Are we just smarter animals faking morality because we wear clothes?

On the 8th day, God created this little fucker and atheists.
It's all explained by the stoned ape theory.
No doubt you do read all perspecitves. You seem to believe what you want. Psychedelics caused our brains to grow? Agree that you won't find that in any scientific paper. Theories can be whatever you like. Valid ones have good evidence to back them up. "stoned ape theory" LOL You quoted a "stoned ape theory" as if it were some from higher authority. Well, the person was high but an authority? Too funny that.

This guy has WAY more qualifications than you could do in several lifetimes. Hallucinogens being bad is the only thing I disagree on what the Buddha preached.

Book review of McKenna's
Food of the Gods

Sep/Oct 1993
American Scientist Vol. 81(5) 489.

A masterpiece of research and writing, this volume should be read by every specialist working in the multifarious fields involved with the use of psychoactive drugs--even though many readers may not accept its message

Terence McKenna's 313 pages are overflowing with well-ordered and skillfully written cultural, sociological, historical, legal and moral discussions on the political future of drug uses. In the epilogue, McKenna ends with the conviction that "our breach of faith with the symbiotic relationship to the plant hallucinogens has made us susceptible to an ever more neurotic response to each other and the world around us... We can now move toward a new vision of ourselves and our role in nature."

Schultes was a prolific writer, published over 450 technical papers and nine books on ethnobotany, and was widely recognized as one of the most distinguished figures in the field. He received many awards for his work including the Cross of Boyaca (Colombia's highest honour), the annual Gold Medal of the World Wildlife Fund, the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement and the Linnean Gold Medal (the highest award in the field of botany).

American Scientist
Each issue is filled with feature articles written by prominent scientists and engineers who review important work in fields ranging from molecular biology to computer engineering.
I"m not a racist, Nazi, or rabbit. But if others want to be, that's their choice, let them enjoy their karma.

Only when you act against another and physically harm them or deny their rights should they be stopped using appropriate measures.

My only exception is for those making 361 times the average salary. I say it's fair game whatever happens to them because they're a cancer which is exploiting all of humanity.

Oh and and meat eaters, screw them too. Throw them to the lions and let them experience what being eaten feels like. Soylent Green FTW!
Hey man, m disappointed in you. Seriously... that much hate? specially for those who earn 361 times more then average salary.... what happened to your karma theory man. Dont u think if they are making 361 times more, then its their karma? according to what you believe, they must have done good in their past life, thats why they are making 361 times more...
What a silly post. You made a fool out of yourself.
I actually thought u might be onto something in spirituality, but what you did is just scan through already present religions, and choose the one that appealed you.
Hey man, m disappointed in you. Seriously... that much hate? specially for those who earn 361 times more then average salary.... what happened to your karma theory man. Dont u think if they are making 361 times more, then its their karma? according to what you believe, they must have done good in their past life, thats why they are making 361 times more...
What a silly post. You made a fool out of yourself.
I actually thought u might be onto something in spirituality, but what you did is just scan through already present religions, and choose the one that appealed you.

"When we see the worst and accept the flaws, can we begin to love each other at all?

We are fooled and lust over spokes people. Actions are ignored. Words are adored. It’s positively great to imagine everyone in a perfect state.

But the universe has balance and for every up there is a down. For every rich there is a poor. Every sickness has health.

You can’t know what a coin is until you see both sides.

Skunks and bugs need hugs as much as baby ducks and marshmallows do. To accept all the world as such is to see what’s true.

Even though it would love to murder you you can love a tiger once you know what it is." Spartan Buddha.
This guy has WAY more qualifications than you could do in several lifetimes. Hallucinogens being bad is the only thing I disagree on what the Buddha preached.

Book review of McKenna's
Food of the Gods

Sep/Oct 1993
American Scientist Vol. 81(5) 489.

A masterpiece of research and writing, this volume should be read by every specialist working in the multifarious fields involved with the use of psychoactive drugs--even though many readers may not accept its message

Terence McKenna's 313 pages are overflowing with well-ordered and skillfully written cultural, sociological, historical, legal and moral discussions on the political future of drug uses. In the epilogue, McKenna ends with the conviction that "our breach of faith with the symbiotic relationship to the plant hallucinogens has made us susceptible to an ever more neurotic response to each other and the world around us... We can now move toward a new vision of ourselves and our role in nature."

