• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Are any of you here a Sensitive?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
So why exactly are their beliefs tangible when compared against mine? The structure of my life has unfolded in such a way that I have incorporated their tangible evidence with my spiritual evidence and theorize that eventually they are going to become a universal concept.
...when I read this I think about how one thing always follows the other. Day and night would be the most universal example of this. Science was at one time close to spirituality. I think 'it follows' that it will be that way again. I think that it is impossible to fight it. It is mechanical like nature, magnetic even :) When I wrote before about dividing or assembling I can see how it fits. We stand on the surface of earth - from there we choose to let the intelligence of the sun into the heart of the earth. Or, we stop it at the surface and 'disallow' its rightful place. (no judgemento)...I don't think we can learn about something by telling it what it is. We can't just 'imagine' what it is either. How about something like "reach (belief), maintain (science)" (and vice versa)....no soapbox here, it's the herb that's propped me up :) *what's up with the formatting on the board?

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
^ strife, in the material sense I know what can and cannot be 'proven'. In the spiritual sense, I know what can and cannot be 'proven'. Why should I have to lean from this centered perspective? It was / is / will be my goal. Why does this have to be about right and wrong? It's 'my' reality, and it is just as real as yours is, even if it isn't :shock: There is a science to spirituality. There are inner observations that you can bench test. Get cozy with paradox, mon ami :razz:

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
So you refuse to acknowledge the fact that your supernatural beliefs could be wrong? That you might be mistaken? I'm not saying you are wrong! You very well could be right, but that you could also be wrong too... there is no way to tell for sure. Do you deny this? And if so, i predict that it is because you are scared that they might be wrong, so you refuse to accept that as a possibility.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
Neither of us is wrong in our own right :lol: Nature is receptive of projected light to make things grow. There, we already have the model. Both 'are', but 'are better' together - otherwise we would not be here in the first place.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
...Strife, back to the origin of the thread. Do you remember the 12 labors of Hercules? Refresh if you have to, and look at it from the perspective of the senses. He overcomes 12 tests, each related to the 'supernatural'. I cannot discard what I think is valuable. Each of the myths tell a truth about people. They 'arm' people with knowledge to protect themselves from things like fear.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
Ganja man and Eye, can you admit to us and to yourself that your supernatural beliefs could be wrong?
Of course they could be wrong but science is suggesting an infinite amount of possibilities for how the illusion of reality is framed by consciousness. It can exist in any form (natural or artificial) and in order to understand the structure we are based from, we must observe the not yet proven laws we are convinced we are subject to which is why I love scientific evidence acquired SO FAR but don't limit my beliefs to it. We must show evidence for the way in which reality seems real because we are only subject to one dimension of time when evidence suggests there are more. Based on our current methodology we would assume is naturally occurring process based on how our claim that life on earth (within the dimension) began naturally, should we not assume the possibility of everything else began naturally too and only limit beliefs to what science disproves? In theory there is a parallel dimension on earth in which you will live forever physically and it needs to exist for the natural process of "choice" to be up to us as the ones experiencing life. Research is showing the fact that we have many choices means any of them are subject to happen, even the illogical but the way in which our perspective is limited we cannot currently perceive it. The fact of the matter is that when proved,it will provide the link to how our experience of reality is linked to consciousness.

The truth is we can just pretend that our universe is created artificially by a computer created by a "supernatural" phenomenon in which the creators of our universe have taken consciousness from their reality and created it artificially here. What evidence do we have to say that is was "someone"? In order for true choice in existence we must call that someone "nature" which contains all that is possible within and merely limits us to the perception of what we see. Our idea mere suggests this process in our physicality exists both artificially and naturally so of course it is subject to being "wrong" from our linear perspective.


Ursus marijanus
...Strife, back to the origin of the thread. Do you remember the 12 labors of Hercules? Refresh if you have to, and look at it from the perspective of the senses. He overcomes 12 tests, each related to the 'supernatural'. I cannot discard what I think is valuable. Each of the myths tell a truth about people. They 'arm' people with knowledge to protect themselves from things like fear.
Eye, iirc the supernatural bits were unimportant to the stories of the twelve labors. They were a peripheral narrative device, a streamlined and effective way to set up extraordinary situations, but if you discount great strength, Hercules' tasks, and his solutions, were natural. cn


