Are my plants doing good?


Hello, i have recently startet my first grow,

i decided i would try atami wilma, and 400w hps.

i tryed super cropping one of them.

and some in soil, so here is my grow


So are my plants doing good?

this is 13 days ago



Well-Known Member
There looking good 2 me.. nice and light green, no burns I can see, I'm sure they'll turn out great bro! ;)
What type of nutes are you running? Sorry if I missed it.

Hello, i have recently startet my first grow,

i decided i would try atami wilma, and 400w hps.

i tryed super cropping one of them.

and some in soil, so here is my grow

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So are my plants doing good?

this is 13 days ago
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Well-Known Member
But when should i change to 12/12?
It all really depends on what "strain" your running.. I have a strain my Dad breed & its a 100% pure Sativa and I let it get the height of yours round bout, then flipped it, and they ended up almost 7' foot tall!!
That strain is a HUGE yeilder amyways though! So now when I run it I start it off on 12/12 and end up with plants that's around 2 and half to 3 foot tall! Your Sativa's tend to stretch a lot more then your Indica's.


Well-Known Member
yer top em broooooooooo
For the most part I top most of mine atleast once or twice, and it really does improve on the yeild imo! Also "supercropping" is the ticket! I have a Bluedream I did alittle supercropping on and it has over 30 some cola's on it! Can't go wrong with supercropping & topping! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
The Bluedream was only vegged for a month. The Belladonna was vegged for 3 weeks.
I have around 28 other strains I am running now besides those 2. ;)

Been growing for 12+ yrs, and into it with my Dad around 15+ yrs. He was a botanist and came out with his own strains, was into grafting & splicing genetics! I am working on that myself now..
I have been trying to get one of my Royal Queens 3rd generation to take new grafts off of 3 dif strains now.. I am pretty sure I have got atleast 2 to take. It is super interesting!! ;)

how long did u veg those?


Thanks man, i hope thery will turn out good, ive read hydro should give bigger yield.
I am using Ionic, grow, and soon bloom.


It all really depends on what "strain" your running.. I have a strain my Dad breed & its a 100% pure Sativa and I let it get the height of yours round bout, then flipped it, and they ended up almost 7' foot tall!!
That strain is a HUGE yeilder amyways though! So now when I run it I start it off on 12/12 and end up with plants that's around 2 and half to 3 foot tall! Your Sativa's tend to stretch a lot more then your Indica's.
i have this strain mate


Not trying to jack your thread bro, was just wanting to show ya what "topping" & supercropping could do for ya..

The Bluedream has over 30 some cola's on it.
The other one is a Belladonna that wasn't topped at all, and it will give you the "christmas tree" shape untopped. ;)
Hope that helps alittle..

Nice colas! why do you have such a little pot?

should i top mine now as thery are on the picture, you can see i have supercropped the one in top left