Schultes was a prolific writer, published over 450 technical papers and nine books on ethnobotany, and was widely recognized as one of the most distinguished figures in the field. He received many awards for his work including the Cross of Boyaca (Colombia's highest honour), the annual Gold Medal of the World Wildlife Fund, the Tyler Prize for Environmental Achievement and the Linnean Gold Medal (the highest award in the field of botany).

American Scientist
Each issue is filled with feature articles written by prominent scientists and engineers who review important work in fields ranging from molecular biology to computer engineering.

Too funny that you deny climate science which is well proven and cited as fact by thousands of professional climate scientists, yet you believe that one author with a nutty theory about mushrooms.
Too funny that you deny climate science which is well proven and cited as fact by thousands of professional climate scientists, yet you believe that one author with a nutty theory about mushrooms.

Then what's your theory about how man is the most dominant specie on the planet ever? It was the god of random chaos?

Why else are harmless psychodelicslike mushrooms and hypnotics like marijuana banned, but not the most dangerous killer of all drugs, alcohol?

The powers in control don't want us breaking free and force us to be their slaves is why.
Then what's your theory about how man is the most dominant specie on the planet ever? It was the god of random chaos?

Why else are harmless psychodelicslike mushrooms and hypnotics like marijuana banned, but not the most dangerous killer of all drugs, alcohol?

The powers in control don't want us breaking free and force us to be their slaves is why.

Your religious beliefs have blinded you to the truths of nature. I'm not saying religion is bad or good, just that it stunts some people's curiosity and ability to learn. You, for instance.


Which organism has had the biggest impact on the planet?

We humans tend to assume we rule the Earth. With our advanced tool making, language, problem solving and social skills, and our top predator status, we like to think of ourselves as the dominant life form on the planet.

But are we?

There are organisms that are significantly more numerous, cover more of the Earth’s surface and make up more of its living biomass than us. We are certainly having major impacts in most corners of the globe and on its other inhabitants.

But are there are other living things that are quietly having greater, more significant influences? Who or what is really in charge?

If world domination is a numbers game, few can compare with tiny six-legged, shrimp-like springtails, or Collembola. Ranging from 0.25-10mm in length, there are typically around 10,000 per square metre of soil, rising to as many as 200,000 per square metre in some places. The 6,000 known species of these wingless arthropods can be found in all manner of habitats all over the world, from beaches and cliffs to the Antarctic and the highest mountain ranges on Earth.

Ants do pretty well in the numbers game too, with estimates of their global population ranging from 10,000 trillion to a quadrillion (a million trillion). While counting ants is difficult and these estimates could be out by a good few zeros, it’s pretty safe to say ants are the most numerous insects in the world.

“Ants control every millimetre of the Earth’s surface wherever they live, which is most places,” says Mark Moffett, an entomologist at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC, US, who in 2011 published a book called Adventures Among Ants. “These territories are basically micromanaged by ants, altering or removing things even at a microbial level to their benefit.”

Ants exert their control in a wide range of ingenious ways, from moving more earth about than earthworms, clearing away their dead to reduce the spread of disease and waging war. Leaf cutter ants farm fungi as a food sourceand use a bacterial pesticide related to penicillin to improve the productivity of their farms, while herder ants keep herds of aphids so they can milk them for a sugary substance called honeydew.

Of the 14,000 or so known ant species, the most domineering, aggressive ones are those that are so well adapted that they are capable of moving freely around the world forming giant colonies of billions of individuals, allowing them to take on and beat much bigger enemies.
Your religious beliefs have blinded you to the truths of nature. I'm not saying religion is bad or good, just that it stunts some people's curiosity and ability to learn. You, for instance.


Which organism has had the biggest impact on the planet?

We humans tend to assume we rule the Earth. With our advanced tool making, language, problem solving and social skills, and our top predator status, we like to think of ourselves as the dominant life form on the planet.

