Anyone Have Problems with Hygrozyme?

I have had really good luck with both Hygrozyme and Sensizyme...

I change res every 2 weeks but I am not as diliginet with scrubbing everything very often... I also re-use hydroton...

No issues.. just white noodles coming out of the pots...

And I must say that adding Hygrozyme to my cloning has really impressed me...

Spaghetti noodles, almost glowing they are so white...

I likes it... :joint::peace:

I've heard great stories and horror stories including my own experience with Hygrozyme. I'll keep trying bacteria-based products instead of enzyme-based products.

My plants have recovered since the Hygrozyme kill and I flushed, flushed and quit using Hygrozyme.
That's a bummer man...

Wish there was a way to critically analyze this to see what gives..

I swear by it, and this is the first time I have heard of troubles... sorry...

anyone use aquashield by botanicare?

I've just started using AquaShield and Hygrozyme in my tanks. I've had zero issues with my clone tank (other than when I also use SuperThrive), but my larger flowering tank does seem to get a bit funky (some slime/cloudiness) and the pH needs more attention.

As far as I'm concerned the jury is still out on AquaShield, but I have to say the roots in my cloner look waaay better this round with the Hygrozyme compared to my last batch that I did without...
I've just started using AquaShield and Hygrozyme in my tanks. I've had zero issues with my clone tank (other than when I also use SuperThrive), but my larger flowering tank does seem to get a bit funky (some slime/cloudiness) and the pH needs more attention.

As far as I'm concerned the jury is still out on AquaShield, but I have to say the roots in my cloner look waaay better this round with the Hygrozyme compared to my last batch that I did without...

hydro guy said he had a lot of returns on a shipment that came a few months ago. it's possible that a batch of the formula was contaminated (seems highly probable, as few have the SAME issues, and everyone else is fine).

he made some calls, hygrozyme is supposed to be looking into it. i'll let you know what i find out.
hydro guy said he had a lot of returns on a shipment that came a few months ago. it's possible that a batch of the formula was contaminated (seems highly probable, as few have the SAME issues, and everyone else is fine).

he made some calls, hygrozyme is supposed to be looking into it. i'll let you know what i find out.

just for clarification do you mean the hygrozyme, or the aquashield had a bunch of returns.

how does enzyme bazed products work differently from bacteria based products, besides the obvious:hug: anyone have some good reading on the subject?

I am sorta in the same boat, I was using hydroguard, then it was no more, I tried running without any root guard, and had a small which I was able to tame through h202 treatments, I have since started using aquashield, seems to be doing good, I miss my hydroguard though .. WTF why couldnt they make the product again?

Is it cause the Gov doesnt want us to have something, or because of something else.>?

I was in europe not to long ago.. TEN tabs of 100mg vitamin c tabs were 180 bucks, due to compliance with codex almentarius.
Over here I can get a bottle of a Hundred 1000mg vitamin c tabs for 7 bucks...

weird huh???
just for clarification do you mean the hygrozyme, or the aquashield had a bunch of returns.

how does enzyme bazed products work differently from bacteria based products, besides the obvious:hug: anyone have some good reading on the subject?

I am sorta in the same boat, I was using hydroguard, then it was no more, I tried running without any root guard, and had a small which I was able to tame through h202 treatments, I have since started using aquashield, seems to be doing good, I miss my hydroguard though .. WTF why couldnt they make the product again?

Is it cause the Gov doesnt want us to have something, or because of something else.>?

I was in europe not to long ago.. TEN tabs of 100mg vitamin c tabs were 180 bucks, due to compliance with codex almentarius.
Over here I can get a bottle of a Hundred 1000mg vitamin c tabs for 7 bucks...

weird huh???

Hydroguard will be back after the FDA has approved their labelling. It appears that the label had an incorrect ingredient description for a component of Hydroguard that was misleading.

I'd like to hear from some of you who are using AquaShield.
I found this...

