Anyone interested in a group buy for LED grow lights?

What size room are you growing in? I would love to see some pics of your current setup, as well as when you acquire the rest of the lights. It makes a ton of sense to use lights on the sides as supplemental, since it would help equalize the growth and the plant wouldn't have to work as hard to receive the light. It would be interesting to see if the plant structure changes at all. I mean, leaves grow so that all of them receive light at some point, as the sun passes overhead. But think of it like the sun is surrounding the plant. I bet the plant will be very healthy, as well as higher-yielding.

Well right now I growing in a 4x4 closet, but am planning to build a 8x10 shed in my yard soon. horazontally works, My las grow I had 1 light on its side and 1 hanging.I also bent my plants to maximize yield.
Well right now I growing in a 4x4 closet, but am planning to build a 8x10 shed in my yard soon. horazontally works, My las grow I had 1 light on its side and 1 hanging.I also bent my plants to maximize yield.
If you don't mind my asking, how many plants and how much yield total?
You'd better be careful man...I found a place in the shenzen district through alibaba that quoted me prices in that same ballpark. Set up a possible "sample" order with them for the following month, and they would not stop emailing me within a week. After doing some checking, MOST of the companies advertising these lights from Shenzen, Guandong are ripoffs. Not sure if your company is a "certified" seller or not, but mine was, making me think "Hell, these guys are OK." As it turns out, they own the certification company and keep changing their name every time enough word gets out about them.

Looking at their site, I'm telling you there's a strong possibility it's the same company. Just be careful man.
You'd better be careful man...I found a place in the shenzen district through alibaba that quoted me prices in that same ballpark. Set up a possible "sample" order with them for the following month, and they would not stop emailing me within a week. After doing some checking, MOST of the companies advertising these lights from Shenzen, Guandong are ripoffs. Not sure if your company is a "certified" seller or not, but mine was, making me think "Hell, these guys are OK." As it turns out, they own the certification company and keep changing their name every time enough word gets out about them.

Looking at their site, I'm telling you there's a strong possibility it's the same company. Just be careful man.
What was the name of the person you were in contact with through the company? And speaking of which, what was the name of the company? Just curious. Would you mind telling me more about your experience? I would like to hear some more, so post it here or PM me. Thanks!
I think it was BSLED or something like that...was almost a year ago, and I deleted all correspondence. I DO remember the lady's name I was in contact with...Sophie. you should email this company from another address and tell them you spoke with Sophie regarding an order and need her direct email or something like that. I wanna say it was Sophie Zau...but I'm probably only close. She emailed me almost daily concerning my order...needed me to "confirm po" which means pay them i think. Just do your homework my friend. It's hard to get your money back from the Shenzen District...imagine if you make this order for a bunch of RIU members and it doesn't come through...wouldn't wanna be that guy.

And it may be a good company. I don't know how you found them. I'm just putting a friendly warning out there.
Whoa! Go to the "factory" area of Rambo's site. See the last picture of workers sitting at the table? I've seen it before. 100% sure. I'm trying to find it elsewhere now, but may take a bit. Just check em out man. How are they wanting you to pay?
Whoa! Go to the "factory" area of Rambo's site. See the last picture of workers sitting at the table? I've seen it before. 100% sure. I'm trying to find it elsewhere now, but may take a bit. Just check em out man. How are they wanting you to pay?
So far, he hasn't asked me to pay anything yet, he's just asked me details about the potential purchase. On the specification sheets he sent me, the modified price quotes are on there, along with payment methods of either Western Union or HSBC Bank. My guess is it would be a direct transfer of the funds into their bank account.

DEFINITELY let me know if you can dig up some information on this company. I do not wish to get screwed over, nor do I wish to screw anyone else over. As far as the picture goes, do you think it's something that could be a stock picture that multiple companies use? I've seen instances like that's just a thought.
Are you proceeding with bulk purchase of LEDs?
If so, I am interested.
Well, as of right now, I have not yet received a response to the message that I sent to the admin of RIU. At this point, it's not a huge deal, since the group buy wouldn't be happening until around the beginning of March anyway. However, if people REALLY want to help out and get in on this, it would be best if you all sent your own individual messages to the admin, so that he/she knows it's not just one person trying to solicit. The more people that send messages to the admin, the more likely it is that we'll end up having them help us out in our quest for efficient lighting.