But are we?

There are organisms that are significantly more numerous, cover more of the Earth’s surface and make up more of its living biomass than us. We are certainly having major impacts in most corners of the globe and on its other inhabitants.

But are there are other living things that are quietly having greater, more significant influences? Who or what is really in charge?

If world domination is a numbers game, few can compare with tiny six-legged, shrimp-like springtails, or Collembola. Ranging from 0.25-10mm in length, there are typically around 10,000 per square metre of soil, rising to as many as 200,000 per square metre in some places. The 6,000 known species of these wingless arthropods can be found in all manner of habitats all over the world, from beaches and cliffs to the Antarctic and the highest mountain ranges on Earth.

Ants do pretty well in the numbers game too, with estimates of their global population ranging from 10,000 trillion to a quadrillion (a million trillion). While counting ants is difficult and these estimates could be out by a good few zeros, it’s pretty safe to say ants are the most numerous insects in the world.

“Ants control every millimetre of the Earth’s surface wherever they live, which is most places,” says Mark Moffett, an entomologist at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington DC, US, who in 2011 published a book called Adventures Among Ants. “These territories are basically micromanaged by ants, altering or removing things even at a microbial level to their benefit.”

Ants exert their control in a wide range of ingenious ways, from moving more earth about than earthworms, clearing away their dead to reduce the spread of disease and waging war. Leaf cutter ants farm fungi as a food sourceand use a bacterial pesticide related to penicillin to improve the productivity of their farms, while herder ants keep herds of aphids so they can milk them for a sugary substance called honeydew.

Of the 14,000 or so known ant species, the most domineering, aggressive ones are those that are so well adapted that they are capable of moving freely around the world forming giant colonies of billions of individuals, allowing them to take on and beat much bigger enemies.

That article is saying pretty much what I have. Your atheism has clouded your brain that what science cannot currently, or won't ever explain, is fruitless to pursue.

By dominant I mean the ability to destroy Gaia beyond repair. Until before man, it was able to recover from the worst situations. We have the ability to change that if we don't stop our current path.

Pollution and resource management are more important than fixating on the symptom we don't fully comprehend, which scientism labels "climate change."
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I don't deny evolution but how it happened was purpose driven, not some random series of chemical reactions (abiogenesis) which then lead to random pairings(natural selection).

There's a collective intelligence, not god, who all worked together, who Buddhists call Bohdissvata who willingly choose to live in the cycles of rebirth, which science calls swarm intelligence, until all who wish to be free.

The fact is meat is no longer needed and only results in needless death, and is mostly done as pleasure, rather than survival.

Carbohydrates, protein, and fat are exactly the same whether they come from plants or animals. The only difference is how densely packed they are. Everything else from meat can be gotten from natural sources which include vitamins, minerals, and hormones, either from plants or manufactured by bacteria.

A whole food plant diet done correctly is almost impossible to get fat on, and doesn't lead to heart disease from too much cholesterol, nor diabetes, which most Americans now suffer.

So go ahead eat your meat, processed sugary twinkies, and chemical poisioned foods, then die a from amputated limbs caused by diabetes, a stroke or heart attack from clogged arteries, or cancer from preservatives and pesticides. That's your choice, but then don't bitch about how the evil white man did that to you, when the choice was all yours.
OK so we've heard what a NON BUDDHIST has to say, but what would an actual Buddha say?

It appears you are so backed up internally that you don't know who's battle you're fighting.

Since when is it important for a Buddhist to feel correct and in agreement with a group of people being inflicted of a disease, whether present or in the future, why should it be correct for you to suggest that people denounce their chances of living a healthier life, why would there be virtue granted to someone who agrees with something negative that happens to others, if it's destined to occur why should your opinion matter, why would it be important for someone to publicly enforce a viewpoint that is shrouded in negativity when this person believes that they know or care enough about a religion to come out and teach others about it? when every other post from you is about your contorted view and understanding of what Buddhism is, when after all your own existence wouldn't be the same without humans beings being omnivores.

