plant material.

It sucks dude, but such is life.

If you want to test yourself for allergies, scratch your arm so it leaves a good raw spot and rub weed in the near bleeding scratch. If you get a bad itching reaction, swelling, lots of redness, then there you go, you confirmed your allergy.

Scratch tests are how doctors test for allergies.

There's nothing you can do but find another hobby.

Highly doubtful that I'm allergic to weed. I've grown it in my own room and touched mary jane in many ways that a man ever could...and should.

Good theory though. It makes sense. I'm not allergic to anything though and I've never had a rash or serious skin problems.

That sucks about your side of the story though. So you just deal with it?

Maybe if I smoked my chron in moderation... It could be a tolerance issue?