Anyone try mycorhizae in their EZ-Clone ???


Active Member
So I know some people have consistent luck with their EZ-Cloners with just plain water but I'll never be one of them. No matter how much pre-cleaning and bleaching I do I have to have some form of pathogen protection in the rez while the clones are rooting, not so much to ensure they root, they always root, but to ensure they survive after they root long enough to develop.

Ever since I started adding a very small amount of bleach to my ez-cloners they have been pretty reliable, so I could stick with that, but would rather abandon bleach, and figured if people have luck with mycorhiza/great white/etc in their main systems then maybe it would be just the thing in an ez-clone?

So anyone doing this?
So I know some people have consistent luck with their EZ-Cloners with just plain water but I'll never be one of them. No matter how much pre-cleaning and bleaching I do I have to have some form of pathogen protection in the rez while the clones are rooting, not so much to ensure they root, they always root, but to ensure they survive after they root long enough to develop.

Ever since I started adding a very small amount of bleach to my ez-cloners they have been pretty reliable, so I could stick with that, but would rather abandon bleach, and figured if people have luck with mycorhiza/great white/etc in their main systems then maybe it would be just the thing in an ez-clone?

So anyone doing this?

NO BLEACH!! If you got clones you got lucky. I use a small amount of great white nothing else then set it and forget it. .
Use some H202 (Hydrogen Peroxide at the store) at 1-2 tbs per gallon, and then 1 tsp every few days in their res. I assume your res is lightproof.

Using Great White/Oregonizn XL/Tarantula is a waste in my opinion in hydroponic systems, organics in general. Stick to synthetic stuff.

Use some H202 (Hydrogen Peroxide at the store) at 1-2 tbs per gallon, and then 1 tsp every few days in their res. I assume your res is lightproof.

Using Great White/Oregonizn XL/Tarantula is a waste in my opinion in hydroponic systems, organics in general. Stick to synthetic stuff.


Set and forget it or dick around with H202 every couple of days your choice.
I actually tried H2O2 several times and it didn't seem to help at all, while chlorine had immediate results. But if mycorhizae will do better than bleach I'd much prefer it.
I would figure out why you are having this issue verses how to cover it up .. I would look into the water source if the temps are optimal .. Save the Mychos for when you transplant them , sprinkle around the roots then or inoculate the soil ..
The only time I ever had an issue in my closer was when I thought I needed a heater in the winter. Bennies saved about 10 strains and never a problem since. I have tried 4 different products and found pondzyme with barley to be the best for the money.
Hey PD, have you done any experimenting w/ Heisenberg Tea in your cloner? ...I'm super curious if it works as apposed to pool shock, etc. Keep us posted!
Myco's won't be good for aero cloning, they thrive in soil/media and take some time to establish. Save them for the transplant,
I understand what you're saying, but these teas (such as Heisenbergs tea; w/ a 48 hr fermentation) are far more complex than creating a bloom of fungi &/or bacteria. They release antibiotics that could potentially be useful in cloners were people struggle w/ infections of pythium, cyanobacterium, etc.

In other words, teas aren't just simply for inoculating root systems w/ microorganism, they're the creation, through fermentation, of enzymes, caroboxylic acids, peptides, etc.

For further illustration, yeast fermentation of sugar in the absence of oxygen releases ethanol and co2. Yes, large blooms of yeast occur in concert that could be of interest, but the end product of interest is ethanol, an antibiotic (and intoxicant) that will keep other bacteria and fungi at bay...and give us mammals a buzz.

SO, to be annoyingly redundant, teas yield the poop of microorganism that's part of their secret success and I'm curious if they're been experimented w/ in cloners.
I use the tea for my dwc and outside girls as well it really perks the outdoor ones up big time and I haven't had rot in my dwc since good stuff imo
I know what it is I use rhino skin in flower but it doesn't help at all with rooting until the plant has roots from my experience
I don't need to google anything
I dunno like 15 years of growing I've never read this anywhere p s doesn't work "well"as a foiler spray and the plant needs to form roots to be able to get the PS just seems like a waist of money but I'm going to try in on my next batch cuz if it work that's great I have a hard cloning strain that's been a pain to get to root any other way but by bubble bucket an tea knew new to hydro but have grow outdoors for a long time have u actully tried this or just going off google
IMO it's a waist in a easy cloner at least till u have roots and then it's used in flowering more anyway from what I've read and know about cannabis
I have no idea about any other fruits or veggies sure it grows about the same but I'm no botanist I just grow medicine that all