You're attached to the thought that it's somehow alright for your opinion of events that are destined to possibly take place, as if your not also included in what is occurring, but the truth is that the fact that this thought is included within your thoughts makes it part of your existence, deny this if you like, but your decision to view others as less will follow you, and you will answer for it, stop pretending as if your thoughts are wasted space, and finally teach us something meaningful if you are a true Buddhist, if not please! delete your account and spare us the drama of your misguided pathway and endless delusions.
OK so we've heard what a NON BUDDHIST has to say, but what would an actual Buddha say?

It appears you are so backed up internally that you don't know who's battle you're fighting.

Since when is it important for a Buddhist to feel correct and in agreement with a group of people being inflicted of a disease, whether present or in the future, why should it be correct for you to suggest that people denounce their chances of living a healthier life, why would there be virtue granted to someone who agrees with something negative that happens to others, if it's destined to occur why should your opinion matter, why would it be important for someone to publicly enforce a viewpoint that is shrouded in negativity when this person believes that they know or care enough about a religion to come out and teach others about it? when every other post from you is about your contorted view and understanding of what Buddhism is, when after all your own existence wouldn't be the same without humans beings being omnivores.

You're attached to the thought that it's somehow alright for your opinion of events that are destined to possibly take place, as if your not also included in what is occurring, but the truth is that the fact that this thought is included within your thoughts makes it part of your existence, deny this if you like, but your decision to view others as less will follow you, and you will answer for it, stop pretending as if your thoughts are wasted space, and finally teach us something meaningful if you are a true Buddhist, if not please! delete your account and spare us the drama of your misguided pathway and endless delusions.

Buddhists can't be comedians?

Buddhists can't have opinions?

Buddhists can't mock others as judgemental pricks?

Buddhists can't let off steam?

What a boring life!

How about this, don't want me to act like a dick, don't be one yourself!

As you can clearly see from all my posts if you aren't a dipshit, and you're an actual humane person, I'll treat you even better than you treat me. Which I'm clearly doing while you're being a total asshole.

If I see you treating another poorly as a bully who doesn't have it coming, I'll dig into you ten times worse.

Unless some freak comes at a group you're part and his ass can be beat, that's the only time you can give the fucker a hug, "why are you being a retard? Here's a hug. Chill before someone beats your ass."

I had that happen to me once, I woke the fuck up, and ended up having an awesome time. Strangely there were no hard feelings either, and vowed I would never start shit again.

But that doesn't mean if you start it, I sure as hell am going to finish it. Sorry, if that offends you. That's just how I roll.
Buddhists can't be comedians?

Buddhists can't have opinions?

Buddhists can't mock others as judgemental pricks?

Buddhists can't let off steam?

What a boring life!

How about this, don't want me to act like a dick, don't be one yourself!

As you can clearly see from all my posts if you aren't a dipshit, and you're an actual humane person, I'll treat you even better than you treat me. Which I'm clearly doing while you're being a total asshole.

If I see you treating another poorly as a bully who doesn't have it coming, I'll dig into you ten times worse.

Unless some freak comes at a group you're part and his ass can be beat, that's the only time you can give the fucker a hug, "why are you being a retard? Here's a hug. Chill before someone beats your ass."

I had that happen to me once, I woke the fuck up, and ended up having an awesome time. Strangely there were no hard feelings either, and vowed I would never start shit again.

But that doesn't mean if you start it, I sure as hell am going to finish it. Sorry, if that offends you. That's just how I roll.
OK so we've heard what a NON BUDDHIST has to say, but what would an actual Buddha say?

I'm not making the connection as to why my comment would make me an asshole, what's wrong with asking a Buddhist to delete thine account to prove that there is no connection there? Is it not of your concern to prove that your words have any actuality to them?

Wouldn't you be the asshole for promoting something that you do not adhere to fully publicly on a forum with such a name that you have chosen for yourself, and then time after time proving that your views contradict the religion that you apparently were chosen from above to represent?
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OK so we've heard what a NON BUDDHIST has to say, but what would an actual Buddha say?

Apparently you haven't read the Jakta tales where Siddhartha talks about his past lives where he did some major kick ass, but were in reality metaphors of events of what happened in his own life before enlightenment.