Anyone ever blackout or faint while being high? Or any of these similar issues?

Friday’s are when I fuck dudes named Dave.

Lol that’s gonna get a couple of members wet:hump:

And by members I mean wieners!

Fantastic. I only keep magnum size condoms here so your'll need to bring your own small / medium sized ones. But I can provide the lubricant and rubber gloves.
Ugh, I know this is old but I have had this exact thing happen. I started losing vision then blacked out. I regained consciousness for maybe 4 seconds apparently (told to me from my friends) then I started twitching and pissed myself and then puked for an hour straight. This has only happened when I've smoked. I also have never gone to the doctor about it because I don't want them to know I smoke.
Ugh, I know this is old but I have had this exact thing happen. I started losing vision then blacked out. I regained consciousness for maybe 4 seconds apparently (told to me from my friends) then I started twitching and pissed myself and then puked for an hour straight. This has only happened when I've smoked. I also have never gone to the doctor about it because I don't want them to know I smoke.
So this has happened a few times? Only when you smoke? Pissing, twitching, unconsciousness and puking are fairly notable and undesired reactions, so why not get checked out medically? Next time you smoke may be the last time you do anything
So this has happened a few times? Only when you smoke? Pissing, twitching, unconsciousness and puking are fairly notable and undesired reactions, so why not get checked out medically? Next time you smoke may be the last time you do anything
Something impels me to think that there is a Youboob video extolling these exact behaviors as attractive to men.

I imagine the video isn’t wrong, strictly viewed. There is a subset of men to whom these behaviors are like the flame to a moth. Trouble is, that is the class of extraordinary spirit that (in the compulsory movie) gets played by Anthony Hopkins.
Something impels me to think that there is a Youboob video extolling these exact behaviors as attractive to men.

I imagine the video isn’t wrong, strictly viewed. There is a subset of men to whom these behaviors are like the flame to a moth. Trouble is, that is the class of extraordinary spirit that (in the compulsory movie) gets played by Anthony Hopkins.
I was thinking that such continued behavior will ultimately lead to the coroner's office and once the body is parted out like a '65 VW everyone concerned will know that she smoked
Ugh, I know this is old but I have had this exact thing happen. I started losing vision then blacked out. I regained consciousness for maybe 4 seconds apparently (told to me from my friends) then I started twitching and pissed myself and then puked for an hour straight. This has only happened when I've smoked. I also have never gone to the doctor about it because I don't want them to know I smoke.
So this has happened a few times? Only when you smoke? Pissing, twitching, unconsciousness and puking are fairly notable and undesired reactions, so why not get checked out medically? Next time you smoke may be the last time you do anything
Well usually I just faint but this most recent time it happened ALL of those happened. And I smoke every day and it's only happened 4 times in the last 3 years
The part where you hear high pitched sound and your visions starts to blur sounds like typical smoked too much to me. However i never managed to black out from this, but it helped to lay down for a while and puke if feeling like puking. When this happens to me(i have noticed that its partly because of mixing tobacco in), i always felt really clear headed and more conscious of everything, instead of losing consciousness. After puking or after laying down for a moment, i feel so clear headed that im ready to smoke more. I had this happen many times where i have uked and then 5 mins later i can smoke tons more and not feel that high anymore. Or maybe im just weird lol :D
The part where you hear high pitched sound and your visions starts to blur sounds like typical smoked too much to me. However i never managed to black out from this, but it helped to lay down for a while and puke if feeling like puking. When this happens to me(i have noticed that its partly because of mixing tobacco in), i always felt really clear headed and more conscious of everything, instead of losing consciousness. After puking or after laying down for a moment, i feel so clear headed that im ready to smoke more. I had this happen many times where i have uked and then 5 mins later i can smoke tons more and not feel that high anymore. Or maybe im just weird lol :D

I like his harmonic progressions.

Yea Alain Johannes is great. Not that well known, but he has worked behind many things like queens of the stone age(sorta was like a mentor for josh homme) and also tons of sound tracks, produced tons and tons like pj harvey and his own band eleven had a decent fame, even tho it was not like top ten hit band. Also that gay dude who won the idols like 10 or so years ago made a hit from alain johannesses song 'time for miracles' that got to be the soundtrack of some hollywood movie.

Rather unknown name, but the genius behind many things. Im sure he could score tons of money writing and producing pop songs, but he seems to want to do his own thing, which i hugely respect. Highly recommend checking out his work!