Anyone ever blackout or faint while being high? Or any of these similar issues?

I've had two different girl friends that got so high of my OG (nicknamed death bud cause it's so strong) they
puked. They felt better afterwords. Another new girl friend took a hit and got so high she staggered out my driveway
only to never see her again.
2 years ago I was hanging out with some friends just chilling, smoking like we usually did without any problems.. On this day it changed. I got SO high that I felt my heart racing, lost my vision slowly kind of like when you get up too fast. I also heard a loud high pitched hum, lost control and fell right to the floor. I regained consciousness after a few seconds and got up with the help of a few shocked friends. But I still felt like complete crap. A few seconds later, my vision fades again and I faint again. According to my friends, I was out longer and I had a seizure-like jitter for a few seconds before I woke up again. Before this day, I never had problems with being high at all.. My friends got me water and I was back on my feet in an hour...Just really confused. I never went to get it checked. It's not like I can go to a doctor and be like, "Hey, so I got really high and blacked out, what's up with that!?". Next day, I smoked up with them again and we talked about it and joked around about how they thought I was dead. Nbd. No problems with being high. A few months later at a party, another incident involving losing my vision and hearing a high pitched hum. Same feeling I would get before fainting, only this time, I managed to stay on my feet. Except this time, I puked before I felt like myself again. At a rooftop party with BABES. FUCK. Moving on...

Keep note. This NEVER happens when I don't smoke. Only when I get high with people. When I smoke alone, I seem to be fine considering I'm more chilled out about the fact that nobody has to see me get sick or freak out about me.

Now 2 years later, I can't manage to get the same high I had before the incident. Every time I smoke with friends, and smoke a considerable amount which is average to them and what USED to be my average, I start getting that feeling before I'm about to faint. I get speechless, pale, my heart thumps and I sweat. There's a light shooting pain in my chest but it doesn't bother me much. And sometimes, I forget I'm breathing and get dizzy. It's not enough to make me pass out but I found some sort of control over it. It's just, I can't have a comfortable high anymore and it's pissing me off.

Sorry for typing out too much but can anyone relate to this or help with some advice? No one I talk to around here knows and I can't find much on it through google.

I just want my normal high back
Bro this exact thing happened to me except I was alone. Every time I get really high it physically hurts and my heart races.