Well-Known Member
You seem to be under the impression that studying the genome has answered all questions we have about our evolution as a species. I just want to remind you that we have yet to come upon agreement with the function of what we call 'junk' dna, which accounts for the far majority of our biological structure. We are so inadequate we have called the majority of our biological structure 'junk' because we don't understand it's purpose. My prediction is that the future will unfold in a way that suggests that the so called junk dna and genetic dna that is present in all organisms is a direct relationship with how an organism perceives the physical world. How advanced do you exactly think we are in biology? Do you think studying the genome for a few decades has given us all the evolutionary knowledge we have been seeking? Keep in mind we have been studying physics for thousands of years and have still barely touched the tip of the ice berg. Discovering and analyzing that we have a genome is merely like the apple falling on Newton's head. It fails to incorporate the metaphysical knowledge of how our experience of reality differs with respect to any other organism. If genetics can explain everything there is to know about us and our physical and metaphysical origins, why has it not yet shown how our genetics shape our reality with evidence combined with physical science, quantum mechanics most specifically.
Mashing together a strawman with argument from ignorance. I never claimed we had all of the answers nor should you have gotten that impression from anything I wrote, that's your strawman that you hold onto to discount what I say. Not knowing something doesn't make every idea possible. Our lack of knowledge about every last base pair does not support aliens. That's something that has to be demonstrated on its own yet you offer nothing except a discredited lunatic that insists a deformed human skull is an alien-human hybrid.

Now you want science to demonstrate metaphysical knowledge? Do you understand what metaphysical means?

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
Mashing together a strawman with argument from ignorance. I never claimed we had all of the answers nor should you have gotten that impression from anything I wrote, that's your strawman that you hold onto to discount what I say.

Not knowing something doesn't make every idea possible.
This is a called limitation based on 'logic'. The past shows that what we consider logical at the moment could very well seem ridiculous in the future. Understand that current evidence is suggesting every idea is possible but it will not be experienced by us because of the way our 'reality' is structured.

Our lack of knowledge about every last base pair does not support aliens. That's something that has to be demonstrated on its own yet you offer nothing except a discredited lunatic that insists a deformed human skull is an alien-human hybrid.
Your definition of 'lunatic' shows you are subject to judgement to make decisions about what you call 'evidence'. You judged him more than likely not based on the fact that his findings are not being accepted by others despite the presence of what many call "evidence". He performed an extraction based on electrophorisis which is the same thing scientists do when extracting genetic materials. He found that the mitochondrial DNA is not picked up by our method of tests. Did you even read the article I send you? I guess not because you are under the impression it is 'debunked' therefore you are ignorant to the fact that nothing is debunked until you go back in time and watch the child being conceived and then born.

On a side note; the fact that you dismiss the starchild skull as nothing more than a hoax is a great analogy to me of what you rely on for validation of your beliefs. What makes him any less credible than anyone else, the fact that his findings have yet to be accepted by society?

Now you want science to demonstrate metaphysical knowledge? Do you understand what metaphysical means?
I think i understand the definition, I want 'the fundamental nature of being within reality' to not fall under the category of science, but merge with it for a new theory as evidence I have gathered suggests they are both equally important if we want to understand everything there is about limitations we face and if we truly are bound by them. I don't care of you acuse my belief of alien intervention as being far fetched because in real life I would agree with you but I try not to limit my mind to 'real life". It ties into my spirituality which is relative to my experience of reality. Understand that you were not there when it was created and neither was I therefore anything you have accepted for a certainty is no more of a belief than mine.


Well-Known Member
Understand that you were not there when it was created and neither was I therefore anything you have accepted for a certainty is no more of a belief than mine.

I wasn't at Auschwitz, neither were you - neither were most of the people that wrote books on it, does that make their evidence less compelling? Do you believe the idea that the holocaust didn't happen is as viable as belief that it did happen? Neither of us was there, so what system can we use for determining what really happened? Aren't both of our ideas equally valid because neither of us was there?

No, there is a ton of evidence and eye witness reports that support that the holocaust really happened, regardless of either belief that you or I hold.

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away." - Philip K. Dick

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
I wasn't at Auschwitz, neither were you - neither were most of the people that wrote books on it, does that make their evidence less compelling? Do you believe the idea that the holocaust didn't happen is as viable as belief that it did happen? Neither of us was there, so what system can we use for determining what really happened? Aren't both of our ideas equally valid because neither of us was there?

That's exactly correct and I applaud you for my methodology, both ideas are equally valid therefore we only present the reasons for our consideration of the concept within our dimensional structure. I understand that ever single idea is valid even if it happened already it can be changed but I still continue to pursue my beliefs in this life with the understanding that time will be linear for most if not all of my earth life.

