My room has auto controls on ac, water chiller, humidifier and lights. I run my vent fan all the time which I could use a speed controller for based on when lights are on and difference of temp inside and outside the room. I would also like to have a difference in temp when the lights are on vs off (day/night) which my unit does not allow for. Water chiller is a constant.
Alerts for all system failures or out of range sensor results and remote viewing of the readings are key to what I am trying for.
Are you happy with your touch screen? What should I get to play with based on your recent experience?
One more frivolous but possibly useful thought: when I go pro, and I want separate systems so that I can harvest every few weeks. I haven't thought much about the control logistics but what do you think of running seperate unos that control the environment and report back to a master or to a computer via xbee or even hardwire? The goal being individual system monitoring and remote control.
I can't tell how much sense I am making... I apologize that I am not sober but I wanted to put this thought down while i was thinking about it.out it...
I do believe using a separate table for each "site" or "node" as you put it is the best bet to result difference systems and simple PHP management/display. However, having a web server send signals to the device is where the tricky stuff comes Makes sense to me and should be possible through any protocol really, you could go xbee, or wifi but there are security risks to running wireless. Shouldn't be hard to have multiple 'nodes' either, just change the firmware to a different IP address and if you have a SQL Database running, you could just add a new table for each different unit. This should keep everything nicely organized![]()
Sorry for noob questions but i see these type of things all the time for car stuff. I work on cars and do performance stuff for cars so there is always people using the adrino stuff an making posts explaining it ect... diff is cars have sensors on them already lol. To do this type of thing im ASSUMING that i would have to download software(hopefully available for normal laptop?) Then buy list of sensor and install them and wire them into their correct locations on motherboard... im more than capable of doing sodiering and computer things.
Onto my question- is there a list of sensors to be bought and where to buy or better yet just post a link of all the sensors needed and what motherboard or controller to plug whichever sensors into. Then post the newest software that you guys are using. This would be awesome to do and i know i can hook all sensors up ect just havent ever played around with programming but seems like you guys did the programming parts and have a running setup already. Anybody willing to share it lol?
Wish I could make something like this.. Don't know where to get all the parts for this tho. To Bad you don't sell systems lol
The program is coded in VB.NET 2008 - if you downloaded the code and want to change it you'll need VB.NET 2008; I have Visual Studio 2008. The zip that's available for download also includes a folder called 'Arduino Source' inside that folder is a file called, "StandardFirmata_Modified_ALL.ino" That file, you'll have to open with the Arduino Development Environment. ( From in the Arduino IDE program, you'll have to upload the modified firmata code onto the arduino. As for all the ideas you have in mind are very much possible; I have a RFID reader right now that I haven't used in a while and I found it to be a little bit a work to get it working... But none the less, it worked. I have also seen some cheap magnetic door locks good for up to 1200lbs, and ones stronger than that even, and they require 5v to activate them. But if you know of any cheap linear actuator style locks, I think I'd be more interested in those as they don't rely on magnets. (even though when the power is off to a magnetic door lock they stay locked) The RFID reader I got was off eBay, "Arduino RFID module Kit 13.56 Mhz with Tags" I had no trouble modifying their sample code to get to work. I have not messed around with it in respect to getting it to talk through the Arduino and then to the PC, but it should be possible. The code would have to be re-written for the arduino to accomidate the reader, as (if I recall correctly) the RFID reader uses a UART style transfer method and I can't really picture that working without rewriting the arduino code... Hmm, but you got me thinking. I was thinking it would be easier to use your phone to unlock as this could be code on the PC code, but it would suck to be locked out of your room because your phone's not charged, or the Internet > PC > Arduino > Lock 'hops' didn't work out somewhere along the way... If I knew the mega's were that cheap on eBay I probably would have waited for on of those to arrive to play with it instead. Please let me know if you're able to get up and running. I'd like to support all Arduinos. I might also incorporate shift registers to get more outputs, but this would take some rewriting of arduino code too.
Edit: If you want to try out the compiled binary, you'll have to dig deep... In the zip: ArduinoFirmataVBExtended > bin > Release > ArduinoFirmataVBLab.exe
Pleas read the thread and then do some more reading and experimenting. It isn't so simple as drawing a pic at this point and say plug this here and that there. Simple programming is required. This is not currently commercially ready and is still in the DIY stage.