Zaehet Strife
Well-Known Member
Your supernatural beliefs could be wrong... why you mad bro?
Both ideas might be possible, but one idea has supporting evidence, and one does not. I'm talking about this universe, this dimension, this existence, not some abstract alternate timeline that may, or may not exist. In this world during the 1930's and 1940's, Hitler had Jewish people exterminated. Fact.That's exactly correct and I applaud you for my methodology, both ideas are equally valid therefore we only present the reasons for our consideration of the concept within our dimensional structure. I understand that ever single idea is valid even if it happened already it can be changed but I still continue to pursue my beliefs in this life with the understanding that time will be linear for most if not all of my earth life.
The holocaust is basically an event in which we as a civilization were "there and aware". I was talking about a time in which we were primitive enough to not question whether or not we were conscious in the way we are today (like the difference between us and every other species). Your argument is a very funny interpretation but is both right and wrong. All I'm saying is that consciousness works so that anyone can be convinced of anything and the reality for everything you believe is contained within the possibility that things can occur another way despite the fact that your reality presents it as occurring a certain way. Does that make sense to you?
It's not too crazy for our reality, there's just nothing to support that claim. There are all kinds of ideas that are equally 'crazy', but they have evidence that support those claims, therefore at the present time it makes more sense to believe them, than not believe them.So does the fact that you know about the holocaust make it part of your reality as anything more than a concept of our choices through linear time? The bible has tonnes of people also supporting illogical ideas like saying angels and gods exist and it's not the only source. that states that so should we automatically believe them? why not listen to all the indgiesnous tribes who tell tales of their ancestors and how they were aliens from the star? Is that too crazy for our "reality"?
No one (to my knowledge) is claiming that we know all the answers. Science goes through paradigm shifts, and lots of concepts and ideas come into new light. This in no way means that we should ignore the evidence we do have, or that we should stop calling what is familiar to us 'reality'. I see your point, that what we interpret as reality could be vastly different from what we interpret as reality in the future, but at the present time we have no better model to base our concept of reality from.For us 'reality' will be determined by embracing the possibility that what is in front of us may not be real in the way we think it is. When this is found true or false, we will determine what reality is.
Wow. Ganja man, you certainly fit the definition of delusional. Truly offended. Many great minds have received the same criticism from lesser minds in the past. The only argument is that logically you are the higher mind right? Because you are clearly superior to me as a good hard working human who serves his role in society.You accept things people like Lloyd Pye's hearsay as evidence and dismiss real verifiable, testable evidence when provided by science. I accept it as the most credible not as a certainty. My only certainty is the consideration of this experience as an illusion within a higher experience. We have no way of perceiving yet. I don't dismiss any evidence science proves contrary to what you think., I merely do not limit my thoughts to corespond with evidence within this reality.You have absolutely no filter to be able to distinguish what is reasonable and what is not as evidence by the fact that you think the dinosaur technology claim that I merely made up is not only possible, but probable. I have enough of a filter to realize You're just a prick who thinks he has critical skills because he follows societal beliefs and is afraid to go outside of his comfort zone due to fear of being labeled as delusional or crazy. Good luck in your endeavors. Obviously, neither I or anyone else can help you understand the value of critical thinking skills as you have been taken over by either delusion or are a fool. Good byeNa na na naaaa. Na na na naaa. Hey hey hey, goodbye.. Haha joking. to quote Sheldon cooper just for comedy's sake. (since you are such a funny person to me and make me laugh a lot); "I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested" I can assure you everything science can test me for is well healthy and in proportion but it's never had to come to testing after many decades. The only thing unhealthy is that I could care less about your opinions about me which gives you the illusion that I'm delusional. A good bye is as good as a white flag From my perspective so... great success for me. I proved to at least myself what I consider free thinking has won the challenge against your critical thinking.
Why do you suppose it is a contest? This is what happens when anyone examines your words for mistakes, you turn it into an us-vs-them fight which includes gloating and bad sportsmanship. For all your spiritual mussing, you present yourself as a shallow petty person. What happen to the idea of us all finding common ground?
Your approach to the world has taught you that everything is true until proven false. Gremlins, fairies, unicorns, free lunch, easy weight loss, bigger penis pills, there is no limit as you say. This is the very definition of gullible, which is evident by your lack of growth or enlightenment. The only thing your world view has brought you is bias towards reason and an alliance with nonsense. It has taught you that lions should drive cars and that apes should be extinct. It lets you favor the idea of the Holocaust being fake and of dinosaurs using computers. The less sense you perceive something making, the more you perceive as being against the mainstream, which, as you point out in the above post, is really all you are interested in. How far can you go against the establishment. How much can you discredit critical thinking. There is nothing we have done to pit you against reason, this is a choice you make yourself. You are presented with scrutiny and criticism and your inclination is to fight, to stubbornly hold your ground while insulting and belittling those who do not lend credit to your ideas. You are a bully. You are interested in fantasy vs reality, in adults vs children, in crazy vs sane. You have a grudge that goes beyond conversations here. It's amazing what spiritualism has not taught you; humility, patience, respect, strength... Which are things I do see coming from true spiritual posters like Eye, Bracko, Karri0n, and others who I have had the pleasure of learning from here. What you promote is not spiritualism, it is mental masturbation.
I find it ironic that when he decided he didn't want to continue responding to my posts (even though he never stopped) he saw that as a win for himself, and now when I tell him good bye, implying I will probably not respond anymore to his nonsense, he also sees that as a win for himself. Must be nice and comforting to be so delusional you think you have all of the answers.Why do you suppose it is a contest? This is what happens when anyone examines your words for mistakes, you turn it into an us-vs-them fight which includes gloating and bad sportsmanship. For all your spiritual mussing, you present yourself as a shallow petty person. What happen to the idea of us all finding common ground?