No, there is a ton of evidence and eye witness reports that support that the holocaust really happened, regardless of either belief that you or I hold.

The holocaust is basically an event in which we as a civilization were "there and aware". I was talking about a time in which we were primitive enough to not question whether or not we were conscious in the way we are today (like the difference between us and every other species). Your argument is a very funny interpretation but is both right and wrong. All I'm saying is that consciousness works so that anyone can be convinced of anything and the reality for everything you believe is contained within the possibility that things can occur another way despite the fact that your reality presents it as occurring a certain way. Does that make sense to you? So does the fact that you know about the holocaust make it part of your reality as anything more than a concept of our choices through linear time? The bible has tonnes of people also supporting illogical ideas like saying angels and gods exist and it's not the only source. that states that so should we automatically believe them? why not listen to all the indgiesnous tribes who tell tales of their ancestors and how they were aliens from the star? Is that too crazy for our "reality"?

"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away." - Philip K. Dick
For us 'reality' will be determined by embracing the possibility that what is in front of us may not be real in the way we think it is. When this is found true or false, we will determine what reality is.


Well-Known Member
I think i understand the definition, I want 'the fundamental nature of being within reality' to not fall under the category of science, but merge with it for a new theory as evidence I have gathered suggests they are both equally important if we want to understand everything there is about limitations we face and if we truly are bound by them. I don't care of you acuse my belief of alien intervention as being far fetched because in real life I would agree with you but I try not to limit my mind to 'real life". It ties into my spirituality which is relative to my experience of reality. Understand that you were not there when it was created and neither was I therefore anything you have accepted for a certainty is no more of a belief than mine.
Quit responding to points that people haven't made. Your 'limitations due to logic' is a fail. No one is claiming what you think is impossible, it has to do with convincing others that there is any merit. Sure, the Statue of Liberty could wave her hand, that actually is a possibility according to physics. However for the chance that all of the atoms to behave in sync, we would likely be waiting for a trillion times longer than the 14.5 billion years the universe has been in existence. It's merely a practical matter that we consider things impossible, something, BTW, I never said about anything you claimed. I merely expressed doubt, yet you continue to create the strawman that I'm limiting you. You seem to hold much disdain for logic considering the profession you wish to pursue. It is only through logic and reason that we have the technology to even speak to one another. Logic and rational thought has progressed mankind further than spirituality and wishful thinking.

As to the starchild. You asked if I read the article. Did you? Did you see raw data, citations, or any verification of his claims? Can you demonstrate to me that he isn't making shit up? No, because he doesn't release the work. I too can claim fantastical things about genetic studies but until it can be verified independently, it's mere blustering talk. If you seriously think Lloyd Pye has some merit, you should do some background research before you accept what he claims. Basically he has been begging science to confirm the identity of the skull for 12 plus years. Most scientists said NO, we don't want anything to do with that nonsense. Finally after enough begging, some scientist said they would take a look at it. They all told him it was genetic mutation and or deformation. That answer wasn't good enough for him, (wasn't a alien) so he decided to ask some others to do a DNA test, but not after burning those bridges with the scientist who lent their time to him to analyze the skull. Then he finds a lab to do DNA testing in Canada. They do the test multiple times, they botch a few runs but ultimately come up with data that says the skull is human... This answer wasn't good enough, (no alien), he then gets angry at them and calls them lousy scientists and students, and that the data was to weak to be relevant... So he burns another bridge, and finds a lab who does historical forensic testing. He gets the test done, test confirms the skull had a human mother and most likely a human father, but the machine they had could not for some reason, match up the fathers DNA (shit happens). This goes on and on, and then this idiot comes to the conclusion that it must be a ALIEN FATHER.. He doesn't even rule out all earthly possibilities, he just jumps right to space aliens. NOT SCIENCE!!

I'm don't dismiss things without reason. Pye has given me plenty of reasons to doubt his credibility. And here again you make the mistake of thinking we need time machines in order to falsify something. This is clearly a ridiculous standard to hold to anyone and is the my main beef with you. It explains how you do not understand burden of proof and levels of confidence in scientific pursuits. If you continue to keep this standard, then there is no fantastical claim that can ever be refuted. The dinosaurs were intelligent scientists and had incredible technology that unfortunately has not been discovered yet. Prove me wrong. You can't debunk my claim unless you have a time machine and watch the dinosaurs first hand. Until you stop accepting extraordinary claims as true until they can be disproven entirely, your worldview will continue to suffer and I doubt you will be successful in your scientific pursuits in school. You are due for an abrupt awakening.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
i know someone who was at Auschwitz, her entire family was killed there

