Are we just smarter animals faking morality because we wear clothes?

if 100% of humans, were to be bad, introducing a religion will reduce that number to less than half. That fear of GOD,
the you add a police department for those who think hey, last time i robbed that, no god showed up to punish. Lets do it again. until they get caught by the police. Some humans will just wont do bad, because they will fear the consequence. Its like there was another Einstein before the real one, and he thought of this idea, it was so easy, and it also answers everything. Who made humans...god, who made stars....god who made planets and sky.... god. Whoever that was, who came up with this idea, was a genius. You all do it with your kids, when they dont obey, u say hey there is a monster under the bed, or in the closet, if you don't sleep, hees gonna come out. If u sleep, he will just go away.
Now thats the easy way. But also its just not that simple. The variations happened over time, Religion doesn't just keeps most people away from bad things, thats how it started. But now it serves global politics, it shapes economies, it starts wars, and what not. and there you will find evolution.

If that's what you believe God does, it's pointless. It becomes a sophist game of you can do and think anything if no one finds out. But you do know and that knowledge keeps you from realizing your true potential, because your only desire becomes to figure out how to fool the game, and you constantly have to worry others will find out you're the fraud you already know youself.

You can lie to others, you can even lie to yourself enough you believe your own lies. Deep down though you know it's not true.

This guy explains who God is the best way I've heard.

Well thats the thing. EVERY RELIGION WORKS. thats the juice, the exact point. I lived and worked with Muslims, Christins, Indians, and so many others, in UK, during my studies. And gues what, they pray and it gets answered.
But here is the thing. Every religion says its right, others are wrong. Its GOD is true GOD, others are wrong, yet it works for all of them. You see the contradiction?

That's not true. Not every religion works. If a religion prevents complete freedom of thought, and you aren't allowed to explore the deepest depths of what makes you who you are, that religion is nothing but a brainwashing cult.

All you've accomplished is conforming to an ideal you don't really believe but wished you did.

My grandfather is a messianic jew. He keeps telling me I have to accept god how he is and not what I want him to be. But if I did that I couldn't respect myself if I accept a god who I myself wouldn't aspire of my perfect self. I would have to accept I don't love myself. Since you're a part of God and he's a part of you.

The first step is loving yourself, in a non-narcissist way. Not being able to accept who you are and what you want to eventually become, is a sure way to fail in your goals.
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That's not true. Not every religion works. If a religion prevents complete freedom of thought, and you aren't allowed to explore the deepest depths of what makes you who you are, that religion is nothing but a brainwashing cult.

All you've accomplished is conforming to an ideal you don't really believe but wished you did.
''Every religion works'' thats the first part. I purposely left the second to see what you will say.:-)
Now here is the second part.
So every religion works, but not for all of them. Just some of them. Others will see no change. Its a 50 50 thing.
That brings you to fate..... but more on that later. iam watching the video u sent. And i have a feeling after watching just a minute that, what he is going to talk about, is a whole different thing. The religion i mentioned earlier, is what i see around me, how it is taught. Like you go out side and ask 5 people about there religion and they will tell you a general description. We are not talking about Is there a real god or not, Understanding yourself, is a whole different thing in my books and iam not there yet. But you said yourself ''that religion is nothing but a brainwashing cult''. Thats exactly what i said but in different words.
Let me finish the video
If that's what you believe God does, it's pointless. It becomes a sophist game of you can do and think anything if no one finds out. But you do know and that knowledge keeps you from realizing your true potential, because your only desire becomes to figure out how to fool the game, and you constantly have to worry others will find out you're the fraud you already know youself.

You can lie to others, you can even lie to yourself enough you believe your own lies. Deep down though you know it's not true.

This guy explains who God is the best way I've heard.

Man same story. same good stuff bad stuff, good karma bad karma, past life and rebirth. i didnt find anything special or different in this video. Besides, what he is saying is believed in muslims, here is how the story goes, :lol:
So when the baby is born, two angels are born with it, They live on that baby's shoulder, they also have a pen and paper, i think left one is writing all the bad stuff u do, and right one is writing all the good stuff. Now when the judgment day will arrive, they will show their writings to god and you will be treated like that.
Same thing is Uncle Video is saying he just referred to angels as gods, He is just like a father in a church, mulla in mosque, some padri guru in a temple, telling or i might say preaching what he believes in. And as i said earlier, according to him, what he believes in is right and all others are wrong.
You did the same thing, u just told your ''belief'' which is ''If a religion prevents complete freedom of thought, and you aren't allowed to explore the deepest depths of what makes you who you are'', thats ur religion btw,
AND for all others, according to you''religion is nothing but a brainwashing cult''
Man same story. same good stuff bad stuff, good karma bad karma, past life and rebirth. i didnt find anything special or different in this video. Besides, what he is saying is believed in muslims, here is how the story goes, :lol:
So when the baby is born, two angels are born with it, They live on that baby's shoulder, they also have a pen and paper, i think left one is writing all the bad stuff u do, and right one is writing all the good stuff. Now when the judgment day will arrive, they will show their writings to god and you will be treated like that.
Same thing is Uncle Video is saying he just referred to angels as gods, He is just like a father in a church, mulla in mosque, some padri guru in a temple, telling or i might say preaching what he believes in. And as i said earlier, according to him, what he believes in is right and all others are wrong.
You did the same thing, u just told your ''belief'' which is ''If a religion prevents complete freedom of thought, and you aren't allowed to explore the deepest depths of what makes you who you are'', thats ur religion btw,
AND for all others, according to you''religion is nothing but a brainwashing cult''

Except Islam says stealing is bad, but not as war booty. Except when you steal what was stolen which was stolen from already in a muslim's possession becomes a mortal sin. But normally stealing is not worthy of hell.

