Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

Thanks guys... Somebody posted about selling their junk on here; I see the post is gone now. Probably slapped everybody's else's code together and is just trying to sell their junk. Beware and don't get ripped off. :)
Sorry I haven't been around much recently. I have been super busy. I stopped by to see what's been happening, saw the ad and flagged it as spam. Problem solved!

I really like your improvements! I wish I knew more php. I will probably end up making my web app with

Keep up the good work. I will someday contribute something, I hope...
Hey, thanks Afistakis. I've added a streaming webcam to the site and fixed up some minor issues and fixed up the python script a bit, but wanted to get my sensor/setpoints 100% before releasing it. But that was 2 weeks back?... Harvested this past weekend too :D
As posted on another thread (just to keep everybody updated):

  • I'm glad to see there's still some interest of a DIY nature. I've got some stuff to do this week, but when the weekend rolls around I should find myself with some time to post my updated code.. It's been updated awhile now, just never posted due to problems with my SD card for my Raspberry Pi. This leads me to think all of the read/writes my program has are causing my cards to fail (replaced one already). Luckly I have the images backed-up, and can just dump my custom image back on to the new SD card(s). I'm thinking of programming some SQL in, and maybe having it run on a remote server, and then having the arduino --> pi --> remote sql there by eleminating any read/write issues with the SD card, arranging the data in an organized manner, freeing up space on the SD, and hopefully speeding up the performance of the script on the Pi. I'm hoping to fixup this little unit I have on the go now, and maybe post a DIY tutorial or something. But it's pretty simple, I think a couple pics and a schematic might do all the talking. I was thinking of posting the image for the SD card somewhere too - but it's pretty big (any suggestions?). But this would allow you to dump the image on the SD and with no modifications, the Pi would be up and running listening for the Arduino. But that would be after I make the swap to SQL.​

Woah this is a dream come true for me man. If there's a kickstarter going ill throw in. Thank you so much for this great contribution to the community!
Woah this is a dream come true for me man. If there's a kickstarter going ill throw in. Thank you so much for this great contribution to the community!

Thanks, it's been a journey. lol I might fire up a kickstarter in the future. This last version was a big leap (version 1.15b). It's getting easier and easier to setup as we go. With the SD image you can having a working setup on your pi in as long as it takes you to copy the image over to the SD. :)
Hello, I thank you for yours for the great tools that you offer. I have to buy the following component:
-itead studio ITDB02-4.3
-elecfreaks V1.2
-Arduino mega 2650
-8 X relais board
But the touchscreen does not work properly, I use a elecfreacks v1.2. However, the calibration of the screen with utouch runs correctly. Please help me !
Can provide the electronical shèmatics and the picture of your project please
? I am a beginner. Thank you again for your work give you the happiness of small farmer (I use a high pressure aeroponics apollo 2 and the device is great for me :)
(just a second timer for irrigation will Formidable ;)
Sorry for my englis i'm french !
Thanks thank you, thank you!