their is a fine line between, philosophical debates about what tree may have or not made a sound if someone was there to hear . . . . . the holocaust is not one of them

it was and for some still is very real

ass clown argument if you ask me, very disrespectful to all who suffered

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Neither of us is wrong in our own right :lol: Nature is receptive of projected light to make things grow. There, we already have the model. Both 'are', but 'are better' together - otherwise we would not be here in the first place.
So you refuse to doubt your supernatural beliefs. I think this is very cowardly of you. Accepting within yourself, being honest with your inner being about the fact that our supernatural beliefs could be wrong, while still keeping faith in them because it is what we desire... is much more honest and virtuous than persisting in the delusion that our supernatural beliefs are certainly true. It takes a lot of courage to admit that our beliefs could be wrong, there are few courageous enough to admit it, and even fewer who can still keep faith while acknowledging our ignorance.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
Quit responding to points that people haven't made.
You are making as many insinuations as I am.

Your 'limitations due to logic' is a fail. No one is claiming what you think is impossible, it has to do with convincing others that there is any merit.

I'm not attempting to convince others of anything seeing seeing as how I firmly believe it's not possible to change reality from within consciousness. Stop making assumptions that I am here to convince you of anything. I am REMINDING you there are an infinite amount of perceptions, you are limited to ONE so how can you call you truly call it reality when your perception of it is based on only a few decades of life rather than the experience from the initial point.

Sure, the Statue of Liberty could wave her hand, that actually is a possibility according to physics. However for the chance that all of the atoms to behave in sync, we would likely be waiting for a trillion times longer than the 14.5 billion years the universe has been in existence. It's merely a practical matter that we consider things impossible, something,
Not true. We can only consider them something within an experience that seems to be real. You are again insinuating a limitation that you are limited to reality when this fact is only an illusion and part of the experience.

BTW, I never said about anything you claimed. I merely expressed doubt, yet you continue to create the strawman that I'm limiting you.
You're not limiting me at all, don't worry about that

You seem to hold much disdain for logic considering the profession you wish to pursue.
The experience of reality is the only time i apply my logic for my profession. I realize outside of this dimension there is no such thing as logic.

It is only through logic and reason that we have the technology to even speak to one another.

I thought you said earlier we are able to speak to one another based on natural evolution (logic and reason is where we differ from any other organism therefore evolution would be based directly on logic and reason would it not?). That's my interpretation.

Logic and rational thought has progressed mankind further than spirituality and wishful thinking.

Only progressed mankind as a whole, not as individuals comprising of that whole. I'll take the other side and say logic and rational thought has held us back from accepting possibilites too. It's certainly important to apply logic and reason within life because it's how we discover things in this state.
I thought

As to the starchild. You asked if I read the article. Did you?

Sir yes sir!
Did you see raw data, citations, or any verification of his claims?
Sir, enough, sir!
Can you demonstrate to me that he isn't making shit up?
Can you demonstrate to me that he or anyone else who publishes scientific findings isn't making shit up? I call bullshit on gravitons, quarks, neutrinos and everything else because I claim they were making up a whole shitload of subatomic particles because they can't find out how an atom works. Ignorant of me isn't it?

No, because he doesn't release the work.
I thought you read the article. That WAS the work.

I too can claim fantastical things about genetic studies but until it can be verified independently, it's mere blustering talk. If you seriously think Lloyd Pye has some merit, you should do some background research before you accept what he claims.
Basically he has been begging science to confirm the identity of the skull for 12 plus years.
Are you under the impression that Lloyd Pye is the only credible information I have as to alien existance? I have many hours of people telling the public through the disclosure project that we are not alone. Don't judge me because you think I'm being thick by believing credible high ranking officials are lying to me.
Most scientists said NO, we don't want anything to do with that nonsense.
Typical because most scientists are caught up in publishing theories to pursue self credibility within the science community rather than embrace any possible illogical truth presented.

Finally after enough begging, some scientist said they would take a look at it. They all told him it was genetic mutation and or deformation.
Therefore the possibility of alien is eliminated? What about the evidence to suggest that we cannot extract the mitochondrial DNA with our current technology stating it contains DNA that we in a hydrocarbon based planet cannot analyze?