So the story goes, Mohammed's slave was killed during a raid and declared a martyr who automatically goes to heaven. But Mohammed made up he had a vision of seeing him in hell.

The others were aghast and asked why. So he told them that the slave stole two garments of clothing called laces. The punishment is eternal torment by two pillars of fire.

Buddhism has no such stories. Even extremely bad people who go to hell, only do so temporarily until they understand, then they become reborn a lesser birth to atone.

That whole two angels becomes worthless if any arbitrary "sin" is all is all it takes for us who are already imperfect.l to get damned forever.

I know some authoritarian versions of Buddhist states can declare your suffering is a payback of a past life, but misinterpetations by jerks who don't understand karma.

In Islam it's littered with things like I said. Especially horrible is how Mohammad sentenced his own uncle who was the only one who would take him in, to hell for refusing to believe his fomenting rage of no god but allah. Which is a shitty lesson that not even Mohammed's best friend and only family is safe from his wrath he commanded you in tje name of Allah.
Except Islam says stealing is bad, but not as war booty. Except when you steal what was stolen which was stolen from already in a muslim's possession becomes a mortal sin. But normally stealing is not worthy of hell.

So the story goes, Mohammed's slave was killed during a raid and declared a martyr who automatically goes to heaven. But Mohammed made up he had a vision of seeing him in hell.

The others were aghast and asked why. So he told them that the slave stole two garments of clothing called laces. The punishment is eternal torment by two pillars of fire.

Buddhism has no such stories. Even extremely bad people who go to hell, only do so temporarily until they understand, then they become reborn a lesser birth to atone.

That whole two angels becomes worthless if any arbitrary "sin" is all is all it takes for us who are already imperfect.l to get damned forever.

I know some authoritarian versions of Buddhist states can declare your suffering is a payback of a past life, but misinterpetations by jerks who don't understand karma.

In Islam it's littered with things like I said. Especially horrible is how Mohammad sentenced his own uncle who was the only one who would take him in, to hell for refusing to believe his fomenting rage of no god but allah. Which is a shitty lesson that not even Mohammed's best friend and only family is safe from his wrath he commanded you in tje name of Allah.

Bro we are going round and round. I know this allready. and i dont believe in any religion. Because its man made.
People write all those books. Just like any other book. Its business man. Business, power and control..
Its a system. designed for a very specific purpose, primarily to control. Think about it, lets say couple hundred years ago, wine was expensive, and there were two groups living together, so with two groups, demand for wine increased. There was less supply and more demand. They thought, ok, we need to limit our distribution. We dont want the other group to drink our wine. They started writing the religion. Then they thought, man lets restrict their wine, we dont want them to feel good. They made a system, set of rules, that halal haram concept, and named that group islam. Now, thats one part of it. What does the drinks do. They make you happy. They make you relaxed. So they restricted it. The first group.
Earlier CNC asked, why they insist on women covering their face, i know a colleague who couldn't get a job anywhere because everywhere she went, they asked her to remove that hijab. She was a school teacher. I told her, your hijab is the restriction thats keeping you away from good job, good job means good stuff.
So in another way, whoever wrote/planned and designed islam, one or a group of people, they just divided muslims manpower to half. These women cant be a soldier, all they have is kitchen. This one hijab rules play a very big role in a country's economy. A country where men and women both considered equal is more powerful than the one who is almost half now because their women are not allowed to go outside of home.
Not just islam. Every single belief system on this planet is man made. The question one should be asking is that is it even possible that something could go that long, hundreds and hundreds of years......
I'll give you an example, look at Father Pope, Queen Elizabeth Saudi kings, Rothschild, Are these family lines, blood lines are sitting at the same level where they were before hundreds of years? Yes they are. The position of power.
If families and legacies can survive that long, why not religions.
There is a another family line....... that works behind the doors. I believe they are the creators of this Religion.
I've rarely ever eaten factory farmed meat as I raise my own, and I can guarantee I'm more in touch with nature and my surrounding than anyone you'll ever meet. Happiness and serenity come from within, and I'm not talking about your stomach.

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In keeping with the pseudoreligious subtext of this thread ... the lower pic induces me to want to be a snake handler.
I didn't say k9. It is the incisors. It's the combination of teeth we have. Herbivores have more molars for crushing and grinding. Carnivores have few molars because they need more sharp teeth. Omnivores have a combination.

