Anyone ever blackout or faint while being high? Or any of these similar issues?

I blacked out after smoking Super Lemon Haze given to me at a yoga teachers party.
I woke up on a king size bed with naked young women raping me and doing things I can't
repeat. Im traumatized and need months or maybe years of therapy and medication.
Im crying its so dehumanizing. Anybody else ever have this problem?
no, but can you bring me to the next party? I want in on this.
Yes, it is obvious. And these guys were before us, however. And we still found out. I wonder how many here, bothered to watch what is easily the Crown Jewel of All Comedy? There is even that precious little break near the end where they are both about to bust out laughing.

Shakespeare has company with these two.
Some years back I was prescribed ambien.
I never took more than prescribed it was just for my trouble sleeping. One night I inadvertently took 2. Sometime later I was awakened at the end of my driveway in my car. By my wife. I was wearing only my boxers and shoes on the wrong feet. Luckly somebody or someone didn't allow me to get on the road that this day I have little to no memory of most of that day or evening......oh yeah I quit taking that medication shortly thereafter. ...... And now I smoke an evening joint to help with my sleeplessness and 13 years later I haven't been awakened in my car since !
Hi I experienced the same thing tonight. It was extremely frightening, my boyfriend and my best friend and I were smoking and my boyfriend packed a bowl of our weed and they both hit it and were hella coughing. Then it was my turn but then my face went numb. Next thing I remember, my best friend and boyfriend were asking me if I was okay, I then blacked out and stopped breathing... I remember feeling pressure on my chest and air being blown into my mouth. I regained consciousness with my boyfriend over me after giving me CPR. I’m really shooken up by this.
Hi I experienced the same thing tonight. It was extremely frightening, my boyfriend and my best friend and I were smoking and my boyfriend packed a bowl of our weed and they both hit it and were hella coughing. Then it was my turn but then my face went numb. Next thing I remember, my best friend and boyfriend were asking me if I was okay, I then blacked out and stopped breathing... I remember feeling pressure on my chest and air being blown into my mouth. I regained consciousness with my boyfriend over me after giving me CPR. I’m really shooken up by this.
I would’ve banged your friend while you were passed out.