Anyone have growing tips for C99 / Sour Kush / THC Bomb / Silver LA?


Active Member
I gave my friend a Female Seeds C99, and his is about finished. I think he said he is on Day 52 of 12/12. It is a very pretty plant. Not very stinky unless you rub it. It is just covered in trichs with these huge donkey dick buds. His didn't stretch much, but it has that typical sativa structure to it. It has those colas that take up the whole branch. It looks like it is going to be a very nice yielder.

I'm growing a Sour Kush Aka Headband. It was a very slow vegger, and it didn't stretch very much as well. It has grown almost exactly like the OG#18 that I grew. The buds are pretty small and hard with a nice coating of frost. The smell isn't very strong unless you rub it. It smells similar to some Sour D that I have had in the past. It doesn't look like it is going to yirld a whole lot for me, but I am pretty sure it is going to be some high quality herb. I am on Day 42 of 12/12, and irt definitely looks like it is going to have to go at least the full 9 weeks of flower and probably longer. It isn't my favorite strain in the garden right now, but I am still happy with it.
Sounds exactly like the C99 I've got. The colas aren't quite donkey dicks yet, but I could see them getting there. Definitely going to need to support the stems on this one. Mine didn't stretch for shit, but it def has that same sativa structure.

I'm pretty much with you on that Sour Kush, although mine stretched pretty tall when I flipped to 12/12. Other than a big stretch, everything else sounds about the same. Shaping up to have golf ball sized nugs, probably dank as hell, but not also likely going to be the lowest yielding of the 4. I think you said it best, in that it isn't my favorite strain in my garden, but I'm still happy with it. It's certainly a healthy plant, and not giving me any issues, but just not really blowing me away. I've tried to grow the OG 18 twice, and both times I haven't been able to get the seed to sprout. Really annoying, since it's not a cheap seed. I'm on day 24, so it's still a little too early to make any definite conclusions about how this is going to end up, but it sounds like I'm on a similar path as you.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate the heads up...can you tell which one I have from my pic? Short and squat with tons of branching and bud sites. Fairly thin stems, with relatively thin and small leaves. Never had a plant that was ready for harvest before 8 weeks, but I can tell this one is a fast one from the daily progress I'm seeing.

Happy growing!
Id have to smell it and grow your plant to really tell.


Active Member
Oh baby, things are really coming along. I'm going to post more pics later when the lights come on, but here are a couple of pics taken yesterday, day 38 of 12/12. I can already tell that the C99 is going to be the first to finish, probably in 2 weeks. I've never had a plant finish in 8 weeks, but this one seems like it actually might be ready by then. As far as heaviest yielder, it's hard to say at this point, but they're all looking pretty solid. I'm impressed with the Silver LA, more so than I thought I'd be a few weeks ago. It didn't look like it was going to be a big yielder at first. These are 4 really great strains - in my previous 3 grows I always had a favorite plant, that one that was just stinkier and heartier than the rest...this grow I don't have a favorite, they're all pretty awesome. I've also managed to keep the Reserva Privada Sour Kush happy and healthy, which was a concern of mine when I started this grow. They're all coated in crystals, the C99 actually shimmers in the light. Anyway, here are a couple of pics, I'll try to post more of the ladies later today.

Here's a family photo of all 4 girls:


Here's the Female Seeds C99:



Bomb Seeds THC Bomb:




Active Member
Btw, that last photo is the Silver LA. Not sure why it's sideways...sometimes when I upload a photo it will only upload it sideways, even though it's right side up on my computer. Weird. Anyway, Silver LA is looking great, and the buds are rock hard and really swelling by the day.