Arduino Controlled Grow and PC Program - Work In Progress

Here's some of the ethernet box's I'll be using for the sensors. They all connect back to the electrical / relay box via ethernet cables / jacks.

AdvancedNewbie can you please delete some messages from your inbox, it will not let me send you a message until you free up some space. Either way, these are the questions I have:

So I broke the first relay on my board as I did not know what the ports were initially so I ordered a 8-channel board and I got everything hooked up, but I forget where the jumper connected to a digital port on the Arduino goes, can you please explain?

Also I got a 25A SSR and a heatsink for it, what exactly is the SSR for? Last what is the minimum size (in quarts or gallons) of the container do you recommend?
I use a 68L Rubbermaid container per 1 4ft x 2ft flood table. The 8-channel relay will have VCC, 1, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and GRND Vcc ---> 5V GRND --> GRND All the numbered ones just hook up to a free digital pin on the arduino.

The SSR (Solid State Relay) will be used for your ballast. You want to make sure it has 'zero-crossing' ie. turns on when the AC wave is at zero. This will avoid a surge through the relay; which could weld the contacts together (thus rendering your relay useless)
Very Nice Setup M8.

I would like to know the model of the PPM/PH meters you are using and what signal they output, 4-20ma or a vdc signal. I am looking for meter/s to add to my system. I have all the other components and that would complete the setup. I have a coupe of sequencers that I am playing around with and a small single phase vfd for my extraction setup, but it will be a while before I need that, my little babies are only 8 days old. I look forward to more from your setup Once again, great work M8.


Hey Newbie,

thank you for programming this :) I plan to use your program.

Why don't you use a step-down transformer like ?
With that you could control the LTI fan-speed with relays. It's not stepless but the easiest way I think.


I like this idea, and I'll basically be doing this anyways, but I'll just be using my speed controller I have now, or straight 120V (switch between manual and full 120V)... But I think I might want a little more control in the future, and one in the range of 40V,80V,120V would be nice.

I've been working on the interface and program this weekend, so I'll post an update really soon. Graphs are working on the site now :) Starting to come along nicely. Also finished up my relay box, which has the touchscreen, relays, powersupply, ethernetports (for sensors) and spot for the raspberry pi so you can still access the usb ports / ethernet. Everything automatically starts-up with the Pi now too - auto login, start listening for serial comm's, webserver, vncserver, ssh, etc.
Very Nice Setup M8.

I would like to know the model of the PPM/PH meters you are using and what signal they output, 4-20ma or a vdc signal. I am looking for meter/s to add to my system. I have all the other components and that would complete the setup. I have a coupe of sequencers that I am playing around with and a small single phase vfd for my extraction setup, but it will be a while before I need that, my little babies are only 8 days old. I look forward to more from your setup Once again, great work M8.



The sensors I'm using are 0V to 5VDC... I use the Phidgets pH Adapter and a regular BNC pH probe off eBay (cheap ones) The PPM meters (haven't purchased them yet) are also VDC 0 to 5 and there's a link a couple pages back.
The sensors I'm using are 0V to 5VDC... I use the Phidgets pH Adapter and a regular BNC pH probe off eBay (cheap ones) The PPM meters (haven't purchased them yet) are also VDC 0 to 5 and there's a link a couple pages back.

I humbly appreciate your responce and look forward to comparing notes once I get all setup. If you are looking for any specific hardware, such as sequencers( from 1 stage to 10 stages) or any type of end devices, temp, humidity, CO2 transmitters, actuators or the likes, drop me a line, would be honored to help.



I'd be interested in paying you to set one of these up for me Newbie. Getting the hardware and software configured would save me a ton of time and would be nice to compensate you for all this public work! If you'd be interested, send me a PM

It does take time, but it's a good learning experience and now everything is customizable and it's pretty easy to add some code and add a new feature if you want it. I hate buying something and finding you want some feature later on and there's no way to just 'add' it in.
I just ordered some different parts, project box, power inlet, etc.. and I'm going to be putting that all together once it gets here. Also ordered up some headers and have some copper pcb boards here and I'm going to make some Arduino Mega shields for connecting up to the LCD Screen and the Ethernet Ports making it a lot easier. Bought a small breaker for it too that can be snap mounted on the case and reset from the outside. I want to get rid of this ugly wood box I have now. Heh. I will make a complete list soon.
there's a part, I forget what it's called, but it's sorta a cross between a resistor and a fuse. it normally has very little resistance, and allows power to pass, but if to much current passes, it heats up, raises the resistance, and cuts power. you unplug the device or turn it off for a few seconds and the fuse cools and resets. I have a bunch of them I plan to use for my similar project. they work great, as long as you don't overload them. I plan to put them in my controller box, which connects to relay outlets with mosfets and relays built in, in case the patch cord shorts somehow. hopefully save my hardware or prevent a fire.
A list of all Components would be nice :) I now have got ---> Mega 2560, Relay Shield (with 8 Relays), DHT-11, LM35 and a DS1307 (Real Time Clock). Touchscreen I will buy next month. Sensors for pH/EC I don't need at the moment. Anything else I have to buy? :) I read something about an Ethernet Shield?! Which one do you use? W5100? And could you explain how you connected the sensors to the ethernet box you built and how to connect to the arduino? Sry if my english is bad! :) I am from Germany! Greetingz
Sorry guys, been working lots lately. I don't use an ethernet shield anymore (tested it out)... I use the Raspberry Pi for a connection now, but I'm using an Edimax Wifi adapter - no wires :) The relay shield is okay for small things (small pumps, maybe a 400W fan at the most) but for anything greater than 400W you're going to want a Solid State Relay with zero-crossover. I will explain how to connect everything up soon... (when I find time to do some technical writing) In the mean time though, I have successfully etched an 'Environment Shield' PCB for my mega. This makes the connections to the LCD touchscreen way easier (1 to 1 connection now - no crossing wires - can use a ribbon cable now :) ), includes a reset button on top of the board, has a ds1307 for time keeping and a power strip for running the raspberry pi off of. Still waiting on some of the other things - project box, etc. I'm going to make another PCB for the Ethernet jacks soon and they'll connect up to the new PCB I made with a ribbon cable. Expect some sort of writings from me soon... Thanks for the patience. :)
This is cool as man, im working on a logging/control system to, using an 8051 with asm code for control and LabView for the user interface (easy to remote desktop in from my phone or tablet). My plan in the short term is to get the data logging/user interface working smoothly (im not using the 8051 yet) then later on using the 8051 to control fans pumps lights dosing pumps. . . I basically want to limit the human interaction to the grow to monitoring plants and logs, tweaking the control parameters. Performing maintenance on systems/hardware as required, propagation and harvesting.

i can now log file PH, EC, Res temp, Air temp, Humidity and am working on water level and co2. I can also control 10A contact relays using a i2c buss. I also thort it would be interesting to control the light intensity of a digital ballast

Will do a right up soon, just waiting on ec ph sensors, I was using a modified EC PH combo pen but the wire on the ph probe just broke off to close to probe to re solder
I basically want to limit the human interaction to the grow to monitoring plants and logs, tweaking the control parameters. Performing maintenance on systems/hardware as required, propagation and harvesting.

Amen Brotha. I wish I had the plumbing in my grow room to hook up some source/drain solenoid valves for auto-refill, then add some dosers/pumps to mix the nutrients, with a recirc pump.... :(