Get ready folks, start your lists, we are going to have to "sacrifice" everything....
No more christmas lights.
No more christmas tree.
No more ski resorts.
No more ipods, ipads or internet.
No more graphite or cobalt mining.
For just this community:
No more Gavita, no more LED lighting.
No more portable AC or 25k lb dehueys.
No more synthectically produced with petreleum distilate but labeled organic, fertilizer regimes.
No more plastic anything....
Those are just the simple non needsy things, lets give ourselves some real power and suppress.
No lighting of any kind after dark, including driving.
No unnatural noise a fter datk and before sunrise.
No solar panels because passive is far more efficient, stone buildings etc.
No mining or well drilling or fracking at all, end it all.
No more computer /automated infastructure, how many raw resoureces, chemicals and manpower is lost to this corporate behemoth. Paying for your ISP should be considered blood money, shouldnt it
@rollitup ?
There are well documented extinction events, put up or shut up.....