Think again on the guerilla. There is a possibility they eat meat. Even if they don't, other primates do eat meat.
Then why do 100% herbivores like we do get cholesterol problems from even moderate amounts of meat consumption, but true omnivores like raccoons and bears on a strict meat only don't? Why can true omnivores all eat raw meat and never worry about getting sick, but all herbivores can eat significant to moderate amounts of meat only when cooked?

No matter how much you deny, meat is primarily about pleasure.

"Not only is excessive protein consumption linked to a dramatic rise in cancer mortality, but middle-aged people who eat lots of proteins from animal sources — including meat, milk and cheese — are also more susceptible to early death in general, revealed the study published today in Cell Metabolism. Protein-lovers were 74 percent more likely to die of any cause within the study period than their more low-protein counterparts. They were also several times more likely to die of diabetes."

“The majority of Americans are eating about twice as much proteins as they should, and it seems that the best change would be to lower the daily intake of all proteins but especially animal-derived proteins,” Longo said. “But don’t get extreme in cutting out protein; you can go from protected to malnourished very quickly.”
Again you are misguided. The whole fat is bad thing started in the 90's. In fact things like starch and carbs are worse for you.

Meat won't cause high cholesterol. I eat lots of meat and my cholesterol is fine. Same with my wife. I've even seen a diet of all meat, fat and vegetables actually reverse diabetes. Sounds crazy. It's true.

Another thing about cholesterol. It being high isn't a problem. It only becomes a problem when arteries become scarred and give a place for cholesterol to latch on too.

Some believe that low cholesterol actually has implications in Alzheimer's.

Believe what you want. You want to be vegetarian then fine. Just dont expect me or others to feel immoral for eating meat.
I didn't say k9. It is the incisors. It's the combination of teeth we have. Herbivores have more molars for crushing and grinding. Carnivores have few molars because they need more sharp teeth. Omnivores have a combination.

Think again on the guerilla. There is a possibility they eat meat. Even if they don't, other primates do eat meat.

Animals will kill a rivals offspring. Maybe we should do that too? Hell, animals have no laws either. Let's all live like Somalia! Good plan.

The only way to know is by testing your glucose response. The longer it takes to get below 100, the mote your metabolism is dysfunctional.

Exercise and not eating the wrong carbs in a little over 1 hour I'm back under 100. Bananas are a good food to test with. They contain lots of complex sugar and plenty of fiber, with a moderate amount of pectin.
Again, misguided. Glucose levels really has nothing to do with metabolism. It has to do with pancreas function and how well you produce insulin.

You can actually manage diabetes by cutting all carbs and sugar from your diet. The body will then start running on keytones.

Sugar and carbs are hard on the body. Some more than others.

The biggest problem with human diet now is processed food. All this fat free stuff is horrible.
THey have taken monkeys with babies and heated the floor they were standing on, eventually, they put the babies down and stood on them.
Animals will kill a rivals offspring. Maybe we should do that too? Hell, animals have no laws either. Let's all live like Somalia! Good plan.

Nice back pedaling there.

Anyways. Eating meat is not immoral.

Good grasp at straws there. Your argument can't stand so you go to the extreme of Somalia.

Face it. You are wrong. It may make you feel better about yourself but eating meat is not immoral.
Again you are misguided. The whole fat is bad thing started in the 90's. In fact things like starch and carbs are worse for you.

Meat won't cause high cholesterol. I eat lots of meat and my cholesterol is fine. Same with my wife. I've even seen a diet of all meat, fat and vegetables actually reverse diabetes. Sounds crazy. It's true.

Another thing about cholesterol. It being high isn't a problem. It only becomes a problem when arteries become scarred and give a place for cholesterol to latch on too.

Some believe that low cholesterol actually has implications in Alzheimer's.

Believe what you want. You want to be vegetarian then fine. Just dont expect me or others to feel immoral for eating meat.

I completely reversed my diabetes without a low carb calorie restriction diet my doctor tried to force on me. I said screw that and did some research. Now unless I constantly eat my weight decreases drastically.

"Dr. Walter Kempner at Duke University demonstrated that high fat diets not only caused insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, but that patients could begin reversing long-standing diabetic retinopathy in a matter of days by eating a diet very high in fruit."

The matter of days is a bit of an exaggeration, it took nearly 2 months. But I did shock my doctor who doesn't believe that was possible, and was gleeful about ordering Metformin, is now pissed I'm not giving him pharmaceutical kickbacks.
Humans also got preoccupied with psychodelics(psilocybin Stoned Ape Theory) which expanded the brain enough to produce our complex language as a means to explain our experience.

I science a lot, but I'm willing to read all perspectives too.

No doubt you do read all perspecitves. You seem to believe what you want. Psychedelics caused our brains to grow? Agree that you won't find that in any scientific paper. Theories can be whatever you like. Valid ones have good evidence to back them up. "stoned ape theory" LOL You quoted a "stoned ape theory" as if it were some from higher authority. Well, the person was high but an authority? Too funny that.