That answer wasn't good enough for him, (wasn't a alien) so he decided to ask some others to do a DNA test, but not after burning those bridges with the scientist who lent their time to him to analyze the skull. Then he finds a lab to do DNA testing in Canada. They do the test multiple times, they botch a few runs but ultimately come up with data that says the skull is human...
The skull CLEARLY WAS SIMILAR TO A HUMAN. The fact is it contains genetics which we are not able to extract yet theorizing that it is a human mutated naturally by an external force due to the structure of the skull. It is 3 times stronger than our skull and contains complex microfibres inscribed within the skull making it also lighter than our skull. That seems like a rather remarkable random mutation doesn't it?

This answer wasn't good enough, (no alien), he then gets angry at them and calls them lousy scientists and students, and that the data was to weak to be relevant... So he burns another bridge, and finds a lab who does historical forensic testing. He gets the test done, test confirms the skull had a human mother and most likely a human father, but the machine they had could not for some reason, match up the fathers DNA (shit happens).

Very scientific approach, shit really does happen. Twice a day usually in my reality.

This goes on and on, and then this idiot comes to the conclusion that it must be a ALIEN FATHER.. He doesn't even rule out all earthly possibilities, he just jumps right to space aliens. NOT SCIENCE!!
I agree we must not rule out the earthly posibilites. The fact is that we as a species were very unadvanced at the time, insinuating it may very well have been another species since the mutation is rather remarkable.

I'm don't dismiss things without reason. Pye has given me plenty of reasons to doubt his credibility. And here again you make the mistake of thinking we need time machines in order to falsify something.
I apologize if i gave you the impression that we need time machines to falsify something. We simply need to be there for the experience and to watch it unfold before we are born into life.

This is clearly a ridiculous standard to hold to anyone and is the my main beef with you. It explains how you do not understand burden of proof and levels of confidence in scientific pursuits. If you continue to keep this standard, then there is no fantastical claim that can ever be refuted.
Very true.

The dinosaurs were intelligent scientists and had incredible technology that unfortunately has not been discovered yet. Prove me wrong.
Can't, you could be right. In fact, you probably are.

You can't debunk my claim unless you have a time machine and watch the dinosaurs first hand. Until you stop accepting extraordinary claims as true until they can be disproven entirely, your worldview will continue to suffer and I doubt you will be successful in your scientific pursuits in school.
Meh, I prefer to sperate reality from illusion but am well aware that I am living life in the illusion so will come to all those traditions within it. You think I'm going to take it personally if you claim I will not be successful in scientific pursuits. I have been successful for my whole life and my logic doesn't make me any less able to see science as what is is today; INCOMPLETE.

You are due for an abrupt awakening.
If you are going to remember anything about me in the future; remember me telling you the irony of your statement. You won't realize you were asleep until you wake up hahaha. Namaste.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
i know someone who was at Auschwitz, her entire family was killed there

there is a fine line between, philosophical debates about what tree may have or not made a sound if someone was there to here . . . . . the holocaust is not one of them

it was and for some still is very real

ass clown argument if you ask me, very disrespectful to all who suffered
Presenting a word such as assclown insinuates a limited understanding of my perspective therefore you choose to have no real word for how to describe my thought. except combining clowns with glutes. The fact if the holocaust is real within a reality which is fake, does that make it real to anyone outside of that reality? NO! Only real to those within it. It's hard for you to understand that as a concept but it's my belief (BELIEF- AN ACCEPTANCE BASED ON TRUTHS THAT ARE ACCEPTED WITHIN THIS "REALITY") we are not limited within this physical structure that life presents itself as. I can even claim I have left physicality with "my mind" through natural procedures such as mediation. It's hard for someone to understand or even take me seriously unless they have the same experience. So for that reason I don't try to enforce that belief. Just trying to tell you why I "believe" that.

ganja man23

Well-Known Member
you try to play devils advocate with perception and reality and causality and use the holocaust as an example


you are a ass clown
I've never seen so many ands in one sentence. Well in that case; you are 'a' illiterate.
You mean to say: "You are an ass clown". And yes I do clown and I have an ass or can even be referred to as an "ass" because my methodology goes against most people's beliefs. So sue me for embracing things for the way they are and not the way we think they are.

I'm playing devils advocate? Are you not doing the same by replying? I'm merely reminding you and everyone else that qunatam mechanics (a not yet complete but well respected study) suggests in order for our universe to be structured the way we think it is; we cannot consider reality from within it when we are subject to it's illusion. Spirituality supports this claim as well so i'm 2 for 2 in reasoning. You're just going with "well it's all we have" and that's an approach that will eventually cease to exist within humanity because it is limited to our understanding of things which is always expanding.