Europe has always had a problem when it comes to piracy, anyone who watches IPTV or forks on Kodi had better be watching using a vpn.
In America we don’t have to worry about that, but it doesn’t mean a case can’t be filed against you but you have to be a big pirater.
I still use IPTV the best so far IMO is Terrarium tv followed by showbox.
Using Kodi in the EU is NOT an issue, provided you are only streaming and not actually downloading as the European Court of Justice declared doing such a thing is perfectly legal as you do not keep a permanent copy of whatever you watch nor do you upload the stream.
Provided you use the right addons, as in don't use anything that needs Plexus or AceStream, nobody can do a thing to you as the highest court in the EU has declared streaming to be legal due to you not uploading or saving a copy..
The second you upload, whether accidentally or on purpose, or save whatever you are watching to your computer/whatever, then that's a different matter.
So be like me, hook a miniPC (mine is an Acer Revo, gave me more options than an Android TV box and is smaller than a bag of flour) up to the TV and watch what you want via the likes of the Covenant addon, they can't do a thing to you.