I must spread some rep around before giving it to you again. First time I got that message lol.^ strife, in the material sense I know what can and cannot be 'proven'. In the spiritual sense, I know what can and cannot be 'proven'. Why should I have to lean from this centered perspective? It was / is / will be my goal. Why does this have to be about right and wrong? It's 'my' reality, and it is just as real as yours is, even if it isn'tThere is a science to spirituality. There are inner observations that you can bench test. Get cozy with paradox, mon ami
Lol give me a break Heis. There is no common ground with you. There is no discussing with you. You can never just disagree and call it a day. You must relentlessly drag everything on and on forever with the goal of winning the debate. Not once have I seen you present information like it is an opinion. Every time you try to discuss you present everything as fact and you get frustrated that no one is accepting your so called facts and you continue to shove it in our faces. Then you wait for us to get frustrated so you can play the mature intellectual card and say we are being childish and unreasonable. Even that doesnt work sometimes. After so much of your relentless blabbering you eventually get mad as well and throw around names and judgments and personal attacks as if you were still the mature intellectual. Oh, then after making your point of view clear that Im an complete idiot you go back to taking me seriously and trying to reason with me as if you respect me. I wish I knew you in real life Heis, though I already know the reality of the situation, I would laugh at the real you and how drastically different you are compared to how you appear online. You must be quite a mess inside and out.Why do you suppose it is a contest? This is what happens when anyone examines your words for mistakes, you turn it into an us-vs-them fight which includes gloating and bad sportsmanship. For all your spiritual mussing, you present yourself as a shallow petty person. What happen to the idea of us all finding common ground?
Muffin tops are especially unattractive on evil spirits. cnman exercising the demons today
It could as cogently be argued that keeping Auschwitz in our awareness is a good thing, an act of service and remembrance. Had I died at Auschwitz or equivalent, and had I a remanent spirit that cared, it would much prefer debate to imposed polite silence. My opinion. cni know someone who was at Auschwitz, her entire family was killed there
their is a fine line between, philosophical debates about what tree may have or not made a sound if someone was there to hear . . . . . the holocaust is not one of them
it was and for some still is very real
ass clown argument if you ask me, very disrespectful to all who suffered
That's the thing... science isn't an opinion.Lol give me a break Heis. There is no common ground with you. There is no discussing with you. You can never just disagree and call it a day. You must relentlessly drag everything on and on forever with the goal of winning the debate. Not once have I seen you present information like it is an opinion. Every time you try to discuss you present everything as fact and you get frustrated that no one is accepting your so called facts and you continue to shove it in our faces. Then you wait for us to get frustrated so you can play the mature intellectual card and say we are being childish and unreasonable. Even that doesnt work sometimes. After so much of your relentless blabbering you eventually get mad as well and throw around names and judgments and personal attacks as if you were still the mature intellectual. Oh, then after making your point of view clear that Im an complete idiot you go back to taking me seriously and trying to reason with me as if you respect me. I wish I knew you in real life Heis, though I already know the reality of the situation, I would laugh at the real you and how drastically different you are compared to how you appear online. You must be quite a mess inside and out.
Completely incorrect.Be careful with carbon dating, we have no way of knowing the amount of radiation that hit the earth from external sources which effects the decay rate of the carbon at that time. We use current decay rates to measure samples taking at periods of time when we have no idea what radiation levels were at. The whole system is conveniently flawed, I find.
The most courageous I can be is in accepting what is. Science is. Religion is. Life is. Etc always is, heh.So you refuse to doubt your supernatural beliefs. I think this is very cowardly of you.
...I kinda have a bit of trouble with that whole "persisting in delusion" idea. Are you a robot?Accepting within yourself, being honest with your inner being about the fact that our supernatural beliefs could be wrong, while still keeping faith in them because it is what we desire... is much more honest and virtuous than persisting in the delusion that our supernatural beliefs are certainly true. It takes a lot of courage to admit that our beliefs could be wrong, there are few courageous enough to admit it, and even fewer who can still keep faith while acknowledging our ignorance.
It is important to know what you are testing and take appropriate samples. The nice thing about radiometric dating methods is the multitudes of confirmation we get from testing various ways. If one method is flawed, it would be very hard to get another result that corroborates it but that's what we find. Some people don't even realize there are many more radiometric dating methods than using carbon-14. Carbon-14 is only reliable for certain kinds of carboniferous life. Other methods can test igneous rock.Completely incorrect.
The dude who came up with it won a Nobel Prize in 1960 by correctly determining the age of samples of wood.
I find people who use such arguments against it, one, don't understand how it works, or, two, don't agree with the results it comes up with. I've never seen any scientific evidence that says carbon dating is flawed.
Where did you hear this gem? A creationist website no doubt. Please explain how external radiation affects carbon-14 decay rates.Be careful with carbon dating, we have no way of knowing the amount of radiation that hit the earth from external sources which effects the decay rate of the carbon at that time. We use current decay rates to measure samples taking at periods of time when we have no idea what radiation levels were at. The whole system is conveniently flawed, I find.
...thank you, number 1Eye, iirc the supernatural bits were unimportant to the stories of the twelve labors. They were a peripheral narrative device, a streamlined and effective way to set up extraordinary situations, but if you discount great strength, Hercules' tasks, and his solutions, were natural. cn