Anyone tried purging BHO straight into water?!? Take my poll for which method you prefer and give some tips/answers please!!!

If you’ve tried both methods, Which is better for purging and for end result?

  • Double boil method-Blowing into Pyrex dish and placing dish into heated water creating shatter?

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Straight into heated water method-after purging is done setting out to dry to create crumble?

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


So I have a few questions regarding two different methods, or more like two different steps, for purging and could REALLY use some advice/tips/

First method-double boil;

So I’ve been blowing my BHO into a Pyrex dish and then double boiling it by having the Pyrex float a few centimeters in water in a pot that’s around 110-130 degrees F(aiming for 110 but sometimes it rises a bit) all the while keeping it completely dry with no water getting into the Pyrex dish. The end result is I guess shatter, very sticky and hard to handle without getting it all over your fingers.

Second method-straight into heated water;

This is a method that was recently brought to my attention. Basically it’s the same as the method I’ve been doing but without the Pyrex dish, so blow the BHO straight into the heated water at 110 degrees F. The end result is more like crumble, easily handleable.

My questions;

-Has anyone even tried the second method? Blowing straight into heated water? I’m assuming this could be risky if your using glass to blow with. But a friend swears by this recipe.

-what would be the best tempurature for both methods, 110 is what I’ve been told before but I’ve read a lot that say 135 is best.

-How long should I purge it for? How long should I have it in the heated water for?

-Should I purge it right after I blow it? I’ve waited a day sometimes before putting it in the heated water and last night when I did it a few hours after blowing it I saw the bubbles pop like I’ve never seen before, making me believe I should be doing it right away.

-is putting it in the fridge a method to purge it? Or would that do the opposite? We tried this our first batch this year(since we don’t have a vacuum this year) and the first batch was considerably lighter in color, not sure if that’s because of the product we used to make it or because we took it out of the fridge and mixed it and put it back constantly throughout the first day.
this is my most recent batch, kinda dark but otherwise a good batch.

oh another question, is it better to have it in a bigger dish like this so it’s more spread out instead of a smaller dish and having it be higher up on the dish?


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Here’s your answer
im a smoke-frequently throughout my waking hours kinda person
And still have my thumbs to reply and to you
Please tell me you aren’t open blasting indoors and purging over an open flame ‍♂
Guess the boyfriend took it upon himself to reply for me... sorry
No we do it in the garage with the door open or outside of the door if the weather allows that, and the stove top is electric. Plus it’s inside. We are overly careful with it, even not using any lights and trying to keep pretty stil as to not create any friction. I’m not sure if one or two cans of butane would really be that much inside if we were in the enclosed garage but better safe than sorry.

no ones got any advice for me I see. Anyone reading this know of another forum site that might have more help for something of this measure?

and vacuum is too expensive, at least for me at the moment in time. I guess if it would really be worth it and I could find one for under 100 that would be somewhat doable in the near future, but for now I needan alternative solution.
I don't know of any forum advocating or promoting techniques involving open blasting directly into water. We typically go out of our way to avoid water pickup, so as to not have onerous purging requirements that cost us the mono and sesquiterpenes.

My suggestion is to blast into a container sitting in hot water.

Before we started using vacuum purge techniques, we left extractions spread in a thin film sitting on heat mats.

If we were going to winterize, we washed the extraction out of the blasting container with Everclear and after freezing, purged the alcohol, which removed the residual LPG.
Guess the boyfriend took it upon himself to reply for me... sorry
No we do it in the garage with the door open or outside of the door if the weather allows that, and the stove top is electric. Plus it’s inside. We are overly careful with it, even not using any lights and trying to keep pretty stil as to not create any friction. I’m not sure if one or two cans of butane would really be that much inside if we were in the enclosed garage but better safe than sorry.

no ones got any advice for me I see. Anyone reading this know of another forum site that might have more help for something of this measure?

and vacuum is too expensive, at least for me at the moment in time. I guess if it would really be worth it and I could find one for under 100 that would be somewhat doable in the near future, but for now I needan alternative solution.
they have vacuum chambers I've seen people use in youtube videos. its not an oven so they put the metal chamber on a heating pad/element that has adjustable temperature. they have em on amazon for $126 (2 qt) and $149 (5 gal).
Here is how we made our own vacuum purging chamber.
So since you diy'd a vacuum chamber, I assume you know something about concentrates, specifically with the use of butane, pentane, iso/ethanol alcohol. This is my greatest quandary today. My output once tweaked should net me around a pound every two months. My plan was to keep the trophy buds for showing off/smoking while I'll use all the popcorn and sugar leaves for concentrate. The reason I want concentrate is that I use a dab straw (honey straw) and a nectar collector. I thought my best choice was shatter (BHO) since that's what I use now. But I'm open to ANY solution. As long as I can still use my dab straws (I don't want a rig as I can barely handle the straws).

In your opinion what is the best solution for producing my own shatter (or equivalent) at home as SAFELY and as CHEAPLY as possible?
So since you diy'd a vacuum chamber, I assume you know something about concentrates, specifically with the use of butane, pentane, iso/ethanol alcohol. This is my greatest quandary today. My output once tweaked should net me around a pound every two months. My plan was to keep the trophy buds for showing off/smoking while I'll use all the popcorn and sugar leaves for concentrate. The reason I want concentrate is that I use a dab straw (honey straw) and a nectar collector. I thought my best choice was shatter (BHO) since that's what I use now. But I'm open to ANY solution. As long as I can still use my dab straws (I don't want a rig as I can barely handle the straws).

In your opinion what is the best solution for producing my own shatter (or equivalent) at home as SAFELY and as CHEAPLY as possible?

QWET is the cheapest to get set up to do safely. BHO is easier, but requires more of an investment.
QWET is the cheapest to get set up to do safely. BHO is easier, but requires more of an investment.
In all my research, CO2 extraction is the one I like the most but I don't have that kind of money to invest. I think I'm leaning towards a rosin press which will give me something to dab. Then qwet with the discarded "pucks" leftover from pressing.
In all my research, CO2 extraction is the one I like the most but I don't have that kind of money to invest. I think I'm leaning towards a rosin press which will give me something to dab. Then qwet with the discarded "pucks" leftover from pressing.
Co2 extraction doesn't preserve the terpenes as I would like. I think it's best left to making edibles. Rosin has the most flavor, even more than BHO if done well. I typically only press keif or bubble hash.