I dont know about all the tech talk about red and blue light spectrumt. I just grow weed..and I know what ever spectrums Sunshine systems uses works really well for me.

I dont know about all the tech talk about red and blue light spectrumt. I just grow weed..and I know what ever spectrums Sunshine systems uses works really well for me.
Gonna bump this thread again. I try to only bump it myself about once every few days if I'm not responding to questions.

Anyway, has anyone else WHO IS DEFINITELY INTERESTED sent the RIU admin a PM? Like I said before, there is no chance that we will get any RIU moderator/owner help unless we can prove that there are more than just one or two people who want it to happen. So send some messages! That's the only way they'll know there are a bunch of us!

Since this thread has been a bit boring for the past few days, anyone have any questions I can try to answer?
Ok, so here's an update for everyone.

Through varying amounts of research, I was starting to feel like the whole deal, prices, etc, might be a scam. After all, the LED website has no links to its parent company's website. In addition, there are no references to the LED branch of Rambo Industrial (Limited) on the RamboTech website. So I did some digging.

What I found is somewhat encouraging. Doing various searches on numerous websites, I have only found (as of yet) one account of RamboTech being an unscrupulous company. If you read through this claim, it seems to be an singular, isolated incident in which the person was overly angry about a situation in which he received back less money than expected in a refund. Aside from this account, I have not been able to find anything else suggesting that Rambo Industrial is anything less than legitimate. Now onto the second encouraging part.

Because I was skeptical that the man I've been in contact with may not actually work for Rambo Industrial, I took it upon myself to separately email three representatives from the parent company. They have confirmed that the man (Frank Shen) actually does work for their company, and that he manages their LED sub-branch. So for anyone who cares to do more research, I encourage it, as I'm skeptical of ANY company featured on (read up on some of the scams that take place through that website). But so far, all the info I've been able to find suggests that they are a legit company, that's been in business since 2005.

Cheers, happy (belated) New Year, and green wishes to all!
Short off-topic post, but I just started school again for the first time in over 2 years. Feels weird to be back again. Currently, the horticulture classes offered aren't the first level ones (since it's the spring semester), but I'm going to try and get into some when the summer or fall semesters roll around. Currently I'm majoring in both Automotive Tech and Welding and Fabrication Tech -- I want to build hot rods when I get done with school. Like I said though, I'll be taking some other classes in things that I'm interested in, like Horticulture and Astronomy. Anywho, just figured I'd make a quick post since I have a 3 hour break.
Taking a quick minute to post during my exceedingly long break between classes (7 empty hours that I'm stuck on campus!). I just finished filing my taxes yesterday, and I'm sorry to say that they came up less fruitful than originally expected. Thank you, US gov't, for fucking me over once more.

As far as the LED group purchase goes, I guess we're going to have to figure out a way to do it ourselves, as I still haven't received a response back from the admins of this site (not the mods, the owners). I am currently down to buy one 300W LED light. I was originally going to buy 2, but my finances have me by the balls. Is anyone else still interested in the group buy? If so, PM me, and we'll figure out how we're going to do this.

For those of you who care about my schooling, all I have to say is, welding as a major is fucking sweet. I don't have to sit through hours of boring lecture and crappy homework. I get to kick back and weld during class. How many other students can say that?
Well, it seems this is the death of this thread. :-(

Unfortunately for those of you interested in the group purchase, it will not be happening. Not enough people have come forward to say "hey, I want one of those!" and thus, I can't place an order at this time (I can't afford more than one at this point in time, which is one less than the MOQ).

I'll still be subscribed to this thread, since there may be other questions related to LED grow theory, and I'd be glad to discuss. As far as my next grow, I will be using 300W of HID for each grow phase (2x 150W). I don't want to hear anyone gloating, saying "I told you HPS is better!" because believe you me, I would much rather use LEDs in my grows for more reasons than I can count. The only thing holding me back is my finances. So instead, once I have some money saved up, I will be working on designing and building a 300W high-powered LED "pole" using LedEngin 5W LEDs (think V-ScrOG). Look forward to that in the future.

So again, feel free to discuss anything previously discussed, as well as any new thoughts anyone might have...I'll be here, watching the thread.