I met her through a friend a few years ago, she was pretty young when I met herhow did you meet this chick?
I have an underage girl who has been trying to get into my pants for the past 12 months, calling me incessantly no matter what i say to get her to go away. Scary shit. I need to change my number for real. Anyone ever had a similar problem? It's kind of embarrassing.![]()
I have an underage girl who has been trying to get into my pants for the past 12 months, calling me incessantly no matter what i say to get her to go away. Scary shit. I need to change my number for real. Anyone ever had a similar problem? It's kind of embarrassing.![]()
her mother is a stripper and probably could care less what her daughter is up to. I've tried being polite, I've tried being extremely blunt and rude, nothing works. I went as far as to fuck with her and tell her I was going to cheat on my girl and get with her that night, and then eventually I exposed her as a little tittied undeveloped cunt who's a pathetic excuse for anyone's "desire" in a girl. It only made her try harder. It seems the LESS attention or emotion I put into things, the more time it creates in between calls. but the calls still emerge.Online, yes, IRL, no, because if someone starts getting stupid with me, I'll get stupid right back.It's a little harder to dissuade them online. If this underage girl is calling you, I'd change my number.If you can't do that, get a tape recorder and inform her you are recording her calls from now on,because you're not going to be arrested for rumors. In the conversations, state clearly,"I am not interested in you,please do not call here again."Then hang up.After three of these calls,you may be able to do something legally, if it comes to it.However, I'd just speak to her parents first.
I don't see her in person. I haven't seen her in person in over a year. that is how obsessive this girl is. I'm not incredibly attractive nor do I pay this girl any kind of compliment or decency when we speak. I do not know what her problem is but i am HOPING she will grow out of this as she ages.You just need an over the top quick release method or approach to it.
All you need to do is act in such ways where said individual ends up wanting to be rid of YOU. The problem solves itself and Dependant on the scenario you can reap the benefits as well.
Shave your head in a manner as if you were balding from old age. Get a wifebeater stained with your household condiments and wear army cargo pants with flip-flops. Then proceed to mock roll play as 'her abusive father', I'm sure you can appreciate where this is going.
One of many examples you could use, don't mention it. You're welcome.
16, as of a few days agoHow under age?
hahaha damn. that's funny... but really, can you stalk someone you live in the same house with? haha I think that might be "domestic _______". I can't find the word.oh yes and the asshole lives with ME
That would not really help, she calls me from an array of phones/friend's cell phones/friend's parent's cell phones. I could eventually end up blocking every single number.. but I'm sure she would find another way to get to me. I want to tell her boyfriend that she's STILL trying to get all up on my nuts. But that would create some drama, and make her think im concerned with anything to do with her. Man. Oingo Boingo used to be my favorite band, but lately... I just don't know...can't these newer phones block #'s?
her mother is a stripper and probably could care less what her daughter is up to. I've tried being polite, I've tried being extremely blunt and rude, nothing works. I went as far as to fuck with her and tell her I was going to cheat on my girl and get with her that night, and then eventually I exposed her as a little tittied undeveloped cunt who's a pathetic excuse for anyone's "desire" in a girl. It only made her try harder. It seems the LESS attention or emotion I put into things, the more time it creates in between calls. but the calls still emerge.
The remark about her mom being a stripper was a little over the top.. but she is a stripper. And though she cannot keep a 24/7 watch on her daughter, she plays DUMB to the fact that her daughter is someone who looks for the nearest cock to jump on, and sneaks out every single night to pursue it. I dont want to give parenting tips because I have ZERO experience.. but I couldn't live with myself if I knew my 16 year old daughter had been getting dicked and corrupted all night for years, while I'm setting the example, taking my clothes off and giving handjobs for 30 bucks. it almost makes me sad, but you have to help yourself in this world, for the most part.Just because she's a stripper doesn't mean she's a bad parent.You can't be with them 24 hours a day,7 days a week.Just give it a try, contact her mom, ask her to please make her daughter stop calling.Tell her you don't want to get law enforcement involved, but you will if you have to.That should scare her mom into action. Never tease the girl and say you are going to get with her, because that could come back on you.If her mom does nothing, then it's time to contact the phone company and see about getting the number blocked on all the phones she calls.How did she get ALL of your numbers, anyway?