Anyone have someone help them grow weed or trim ILLEGALLY, etc and then had a fallout?

why you feel so bad for what someone else makes or dose from what you can’t if he was just smoking the waste and not golfing would u be better friends ? Why have you set these standards for him lol

In the immortal words of BTO
The dude is a baller now and i don’t know any baller who is also a trimmer.
How’s the bionic finger bro?
Check out what my son in laws brother just did to himself
View attachment 4991973
Was he holding his finger too close while grating cheese? That looks like a good one.
My fingers alright. Can almost make a fist again. Doing therapy for a finger 3 times a week lol.
@Meast21 not to sound like a dick but you sound pretty jealous of this slave are you really appreciating your current situation? If you want to end the arrangement amicable an such best not to act like a slave owner and sweeten they guy up for the end but look at your own assertiveness and instead of moaning to us about him tell him what you expect for the arranged price you pay and hold him too it. Just my 2 cents

He's basically on his own schedule now. Cancelling all the time on me.. As another poster said, he has me by the balls almost bc he knows what I do and it won't be legal to grow in NY for 1.5 years if I had to guess although you can have 3 oz's on you... This lazy fuck won't be working in the winter and he will have nothing to do then. Come spring I was thinking about telling him I'm done growing bc of my health and hopefully he doesn't tell anyone about me. Then in the spring around April I will have a friend that's moving back help me.
This assclown will say one minute I don't do it for the money then 5 mins later say he's not compensated enough for his 6 hours a month and $600-$1000... When I had a surplus 3 years ago I was fronting him weed for cheap and he stiffed me on $800, he said, " I never had this much money and I got carried away".
My neighbor helped me trim basically when my health issues started and now I want to kick him to the curb. I will tell him we need to trim tonight and he doesn't want to or makes up an excuse. I want to kick him to the curb, but I still need him and I don't want him to get me in trouble. He says its not about the money, but it is. This broke bum pos use to sit home and do nothing all day and since the last 4 years he plays golf and eats out everyday bc of the trim and weed he gets for helping me out 5-6 hours a MONTH. This MF'er is so lazy he can't even mow his lawn that takes 15 mins and makes his older Dad do it... He says its not about the money one minute, then he says for all the work he does he needs more money. I would estimate that he would sell the weed/trim for 600-$1000 a month based on being able to golf and eat out everyday.... What do you do in this situation??
One we don't talk none bout such goins on.
Two yous already spreading your cheeks hollarin n all like you is. Run that yellar belly coward and song bird through a swale er two I know.

He's basically on his own schedule now. Cancelling all the time on me.. As another poster said, he has me by the balls almost bc he knows what I do and it won't be legal to grow in NY for 1.5 years if I had to guess although you can have 3 oz's on you... This lazy fuck won't be working in the winter and he will have nothing to do then. Come spring I was thinking about telling him I'm done growing bc of my health and hopefully he doesn't tell anyone about me. Then in the spring around April I will have a friend that's moving back help me.
You have a plan at least
Worst thing you can do is let your neighbor know you grow in an illegal state. Do that and they own you, better to just assume the position until it's legal there, or move.


The OP needs someone they can rely on to do certain grow related chores on a regular basis. Not everyday but certainly several times a month. Based on what I’ve read in this thread the OP is way undervaluing the contribution this guy is providing. I’m not saying the OP is taking advantage of the helper but you aren’t just paying this guy for his help/services you are also paying him for his discretion.

Now the OP is stuck with a helper/handyman who knows all his business but who has become a liability. Given that the legal environment where the OP lives will change in 18 months so that at least the legal threat this helper has on the OP will go away it might be easier to stay in place an keep the helper happy. Otherwise I’d move and in the future make sure any helpers you use aren’t able to get you into such a compromised ever again.
The last guy I knew had that got into bare knuckle boxing mabey he is on to somthing you don’t need hearing to get punched in the face lol
The dude is a baller now and i don’t know any baller who is also a trimmer.
How’s the bionic finger bro?
Check out what my son in laws brother just did to himself
View attachment 4991973
Have him hold it under the light 20/4 for a coupla weeks. I bet a reveged finger could be a real icebreaker at the bar.

He has to be consistent though, don’t want it to herm.