Thought it'd be appropriate for us to read...







Great post, I've been doing alot of reading on that issue. Including this whole thread. Found it when searching about Hygrozyme, and read this tread before using it and then started with using it on one plant. I haven't used it long but can say at least no bad problems. I'm using it and Hydroguard together and have seen a small inprovment in the last week. New white roots coming out. And no slimy mess at all. On two different strains also.
Great post, I've been doing alot of reading on that issue. Including this whole thread. Found it when searching about Hygrozyme, and read this tread before using it and then started with using it on one plant. I haven't used it long but can sat at least no bad problems. I'm using it and Hydroguard together and have seen a small inprovment in the last week. New white roots coming out. And no slimy mess at all. On two different strains also.

I'm glad for you. Hydroguard will be unavailable unil later this fall, so when you run out you may want to use Aquashield by Botanicare or Sub Culture-B by General Hydroponics. Hydroguard has some FDA labelling issues for now. So it is off the market.

Sub Culture B and AquaShield are bacteria-based products while hydrozyme is an enzyme product.

Good luck with HygroSlime.
I have had really good luck with both Hygrozyme and Sensizyme...

I change res every 2 weeks but I am not as diliginet with scrubbing everything very often... I also re-use hydroton...

No issues.. just white noodles coming out of the pots...

And I must say that adding Hygrozyme to my cloning has really impressed me...

Spaghetti noodles, almost glowing they are so white...

I likes it... :joint::peace:

If you like white healthy roots use hygrozyme, I'm with gypsy:peace:
Biased opinion. You didn't lose 8 girls to the plague.

I lost a HUGE harvest to pythium. This was way more that 8 girls and recently actually. I treated it with MASSIVE doses of h2o2 and an industrial fungacide in an effort to control it. Eventually I cleared out the rootzone and it moved into the stems. I treated the stems very un-conventionally with an anti-fungal called gentian violet. I then finished the treatment with hygrozyme. I ended up with only two plants out of quite a few that survived and I'm flowering now after a transplant to soil.

I feel your pain bro, but trust me it has little to do with hygrozyme.
and your opinion isn't? it's already been determined there was a shitty batch (it happens)
get over it:hug:

My opinion is very biased. I'm not going to lie and say that I had good results or even acceptable results with it. Tried it; didn't like it. Moved on to other products.

My girls are back to good,...I quit using Hygrozyme.

Whatever works for you bro. It just doesn't work for me.

You either love it or you hate from what I have seen. There are many other products to try if one doesn't work right for you.:peace:
I've switched back to AN nutes and such and want to see what they have to replace it and hygrozyme. Does anyone have any experience with something from AN?
I've switched back to AN nutes and such and want to see what they have to replace it and hygrozyme. Does anyone have any experience with something from AN?

I use AN's Sensizyme whenever I cannot get Hygrozyme...

My roots are way whiter and thicker with the hygrozyme, but I would qualify my Sensi roots as healthy too... just not EXPLODING like with Hygro...

Sensi has a very strong, rotten smell, and although it dissipates... it still stinks up my res...

Kinda like a BAAAAD fart...

No disease or root rot so far though... I am on my 4th res on the sensi, as Hygro has been unavailable locally...

And in all honesty, I cannot wait to go back to hygro... maybe it's the label I am falling for... or maybe it's the roots I see...

Now.. I have never seen anything that works for everyone...

People have different "hands" and I truly believe that what works for someone, may not work for someone else...

I use GH nutes with a little bit of Floralicious Plus. I'm still pretty green when it comes to hydro so I haven't had any issues yet. My res also never get above 68F.

I've thought about swapping out the Floralicious for H2o2+Hygrozyme, and using GH + h2o2 + hygrozyme, but I can't find any h2o2 locally :( (although I'm probably not looking in the right place). From what I've read, Hygrozyme will enhance any baddies in your system, so the h2o2 helps control that while the hygrozyme helps the plants. Something like that.